How to: Use a Custom XtraReport Descendant as the Base Class for New Reports 如何:使用自定义报表后代作为新报表的基类

In certain scenarios you may want to customize the base reports class to provide custom functionality available in all new reports. This topic describes how you can register a custom XtraReport descendant that will be used when an end-user creates a report at runtime.

在某些情况下,您可能需要自定义基本报表类,以提供所有新报表中可用的自定义功能。本主题介绍如何注册自定义 XtraReport 后代,该后代将在最终用户在运行时创建报表时使用。

Assume you have the following custom report class.


public class MyXtraReport : XtraReport {
   // ...

Do the following to use MyXtraReport instead of XtraReport in new user-defined reports.

  • In the module project, inherit the ReportsStorage class and override the CreateReport method.

执行以下操作,在新的用户定义的报表中使用 MyXtraReport 而不是 XtraReport。

  • 在模块项目中,继承报表存储类并重写创建报表方法。

    using DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2;
    // ...
    public class CustomReportStorage : ReportsStorage {
        protected override XtraReport CreateReport() {
            return new MyXtraReport();
  • In the module's constructor, assign an instance of your ReportsStorage descendant to the static ReportDataProvider.ReportsStorage property.

  • 在模块的构造函数中,将报表存储后代的实例分配给静态报表数据提供程序.报告存储属性。

    using DevExpress.ExpressApp.ReportsV2;
    // ...
    public sealed partial class MySolutionModule : ModuleBase {
        public MySolutionModule() {
            // ...
            ReportDataProvider.ReportsStorage = new CustomReportStorage();
        // ...

To check the result, run the application and create a report.



