[转载] Apache模块开发/用C语言扩展apache(4:一个生产环境使用的apache module– viewvc权限控制)

        下面公布一个目前在我们公司使用的apache module的源代码。

        我们公司开发人员很多,使用了SVN和viewvc来进行版本控制和查看,通过web界面,SVN能够根据每个用户的权限来控制能够浏览某个项目下的代码,但是viewvc只要你在SVN中有用户,你就可以看当前SVN中所有项目的代码。这个风险比较大,因此,我们开发了一个apache module,用来读取SVN的权限配置文件,把相应的权限集成到VIEWVC中。


#include “apr_strings.h”
#include “apr_hash.h”
#include “apr_tables.h”
#include “apr_md5.h”            
#include “apr_lib.h”            
#include “apr_base64.h”         
#define APR_WANT_STRFUNC        
#include “apr_want.h”

#include “ap_config.h”
#include “httpd.h”
#include “http_config.h”
#include “http_core.h”
#include “http_log.h”
#include “http_protocol.h”
#include “http_request.h”
#include “ap_provider.h”

#define ENABLED        1
#define DISABLED       0

typedef struct
    short    enabled;
    short    debug;
    char     *dir;
    // the starting path
    char     *prefixPath;
    // the stop url pattern
    char     *stopPattern;
    // the svn access file
    char     *accessFile;
} authSVN_rec;

struct access_rec
   // 0: group
   // 1: user
   // 2: all
   short              type;
   // the group or user name
   char              *name;
   // 0: don’t have read access
   // 1: have read access
   short             access;
   // the next access record
   struct access_rec *next;
module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA authSVN_module;

// src starts with start
static short start_with(const char *src, const char *start)
int i = 0;
if(strlen(src) < strlen(start))
     return 0;

i = strlen(start) - 1;

while(i >= 0)
  if(src[i] != start[i])
      return 0;

return 1;

// parse the SVN access file
static short parse_access_file(request_rec *r, const char* file,
                                     const authSVN_rec *conf,
                                     apr_hash_t* ugMap,
                                     apr_hash_t* accessMap)
    ap_configfile_t *f = NULL;
    apr_status_t status;
    char l[MAX_STRING_LEN], dir[256];
    status = ap_pcfg_openfile(&f, r->pool, file);
    short flag = 0;
    if (status != APR_SUCCESS)
        return 0;
    while(!(ap_cfg_getline(l, MAX_STRING_LEN, f)))
        const char *w = NULL;
        char *last = NULL;
        apr_table_t *apt  = NULL;
        struct access_rec  *arec = NULL, *arecp = NULL;
        if ((l[0] == ‘#’) || (!l[0])) {
        if(start_with(l, “[groups]”)) {
            flag = 1;
        if(l[0] == ‘[’) {
            flag = 2;
            w = apr_strtok(l, “[]:\n”, &last);
            if(w && w[0] == ‘/’) {
                // the root directory
                snprintf(dir, sizeof(dir), “%s”, conf->prefixPath);
                dir[strlen(dir) - 1] = ‘\0′;
            else if(w && w[0] != ‘/’)
                const char *project = w;
                w = apr_strtok(NULL, “[]:\n”, &last);
                    snprintf(dir, sizeof(dir), “%s%s%s”, conf->prefixPath, project, w);
                    // make sure the dir is not end with /
                    int len = strlen(dir);
                    if(dir[len - 1] == ‘/’) dir[len - 1] = ‘\0′;
                    dir[0] = ‘\0′;
                dir[0] = ‘\0′;
        if(flag == 1) {
            // this is the groups and users definition
            w = apr_strtok(l, “=, \n”, &last);
            if(w == NULL)
                // group name not found
            apt = (apr_table_t *)apr_hash_get(ugMap, (const void *)w, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING);
            if(apt == NULL) {
                apt = apr_table_make(r->pool, 10);
                apr_hash_set(ugMap, (const void *)apr_pstrdup(r->pool, w),
                             APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, (const void *)apt);
            while((w = apr_strtok(NULL, “=, \n”, &last)) != NULL) {
                // this is group name or user name
                if(w[0] == ‘@’) {
                if(w) {
                    apr_table_setn(apt, apr_pstrdup(r->pool, w), “0″);
                    // this is user name
                    apr_table_setn(apt, apr_pstrdup(r->pool, w), “1″);
        if(flag == 2) {
            if(dir[0] == ‘\0′) continue;
            w = apr_strtok(l, “= \n”, &last);
                arec = (struct access_rec *)apr_pcalloc(r->pool, sizeof(struct access_rec));
                arec->access = 0;
                if(w[0] == ‘@’) {
                    if(w) {
                        arec->name = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, w);
                        arec->type = 0;
                    else continue;
                else if(w[0] == ‘*’)
                    arec->name = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, “*”);
                    // this is all
                    arec->type = 2;
                    arec->name = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, w);
                    // this is user name
                    arec->type = 1;
            else continue;
            w = apr_strtok(NULL, “= \n”, &last);
                arec->access = 0;
                arec->access = 1;
            arecp = (struct access_rec *)apr_hash_get(accessMap, (const void *)dir, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING);
            if(arecp == NULL) {
                arec->next = NULL;
                apr_hash_set(accessMap, (const void *)apr_pstrdup(r->pool, dir),
                             APR_HASH_KEY_STRING, (const void *)arec);
                while(arecp->next != NULL) arecp = arecp->next;
                arecp->next = arec;
    return 1;

