

create table student(
    sno char(6) primary key,
	sname varchar(50) not null,
	sex varchar(2) check(sex in('男','女')),
	dept varchar(20) check(dept in('信息系','计算机科学系','数学系','管理系','中文系','外语系','法学系')),
	birth datetime,
	age int check(age between 0 and 100)


create table cs(
   sno char(6),
   cno int,
   cj int check(cj between 0 and 100),
   primary key(sno,cno),
   foreign key(sno) references student(sno),
   foreign key(cno) references course(cno)


create table course(
    cno int primary key,
	cname varchar(20) not null ,
	credit int
select  sname as 姓名, sno as 学号, dept as 所在系
from   student
select sname, sex
from  student
where  (dept in ('信息系', '数学系', '计算机科学系'))
select  sname, sno, sex
from    student
where   (sname like '刘%');
--(4)查询以"DB_"开头,且倒数第3个字符为 i的课程的详细情况。
select  cno, cname, credit
from   course
where   (cname LIKE 'DB\_%i__' ESCAPE ''\'); 
select * from student,cs ,course where student.sno=cs.sno and cs.cno=course.cno
select student.sno,sum(credit) 
from student,cs ,course 
where student.sno=cs.sno and cs.cno=course.cno
group by student.sno
select student.sno,student.sname,course.cname,cj 
from student,cs,course 
where student.sno=cs.sno and cs.cno=course.cno

--(7) 查询所有选修了1号课程的学生姓名。(分别用嵌套查询和连查询)
select sname 
from student 
where sno in(
     select sno 
	 from cs 
	 where cno=1)
select sname 
from student,cs
where student.sno=cs.sno and cs.cno=1
drop view View_s
create view View_s
select student.* 
from student,cs
where student.sno in(
     select cs.sno 
	 from cs
     where cs.cno=1 and sno in (
           select sno 
		   from cs 
		   where cs.cno=2)

select  sno, AVG(cj) as Expr1
from   cs
group by sno
having  (AVG(cj) > 85)

select * 
from student 
order by age desc,sno asc
insert into student values('华晨宇','955088','男','管理系','1990/5/5',30)
from cs 
where cj is null
create login dll
with password ='abc'
create user dll for login dll
grant select, insert, delete
on  student 
to dll;
revoke delete 
on student 
from dll
alter table course 
add constraint C_credit check(credit >=1 and credit<=5)

