The Framebuffer Console 设置

1、The Framebuffer Console 详细的介绍了相关操作系统编译选项,不仅包括了graphics,还介绍了相关的 Characters和鼠标键盘等设置。

2、OSL TFT Driver 是xilinx的文档,介绍了与上述相类似的内容。
Kernel Configuration
The following items are required in the kernel configuration to use the driver.

Select the Xilinx Frame Buffer (CONFIG_XILINX_FB_XILINX) in the kernel configuration by following this path thru the menuconfig.

From drivers->
Graphics support->
Support for frame buffer devices->
Xilinx frame buffer support

Select the Frame Buffer Console driver (CONFIG_FRAMEBUFFER_CONSOLE) in the kernel configuration by following this path thru the menuconfig.

From drivers->
Graphics support->
Console display driver support->
Framebuffer Console support

Note: “Console display driver support” does not show up in the menuconfig until you select Virtual terminal (CONFIG_VT) in the kernel configuration by following this path thru the menuconfig.

From Device Drivers->
Character devices->
Virtual terminal

Kernel Command Line
Add “console=tty0” to use the frame buffer as the primary console.

3、修改 petalinux-config 中的bootargs 变量,将其中 的 console=ttyPS0改为 tty0 ,操作系统启动后,相关信息就显示在 Framebuffer 设备上了。(U_boot的bootargs参数详解)

4、测试表明,只要在uboot中设置 bootargs=console=tty0。就可以使得系统的输出信息输出到tty0上,也就会到所有的ttyn上。如果设置 console=tty1,则相关信息只会输出到tty1上,其他的ttyn和ttyPSn都收不到这些信息。

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