ORA-12012/ORA-12005 Errors Appear In the Collaboration Suite Database's Alert.log (文档 ID 370687.1)


Oracle Content Services - Version to [Release AS10gR2 to AS10gR3]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


  • The OCS database's alert.log file contains following error messages :
Fri May 12 15:02:27 2006

Errors in file /u01/oracle/admin/OCS/bdump/ocs_j000_4213.trc:

ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job 76

ORA-12005: may not schedule automatic refresh for times in the past
  • The error messages are raised at regular interval, and the job is not executed.
  • The failing job is the one that is listening on the Content Services event queue
SQL> select job,what from dba_jobs where job=76;  

JOB        WHAT

---------- ---------------------------------

       76 wf_event.listen('ECM_OUT');


By default, the wf_event.listen('ECM_OUT') job executes every 5 seconds.

On loaded systems, the 5 seconds refresh time for the job is too low, and causes the job to get out of sync.  When the next execution date is already in the past, the error messages above are raised in the database's alert.log file.


To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:

  1. Connect with sqlplus as OWF_MGR user to the OCS database
  2. Run the ClearJobs.sql script to drop the job : 
  3. Reconnect with sqlplus as OWF_MGR user
  4. Run SetupJobs.sql script to recreate the job :
    $ORACLE_HOME/content/admin/sql/workflow/SetupJobs.sql 15
    The argument passed to the script is the job's refresh rate : 15 seconds in the example above.

** Note: An alternate solution is attached to this document that provides a more accurate interval calculation.

See attached:  Addendum to Doc ID 370687.1.txt

The password for the OWF_MGR schema is stored in OID, and can be retrieved as follows :

Using Oracle Directory Manager :

  1. Start oidadmin (Oracle Directory Manager on Windows) and login as orcladmin to OID
  2. Click on the '+' sign next to 'Entry Management'
  3. Drill down : cn=OracleContext -> cn=Products -> cn=IAS -> cn=IAS Infrastructure Databases -> orclReferenceName=<your db name> -> OrclResourceName=OWF_MGR
  4. The attribute 'orclpasswordattribute' contains the schema password for the OWF_MGR user.

Using ldapsearch (instead of Oracle Directory Manager) :

$ORACLE_HOME/bin/ldapsearch -h <hostname> -p <port> -D cn=orcladmin -w <cn=orcladmin pwd> \

    -b "cn=IAS Infrastructure Databases,cn=IAS,cn=Products,cn=oracleContext" \

    -s sub orclResourceName="OWF_MGR" orclpasswordattribute