static void *create_authSVN_dir_config(apr_pool_t *p, char *d)
    authSVN_rec *conf = (authSVN_rec *)apr_pcalloc(p, sizeof(*conf));
    if(conf == NULL) return NULL;
    conf->enabled     = DISABLED;
    conf->debug       = DISABLED;
    conf->dir         = d;
    conf->prefixPath  = NULL;
    conf->stopPattern = NULL;
    conf->accessFile  = NULL;

    return conf;

static char hex2int(char c)
if( c>=’0′ && c<=&apos;9&apos; ) return (c - &apos;0&apos;);
return (c - &apos;A&apos; + 10);

static void url_decode(char *url)
char *p  = url;
char *p1 = NULL;

  if(*p == &apos;+&apos;) *p = &apos; &apos;;
  if(*p==&apos;%&apos; && *(p+1) && *(p+2))
   *p = hex2int(toupper(*(p+1))) * 16 + hex2int(toupper(*(p+ 2)));
   strcpy(p + 1, p + 3);
  if(*p==&apos;\\&apos; && *(p+1) && *(p+2) && *(p+3))
              p1 = p + 1;
              if(*p1 && *p1==&apos;x&apos;)
                   *p = hex2int(toupper(*(p+2))) * 16 + hex2int(toupper(*(p+3)));
                   strcpy(p+1, p+4);



static void parent_path(char *url)
    char *p = url + strlen(url) - 1;
    while(p != url && *p != &apos;/&apos;) { *p = &apos;\0&apos;; p--; }
    if(p != url && *p==&apos;/&apos;) *p = &apos;\0&apos;;

// return
// 0: the user don&apos;t belong to this group
// 1: the user belong to this group
static short find_user_in_group(const char* user, const char *group, apr_hash_t* ugMap)
    apr_table_t *apt = (apr_table_t *)apr_hash_get(ugMap,
                                                 (const void *)group,
    if(apt == NULL) return 0;
    apr_array_header_t *arr;
    apr_table_entry_t  *elts;
    int i;
    arr  = (apr_array_header_t *)apr_table_elts(apt);
    elts = (apr_table_entry_t *)arr->elts;
    for(i=0; inelts; i++)
        if(elts[i].key == NULL || elts[i].val == NULL) continue;
        if(elts[i].val[0] == ‘1′ && strcmp(elts[i].key, user) == 0)
            return 1;
        if(elts[i].val[0] == ‘0′)
            if(find_user_in_group(user, elts[i].key, ugMap))
                return 1;
    return 0;

