Linux下搭建The NASA WorldWind Server Kit (WWSK)

The NASA WorldWind Server Kit (WWSK) is an open source Java project that assembles GeoServer for easy distribution and implementation.



[zhaojq@zhaojq ~]$ cd WorldWindServerKit
[zhaojq@zhaojq WorldWindServerKit]$ mvn clean install

安装过程比较长,如果网络不好,请直接使用mvn install

[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Build Order:
[INFO] WorldWind Server Kit
[INFO] WorldWind GeoPackage Module
[INFO] WorldWind GeoServer WMS Module
[INFO] WorldWind Core UI Module
[INFO] WorldWind GeoPackage Extension
[INFO] WorldWind GeoServer Explorer
[INFO] WorldWind GeoServer Application
[INFO] WorldWind GeoServer Distribution 
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] WorldWind Server Kit ............................... SUCCESS [  2.258 s]
[INFO] WorldWind GeoPackage Module ........................ SUCCESS [ 12.406 s]
[INFO] WorldWind GeoServer WMS Module ..................... SUCCESS [  8.609 s]
[INFO] WorldWind Core UI Module ........................... SUCCESS [  4.939 s]
[INFO] WorldWind GeoPackage Extension ..................... SUCCESS [ 32.342 s]
[INFO] WorldWind GeoServer Explorer ....................... SUCCESS [  2.032 s]
[INFO] WorldWind GeoServer Application .................... SUCCESS [  8.457 s]
[INFO] WorldWind GeoServer Distribution ................... SUCCESS [ 54.061 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 02:05 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2017-11-23T10:22:59+08:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 31M/376M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------




[zhaojq@zhaojq WorldWindServerKit]$ cd worldwind-geoserver-dist/target
[zhaojq@zhaojq target]$ ls -shal
总用量 649M
4.0K drwxr-xr-x.  8 root   root   4.0K 11月 22 17:37 .
   0 drwxrwxr-x.  4 zhaojq zhaojq   97 11月 22 16:32 ..
   0 drwxr-xr-x.  2 root   root     28 11月 22 16:32 antrun
   0 drwxr-xr-x.  2 root   root      6 11月 22 16:33 archive-tmp
4.0K drwxr-xr-x.  2 root   root   4.0K 11月 23 10:22 dependency
   0 drwxr-xr-x.  6 root   root    220 11月 23 10:22 gdal
   0 drwxr-xr-x.  3 root   root     26 11月 22 16:32 java-win64
 90M -rw-r--r--.  1 root   root    90M 11月 23 10:22
163M -rw-r--r--.  1 root   root   163M 11月 23 10:22 worldwind-geoserver-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT-centos64.tgz
165M -rw-r--r--.  1 root   root   165M 11月 23 10:22 worldwind-geoserver-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT-ubuntu64.tgz
 83M -rw-r--r--.  1 root   root    83M 11月 23 10:22
149M -rw-r--r--.  1 root   root   149M 11月 23 10:22

Copy and unzip the “worldwind-geoserver-version-platform” tar/zip distribution for your platform


[zhaojq@zhaojq target]$ sudo tar -zxvf worldwind-geoserver-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT-centos64.tgz
[zhaojq@zhaojq target]$ ls -shal
4.0K drwxr-xr-x. 12 root   root   4.0K 1122 17:37 worldwind-geoserver-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT


[zhaojq@zhaojq target]$ cd worldwind-geoserver-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT
[zhaojq@zhaojq worldwind-geoserver-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT]$ sudo ./

Installing the Java JRE
Java setup complete

Configuring the JVM heap memory allocation for Jetty/GeoServer.
The current allocation is:  HEAP=  (Xms=min, Xmx=max, Blank=auto)

Memory allocation options:
1) Auto   3) 1.5GB  5) 4GB    7) Other  9) Help
2) 1GB    4) 2GB    6) 8GB    8) Skip
Select a memory allocation option: 1
Configuring the JVM to use 25% of the system memory for the heap allocation
Memory allocation setup complete. You can reconfigure the memory by running ./

GDAL Image Formats:
1) Install
2) Skip
3) Help
Install GDAL Image Formats extension? 1
Installing the GeoServer GDAL coverage format extension (excluding ECW and MrSID)
/tmp/tmp.gXnxixumzJ /home/zhaojq/Workspace/RSImageNet/visualization/WorldWindServerKit/worldwind-geoserver-dist/target/worldwind-geoserver-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT
rm: 无法删除"imageio-ext-gdalgeotiff-1.1.17.jar": 没有那个文件或目录
rm: 无法删除"imageio-ext-gdaljpeg-1.1.17.jar": 没有那个文件或目录
Installing the ImageIO-Ext extension (excluding ECW and MrSID)
/tmp/tmp.l92lZlYIgw /home/zhaojq/Workspace/RSImageNet/visualization/WorldWindServerKit/worldwind-geoserver-dist/target/worldwind-geoserver-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT
Installing the GDAL natives
Installing the GDAL data

MrSID Support from LizardTech:
1) Install
2) Skip
3) Help
Install MrSID drivers? 1

