English trip EM2-LP-1B Favorite Things Teacher:William Full name: Willian Richard Ogzrd 威廉理查德·奥格兹德


# music

pop  流行音乐

light music 轻音乐

rep 说唱音乐

rack 摇滚乐

classic  古典乐

hip-hop n. 街舞,即兴音乐;嘻哈

# sport 

jog  慢跑

swimming  游泳

tennis  网球

football 足球(USA)    soccer(UK)  n. 英式足球,足球

baseball n. 棒球;棒球运动

basketball  篮球

ping-pong  乒乓

bicycling  骑车

词汇(Key Word )

author 作家

writer 作家

Artist  ['ɑrtɪst]   n. 艺术家;美术家(尤指画家);大师

favorite 最喜欢

filmmaker  电影制作人

movies  电影

skiing  n. 滑雪运动;滑雪术  # 注意sk的浊化,such as   --> sky

skating  n. 溜冰,滑冰


Chrissy 克丽茜(人名) is friends with 300 people.

Her favorite sport is soccer. 她最喜欢的运动是足球.

Her favorite player is Lionel Messi 她最喜欢的球员是莱昂内尔·梅西

Her favorite kinds of music are rap and pop  她最喜欢的音乐是说唱和流行音乐

Her favorite TV show is Sherlock(n. 私家侦探;夏洛克)  她最喜欢的电视节目是夏洛克。

Her favorite singers are Pitbull and Adele.  她最喜欢的歌手是皮特布尔和阿黛尔。

Her favorite movie is  The hunger Games  她最喜欢的电影是饥饿游戏

Her favorite actor is Benedict Cumberbatch.Her favorite actress is Jennifer Lawrence  她最喜欢的演员是本尼迪克特·坎伯巴奇,她最喜欢的女演员是詹妮弗·劳伦斯。

 Benedict Cumberbatch   --《神探夏洛特》    --《奇异博士》

Jennifer Lawrence  詹妮弗·劳伦斯   --《饥饿游戏》


Ben Affleck  本·阿弗莱克  


Camren Bicondova  卡门·比康多瓦

 My favorite  actor  is  Ben Affleck. My favorite actress is Camren Bicondova

It's a reality show 这是一个真人秀节目

It's scary show  这是一个恐怖节目

It's a soccer show 这是一个足球比赛

BANKSY(班克西) is a street artist and filmmakerfrom the United Kingdom.  班克西是英国街头艺术家和电影制作人。

No one knows his real name, and there are no pictures of him. 没有人知道他的真名,也没有他的照片。

This way he can do his work freely. 这样他就可以自由地工作了。

This is Banksy. He's a street artist. his nickname is Banksy. but no body kowns real name.

Can you spell that,please?  B-a-n-k-s-y

GIVANILDO VIEIRA DE SOUSA is a soccer player from Brazil.His nickname is Hulk.Why?   吉瓦尼多·维埃拉·德索萨是巴西足球运动员。他的绰号叫绿巨人。为什么?

He's very strong,but he also looks like The Hulk!  他很强壮,但他看起来也像绿巨人!

This is GIVANILDO VIEIRA DE SOUSA. He's a soccer player. his nickname is Hulk.


J.K.ROWLING is a writer and the author of the Harry Potter books. Her full name is Joanne Kathleen Rowling,but her friends call her Jo.

 J.K.罗琳是一位作家,也是《哈利波特》系列丛书的作者。她的全名是Joanne Kathleen Rowling,但她的朋友叫她Jo。

This is J.K.ROWLING.She's a writer and the author of Harry Potter books.Her friends call her Jo.

PAUL VAN HAVER is a famous hip-hop singer from Belgium,but everyone knows him as Stromae.The name Stromae comes from changing the sounds in the word maestro from mae-stro to stro -mae.


This is PAUL VAN HAVER. He's a hip-hop singer. his name Stromae comes from changing the sounds in the word maestro from mae-stro to stro-mae.

maestro  n. 大师;名家;大音乐家

Why is this your nickname?

Loki in Manga&Anime's person.This role is  assassin master. very justice & brave person.

When did you get it?

It's about before twenty year 


Subject pronoun  主格代名词

Affirmative [ə'fɝmətɪv]  肯定句

Negative  ['nɛɡətɪv]  否定句

Are you a student?

Yes,I am.

Is English your native language?

No, It isn't

Are you from this city?

No, I'm not.I'm from Shanghai.

Is Chris Hemsworth your favorite actor?

No, he isn't 

Chris Hemsworth  克里斯赫姆斯沃思

Is Taylor Swift your favorite pop singer?

Yes, She is .Her music is great!

Taylor Swift 泰勒·斯威夫特

Are you friends with anyone from the US?

Yes, I am. I have a frend who is from New York.

