【英语学习】【Daily English】U04 Neighborhood L02 Would you mind if I used your ladder for a second?

Word Preparation

  1. old and battered:老旧,破旧
    My grandpa's house is old and battered.

    I really need to get a new bike because my bike is old and battered.
  2. rest assured:请放心
    You can rest assured that the same thing will happen with the mobile web.

    Please rest assured that this semester I will study hard.
  3. Would you mind if I used your ladder for a second? 你介意我用下你的梯子么?
    - Would you mind if I used your pen for a second? 您介不介意我用下你的笔?
    - Not at all. Go ahead. 一点也不介意。拿去用吧。

    Excuse me, would you mind if I used your phone for a second?
  4. Why, thank you. 谢谢你。
    - You look so great today. 你今天看起来很好啊。
    - Why, thank you. You don't look so bad yourself. 谢谢你。你看起来也不错呀。

    Why, thank you. That's so kind of you.
  5. How considerate of you. 你真体贴。
    - Hey, I brought you some lunch since you don't have to eat out. 因为你没有时间吃饭,我给你带了一些午餐。
    - Well, how considerate of you. 你可真体贴。

    How considerate of you. You bought me the thing that I want most. 
  6. zero damage:零损伤
    Not only does it do zeor damage, but it will hopefully clean the air.

    This will cost zeor damage to your new car.


Learning how to borrow things from your neighbor 学习如何向邻居借东西

除了would you mind if I used your ladder for a second?,还可以说

  • Is it okay if I borrow your ...?
  • Could you please lend me your ...?
  • Would it be okay if I used your ...?
  • May I use your ...?


  • Is it okay if I borrow your car to pick up my girlfriend from the airport?
  • Could you please lend me your text book tomorrow?
  • Would it be okay if I used your phone for a second?
  • May I use your computer for a second?

