Max and Alexis Plan to Conquer the World Gym - 101353B(一个数多少次方要有敏感性,两边取对数)


B. Max and Alexis Plan to Conquer the World
Score: 100
CPU: 1.25s
Memory: 1024MB
There is this kitten Alexis. His favorite game is playing football. Then there is another kitten, Max. His
favorite game is biting “hoomans”. So the first time they met, naturally they couldn’t agree on the
game they should play together. So after two minutes of arguing ( as kittens cannot focus on
anything for more than two minutes), Max proposed, “Let’s conquer the world of hoomans. They
have been there for too long. We are the real kings and queens who should rule the kittenland.”
Alexis agreed with Max and immediately they started formulating their masterplan. Now they are
facing a problem. There are N kittens in kittenland currently. Each year the number of kittens
increase by R%. Max has decided that they wouldn’t start their conquest before they have at least P
kittens in their army. So now they are struggling a bit to find out how many years they have to wait till
they can start their conquest. For example, let’s say, there are currently 10 kittens in kittenland. If
their number increases by 15% each year, then there will be 11.5 kittens after one year. So, if they
need 11 kittens to be present in their army, they would need to wait for one year. [ Yes, it is very
much possible that there can be 11.5 kittens. You know, it’s mathematics and stuff. ] Now if you can
solve the problem for queen Max and king Alexis, they might let you go after they conquer the world.
The first line contains a positive integer T, number of test cases. In each of the following T lines,
there will be 3 integers, N, R, and P. ( The number of kittens currently in the kittenland, the
percentage of growth of population each year and the minimum number of kittens needed for the
conquest. )
For each case print the case number and then a single integer which is the number of years, that
Max and Alexis have to wait before starting the conquest.
Input Output
10 15 11
10 15 12
446390799 24 650597780460575459
Case 1: 1
Case 2: 2
Case 3: 99

题意: N是本金,R是年利率,P是想达到的目标金额,求要几年才能到达目标金额。



#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int t,cs;
        long long n,p;
        unsigned long long d,ans;
        scanf("%lld %lld %llu",&n,&p,&d);
            printf("Case %d: 0\n",++cs);
            ans =ceil((double)(log(d)-log(n))/log(1+(p/100.0)));//ceil为向上取整函数
            printf("Case %d: %llu\n",++cs,ans);
    return 0;