// return
//  0:don’t have access
//  1:have read access
//  2:access not found
static short find_access(const char* user, const char* url,
                         apr_hash_t* ugMap, apr_hash_t* accessMap)
    struct access_rec *arec= (struct access_rec *)apr_hash_get(accessMap,
                             (const void *)url, APR_HASH_KEY_STRING);
    short access = 2;
    while(arec != NULL)
        if(strcmp(arec->name, “*”) == 0)
            // specified access to all users and groups on this url
            access = arec->access;
        if(arec->type == 1 && strcmp(arec->name, user) == 0)
            // specified user access on this url
            access = arec->access;
        if(arec->type == 0)
            // this is group access
            if(find_user_in_group(user, arec->name, ugMap))
                access = arec->access;
        // if this user have access, we return
        if(access == 1) return access;  
        arec = arec->next;
    return access;
static short estimate_access( request_rec *r, const authSVN_rec* conf,
                              char* url, apr_hash_t* ugMap,
                              apr_hash_t* accessMap )
    const char* user = r->user;
    // unauthorized
    if(!user || !user[0]) return 0;
    short access = find_access(user, url, ugMap, accessMap);
    if(access < 2) return access;
    if(url[0] == &apos;/&apos; && url[1] == &apos;\0&apos;) return 0;
    return estimate_access(r, conf, url, ugMap, accessMap);

// do regexp matching
static short regexp_match(char *str, char *pattern)
    regex_t      reg;
   regmatch_t   pm[1];
   const size_t nmatch = 1;
   int res = 0;
short r = 0;
   char ebuf[MAX_STRING_LEN];
res = regcomp(&reg, pattern, REG_EXTENDED);
if(res != 0)
    return 0;
   res = regexec(&reg, str, nmatch, pm, 0);
   if(res == REG_NOMATCH)
       r = 0;
       r = 1;

return r;

static int authSVN_handler(request_rec *r)
        authSVN_rec *conf = ap_get_module_config(r->per_dir_config,
        if(!conf || !conf->enabled)
             return DECLINED;
        if(conf->prefixPath == NULL || !start_with(r->uri, conf->prefixPath))
            return DECLINED;
        if(conf->stopPattern !=NULL && regexp_match(r->uri, conf->stopPattern))
            return DECLINED;
        apr_hash_t* ugMap     = apr_hash_make(r->pool);
        apr_hash_t* accessMap = apr_hash_make(r->pool);
        if(!parse_access_file(r, conf->accessFile, conf, ugMap, accessMap))
            return 403;
            // run in debug mode
            // print all users/groups and access information
            apr_hash_index_t* hi;
            char *key;
            apr_table_t *val;
            struct access_rec *arec;
            apr_array_header_t *arr;
            apr_table_entry_t  *elts;
            int i;
            ap_rprintf(r, “Parsed Users and Groups:\n”);
            hi = apr_hash_first(r->pool, ugMap);
            while(hi != NULL)
                apr_hash_this(hi, (void *)&key, NULL, (void *)&val);
                ap_rprintf(r, “%s: “, key);
                arr  = (apr_array_header_t *)apr_table_elts(val);
                elts = (apr_table_entry_t *)arr->elts;
                for(i=0; inelts; i++)
                    if(elts[i].key == NULL || elts[i].val == NULL) continue;
                    if(elts[i].val[0] == ‘0′)
                        ap_rprintf(r, “@”);
                    ap_rprintf(r, “%s “, elts[i].key);
                ap_rprintf(r, “\n”);
                hi = apr_hash_next(hi);
            ap_rprintf(r, “Parsed Path Access:\n”);
            hi = apr_hash_first(r->pool, accessMap);
            while(hi != NULL)
                apr_hash_this(hi, (void *)&key, NULL, (void *)&arec);
                ap_rprintf(r, “%s:\n”, key);
                while(arec != NULL)
                    if(arec->type == 0)
                        ap_rprintf(r, “group:%s “, arec->name);
                    else if(arec->type == 1)
                        ap_rprintf(r, “user:%s “, arec->name);
                        ap_rprintf(r, “all “);
                    ap_rprintf(r, “access:%d “, arec->access);
                    ap_rprintf(r, “\n”);
                    arec = arec->next;
                ap_rprintf(r, “\n”);
                hi = apr_hash_next(hi);
        char *url = apr_pstrdup(r->pool, r->uri);
        // decode the url for some chinese characters
        // analyze the access
        if(estimate_access(r, conf, url, ugMap, accessMap))
                ap_rprintf(r, “%s have access on:%s\n”, r->user, r->uri);
                return OK;
            return DECLINED;
                ap_rprintf(r, “%s don’t have access on:%s\n”, r->user, r->uri);
                return OK;
        return 403;

