基于JSP+MySQL的酒店管理系统设计与实现 毕业论文+任务书+外文翻译及原文+答辩PPT+项目源码及数据库文件


摘 要




Design and Realization of Hotel Management System


With the rapid development of China's economy, people's living standards generally improved. So the number of people traveling and dining is increasing. At the same time, with the rise of China's science and technology and the arrival of the Internet + era, the hotel management system for modern people's lives played an important role.

Hotel management system, not only to the effective management of the hotel, but also to provide customers with better service. Therefore, this article on the hotel management system system research is very necessary. The main functions of the hotel management system include the following sections: administrator rights management module, room information management module and room booking module, catering information management module and catering booking module, customer consumption module.

This system to jsp as the main development language, the use of MVC framework, the use of the database is open source free MYSQL database, deployed in open source free small server tomcat, in Myeclipse Enterprise Edition development environment software to run, completed a hotel management system The system has a convenient and quick user interface, easy to understand the mode of operation, the user can easily understand the hotel's comprehensive information, saving time and cost, so that the real thing to make the best use of their best.

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目  录

摘要 i


1 .绪论



1.3开发工具及技术 1

1.3.1开发工具 1

1.3.2 JSP

1.3.4 MVC简介 2

1.4软件和硬件需求 3

1.5本章小结 3

2 .需求分析 4

2.1需求调研 4

2.2可行性分析 4

2.2.1技术的可行性 4

2.2.2经济的可行性 4

2.2.3操作可行性 4

2.2.4法律的可行性 4

2.3系统用户用例图 5

2.3.1管理员用例图 5

2.4功能模块需求分析 5

2.5性能需求 6

2.5.1系统的安全性 6

2.5.2数据的完整性 6

2.6本章小结 6

3. 系统分析与设计 7

3.1系统模块设计 7

3.1.1总体设计框架 7

3.1.2总体设计模块 7

3.2数据库的分析与设计 8

3.2.1 数据库的概念结构设计 8

3.2.2数据库的逻辑结构设计 9

3.2.2数据库的连接原理 11

3.3设计思想 12

3.4详细设计 12

3.4.1 登录模块设计 12

3.4.2客房管理模块设计 12

3.4.3客户模块设计 13

3.4.4 特色菜品介绍模块设计 13

3.4.5餐桌预订模块设计 14

3.4.6餐饮消费管理模块设计 14

3.5本章小结 14

4. 系统功能实现 15

4.1系统登陆页面实现 15

4.2总体功能模块 16

4.2.1管理员管理 16

4.2.2客房类别管理 18

4.2.3客房信息管理 20

4.2.4客房预订信息管理 22

4.2.5客户信息管理 23

4.2.6特色餐饮管理 24

4.2.7餐桌预订管理 25

4.2.8客户消费管理 26

4.3本章小结 28

5. 系统测试 ..29

5.1系统测试的目的和意义 29

5.2测试原则 29

5.3测试目标 29

5.4测试用例设计的原则 29

5.5测试过程 30

5.5.1主页面的登录模块测试 30

5.5.2修改密码测试 31

5.5.3客户添加测试 32

5.5.4客房预订添加测试 33

5.5.5客户信息查询测试 33

5.5.6其余模块测试 34

5.6中文乱码问题 34

5.7其他错误 34

结  论 36

参考文献 37

致  谢 38

外文文献及翻译 39

