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                <li class="normal">15</li>
                <li class="normal">6</li>
                <li class="normal">18</li>
                <li class="normal">56</li>
                <li class="normal">3</li>
                <li class="normal">22</li>
                <li class="normal">52</li>
                <li class="normal">13</li>
        <div class="info">

    <script type="text/javascript">
                var that;//保存点击的Dom元素
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                var mousepos;//鼠标在点击元素的相对位置
                var downindex;//点击的dom元素在ul中的索引值
                var targetindex;//目标dom元素在ul中的索引值
                var swapable;//是否可以交换
                    that = $(this);
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                        x : e.offsetX,
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                    targetindex = 0;
                        if(distance($li,$(this)) < minDis) {
                            minDis = distance($li,$(this));
                            targetindex = index;
                    if(minDis < 10 && Number($li.text())>Number($(".normal").eq(targetindex).text()) ) {
                        swapable = true;
                    } else {
                        $li.css({background: "rgba(0,0,0,0.5)", color:"yellow"});
                        swapable = false;
                function distance(obj1,obj2){
                    return Math.sqrt( Math.pow(obj1.offset().left-obj2.offset().left,2) + Math.pow(obj1.offset().top-obj2.offset().top,2));