To proceed, you must agree to the LizardTech MrSID license:
1) Accept
2) Decline
3) View
License? 1
Installing the MRSID support from LizardTech
/tmp/tmp.GFSl5W4z3g /home/zhaojq/Workspace/RSImageNet/visualization/WorldWindServerKit/worldwind-geoserver-dist/target/worldwind-geoserver-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT

ERDAS Compressed Wavelets (ECW) Support:
1) Install
2) Skip
3) Help
Install ECW drivers? 1

To proceed, you must agree to the ECW/JP2 CODEC SDK End-User License Agreement.
To support ECW Decode in a Server application you need to BUY a license from ERDAS.
1) Accept
2) Decline
3) View
License? 1
Accepted. Installing the ECW/JP2 support from Erdas
/tmp/tmp.YN6v1c7ew8 /home/zhaojq/Workspace/RSImageNet/visualization/WorldWindServerKit/worldwind-geoserver-dist/target/worldwind-geoserver-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT
GDAL setup complete
Setup complete
[zhaojq@zhaojq worldwind-geoserver-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT]$ sudo ./

Already setup. To reconfigure run: ./ reinstall
JAVA_OPTS set to  -XX:NewSize=256m -XX:MaxNewSize=256m -XX:SurvivorRatio=2 -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC  -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintTenuringDistribution -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -server
GDAL_DATA set to /home/zhaojq/Workspace/RSImageNet/visualization/WorldWindServerKit/worldwind-geoserver-dist/target/worldwind-geoserver-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT/gdal/data/gdal-data
GDAL_LIB set to /home/zhaojq/Workspace/RSImageNet/visualization/WorldWindServerKit/worldwind-geoserver-dist/target/worldwind-geoserver-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT/gdal/lib
GEOSERVER DATA DIR is /home/zhaojq/Workspace/RSImageNet/visualization/WorldWindServerKit/worldwind-geoserver-dist/target/worldwind-geoserver-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT/data_dir
WARNING: Module not found [ssl]
2017-11-23 10:45:59.117:INFO::main: Logging initialized @210ms
2017-11-23 10:45:59.234:INFO:oejs.Server:main: jetty-9.2.13.v20150730
2017-11-23 10:45:59.251:INFO:oejdp.ScanningAppProvider:main: Deployment monitor [file:/home/zhaojq/Workspace/RSImageNet/visualization/WorldWindServerKit/worldwind-geoserver-dist/target/worldwind-geoserver-0.5.0-SNAPSHOT/webapps/] at interval 1
[GC (Allocation Failure) 
Desired survivor size 33554432 bytes, new threshold 15 (max 15)
- age   1:    8221712 bytes,    8221712 total
 131072K->8075K(202752K), 0.0275102 secs]
[GC (Allocation Failure) 
Desired survivor size 33554432 bytes, new threshold 15 (max 15)
- age   1:    3912960 bytes,    3912960 total
- age   2:    3207368 bytes,    7120328 total
 139147K->8086K(202752K), 0.0109821 secs]
2017-11-23 10:45:59.901:INFO:oejw.StandardDescriptorProcessor:main: NO JSP Support for /geoserver, did not find org.eclipse.jetty.jsp.JettyJspServlet
十一月 23, 2017 10:46:00 上午 it.geosolutions.util.KakaduUtilities loadKakadu
警告: Failed to load the Kakadu native libs. This is not a problem unless you need to use the Kakadu plugin: it won't be enabled. java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no kdu_jni in java.library.path
十一月 23, 2017 10:46:00 上午 it.geosolutions.imageio.gdalframework.GDALUtilities loadGDAL
信息: GDAL Native Library loaded (version: 1.9.2)
十一月 23, 2017 10:46:00 上午 it.geosolutions.imageio.plugins.turbojpeg.TurboJpegUtilities loadTurboJpeg
警告: Failed to load the TurboJpeg native libs. This is not a problem, but the TurboJpeg encoder won't be available: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no turbojpeg in java.library.path
十一月 23, 2017 10:46:00 上午 org.geoserver.platform.GeoServerExtensions checkContext
警告: Extension lookup 'XStreamPersisterInitializer', but ApplicationContext is unset.
十一月 23, 2017 10:46:00 上午 org.geoserver.platform.GeoServerExtensions checkContext
警告: Extension lookup 'ExtensionFilter', but ApplicationContext is unset.
十一月 23, 2017 10:46:00 上午 org.geoserver.platform.GeoServerExtensions checkContext
警告: Extension lookup 'ExtensionProvider', but ApplicationContext is unset.
十一月 23, 2017 10:46:00 上午 org.geoserver.platform.GeoServerExtensions checkContext
警告: Extension lookup 'ExtensionFilter', but ApplicationContext is unset.
log4j:WARN File option not set for appender [geoserverlogfile].
log4j:WARN Are you using FileAppender instead of ConsoleAppender?
2017-11-23 10:46:00.720:INFO:geoserver:main: Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext
[GC (Allocation Failure) 
Desired survivor size 33554432 bytes, new threshold 15 (max 15)
- age   1:   13427352 bytes,   13427352 total
- age   2:     225968 bytes,   13653320 total
- age   3:    3084680 bytes,   16738000 total
 139158K->17716K(202752K), 0.0176226 secs]





点击侧栏WWSK->Explorer,进入WorldWind Explorer

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