static const char *set_authSVN_enable(cmd_parms *cmd,
                                      void *mconfig,
                                      int arg)
    authSVN_rec *conf = (authSVN_rec *) mconfig;
    conf->enabled = arg;
    return NULL;

static const char *set_authSVN_debug( cmd_parms *cmd,
                                      void *mconfig,
                                      int arg)
    authSVN_rec *conf = (authSVN_rec *) mconfig;
    conf->debug = arg;
    return NULL;

static const char *set_prefix_path(cmd_parms *cmd,
                                   void *mconfig,
                                   const char *name)
    authSVN_rec *conf = (authSVN_rec *) mconfig;
    if(strlen(name) <= 0)
        return "AuthSVNPrefixPath can not be null.";
    if(name[0] != &apos;/&apos; || name[strlen(name) - 1] != &apos;/&apos;)
        return "AuthSVNPrefixPath must start and end with &apos;/&apos;.";
    conf->prefixPath = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, name);
    return NULL;

static const char *set_stop_pattern(cmd_parms *cmd,
                                    void *mconfig,
                                   const char *name)
    authSVN_rec *conf = (authSVN_rec *) mconfig;
    if(strlen(name) <= 0)
        return "AuthSVNStopPattern can not be null.";
    conf->stopPattern = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, name);
    return NULL;

static const char *set_authSVN_accessFile(cmd_parms *cmd,
                                          void *mconfig,
                                          const char *name)
    authSVN_rec *conf = (authSVN_rec *) mconfig;
    ap_configfile_t *f = NULL;
    apr_status_t status;
    if(strlen(name) <= 0)
        return "SVNAccessFile can not be null.";
    status = ap_pcfg_openfile(&f, cmd->pool, name);

    if (status != APR_SUCCESS) {
        return “Can not open given SVN access file.”;
    conf->accessFile = apr_pstrdup(cmd->pool, name);
    return NULL;
static const command_rec auth_cmds[] =
    AP_INIT_FLAG(”EnableAuthSVN”, set_authSVN_enable, NULL, OR_FILEINFO,
     “enable authSVN or not.”),
    AP_INIT_FLAG(”DebugAuthSVN”,  set_authSVN_debug, NULL, OR_FILEINFO,
     “debug authSVN or not.”),
    AP_INIT_TAKE1(”AuthSVNPrefixPath”,   set_prefix_path,   NULL, OR_FILEINFO,
     “set prefix path.”),
    AP_INIT_TAKE1(”AuthSVNStopPattern”,  set_stop_pattern,   NULL, OR_FILEINFO,
     “the url pattern we do not do the access checking.”),
    AP_INIT_TAKE1(”SVNAccessFile”, set_authSVN_accessFile, NULL, OR_FILEINFO,
     “set SVN access file.”),
    { NULL }

static void register_hooks(apr_pool_t *p)
    ap_hook_handler(authSVN_handler, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_FIRST);

module AP_MODULE_DECLARE_DATA authSVN_module =

