No belief in Cobinhood?

Yesterday I emailed to your team ([email protected]) @cobinhood. Soon I got a notice from Gmail system that your official email address does not exist. Does your project works well? This email address is listed on your official site (, and it does not work at all. So why I believe in a team like you?

I also tweeted this issue of your official email to yor CEO @popochen924 yesterday, but, not reply. Are you a reliable project and team?

From your official website, we can see you have a very very big team. But you cannot operate your official email very well. How many percentages of the information listed on your website is reliable? What are your big team doing? Are they a full time worker of Cobinhood? Or just a vase to make money from the public?

What’s more: In the official website of Cobinhood, it said the CEO Popo Chen is the founder of 17 live streaming. Actually, it is wrong. The founder of 17 live streaming is 黃立成 Jeff Huang (, instead of Popo Chen. Popo Chen is just one of its many cofounders. The information on Cobinhood website deliberately mislead the investors to give their money.

