The Codeless Code: Case 16-17 Documentation(文件)、Not Invented By me(不是自己开发的东西)

The Codeless Code: Case 16 Documentation

An abbot of the Seven-Clawed Blind Eagle Clan was tallying the deliverables of the temple monks, when he noticed that a monk of the Laughing Monkey Clan had produced no design documents.


“What if a problem were discovered in our production system?” the abbot asked the monk. “How would the cause be understood by any besides yourself?”


“The code itself should be examined,” said the monk. “The Document is a sickly beast, easily subject to the Three Plagues of Error: omission, obfuscation, and obsolescence.”


The abbot reported this to the Java master, who said: “Have the monk balance on one foot with his staff outstretched, every day from dusk to midnight. If he can say a word to please me I will revoke the punishment, but not otherwise.”


“Is there such a word?” asked the abbot.


“It is difficult to be certain,” reflected the master. “Yesterday I was pleased by the sound of a cricket chirping after the first three drops of rain. The day before, the plashing of milk in a pail returned me to a pleasant memory of my youth. Perhaps the answer lies in the fragrance of a white lotus that drifted once in the pond below my window.”


The Codeless Code: Case 16 Not Invented By me

A monk of the Elephant's Footprint Clan had been charged with eliminating the reams of redundant code created by that clan. He approached the clan’s head priest for guidance.


“Here, for example, are five schemes for managing user preferences,” said the monk, spreading the printouts on the table. “I must either pick the superior one or implement some compromise. Either way at least four modules will be tossed into the fire, and their authors ordered to consume the code of a rival.”


“Then you are doomed,” said the priest. “Once the cat wets her paw to rake a carp from the pool, she will not trade the belly for ten thousand mice.”


The monk wiped a hand across his brow. “And this is but one of a dozen redundant subsystems I must consolidate! Today I saw one of the senior brothers sharpening his throwing-knives. Is there no way that the monks of our clan might be mollified?”


The priest held up his left hand, which was missing the smallest finger. “If the cat cannot have the carp, a bit of the carp-thief will suffice.”


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