
1.Not attached
    In this mode, VirtualBox reports to the guest that a network card is present, but that there is no connection -- as if no Ethernet(以太网) cable(电缆) was plugged into the card. This way it is possible to "pull" the virtual Ethernet cable and disrupt(扰乱) the connection, which can be useful to inform a guest operating system that no network connection is available and enforce a reconfiguration.
2.Network Address Translation (NAT)
    If all you want is to browse the Web, download files and view e-mail inside the guest, then this default mode should be sufficient for you, and you can safely skip the rest of this section. Please note that there are certain limitations when using Windows file sharing (see Section 6.3.3, “NAT limitations” for details).
3.NAT Network
    The NAT network is a new NAT flavour introduced in VirtualBox 4.3. See 6.4 for details.
NAT 网络


4.Bridged networking
    This is for more advanced networking needs such as network simulations(模拟、仿真) and running servers in a guest. When enabled, VirtualBox connects to one of your installed network cards and exchanges network packets directly, circumventing(设法回避、规避) your host operating system's network stack.
5.Internal networking
    This can be used to create a different kind of software-based network which is visible to selected virtual machines, but not to applications running on the host or to the outside world.
6.Host-only networking
    This can be used to create a network containing the host and a set of virtual machines, without the need for the host's physical network interface. Instead, a virtual network interface (similar to a loopback interface) is created on the host, providing connectivity among virtual machines and the host.
7.Generic networking
    Rarely used modes share the same generic network interface, by allowing the user to select a driver which can be included with VirtualBox or be distributed in an extension pack.
    At the moment there are potentially two available sub-modes:
    UDP Tunnel(隧道、地下通道)
        This can be used to interconnect virtual machines running on different hosts directly, easily and transparently(透明的、清澈的、显而易见的), over existing network infrastructure(基础设施).
    VDE (Virtual Distributed Ethernet) networking
        This option can be used to connect to a Virtual Distributed Ethernet switch on a Linux or a FreeBSD host. At the moment this needs compiling VirtualBox from sources, as the Oracle packages do not include it.
The following table provides a quick overview of the most important networking modes:



NAT模式的缺点是,就像接在一个路由器上的私有网络一样,从外部的互联网上看不到也不能访问虚拟机;这种模式虚拟机不能做服务器,除非设置一个port forwarding。

在私有网络中,虚拟机的网络地址和网络配置是从整合在VirtualBox中的DHCP服务器上接收来的。分配给虚拟机的IP地址常常是跟宿主机网络地址完全不同的地址。因为可能用NAT建立多个虚拟机网卡,第一块网卡连到私有网络上地址:,第二块网卡连到:,以此类推。如果因为某些原因你想要改变分配给虚拟机的IP段,请参考9.11部分“Fine-tuning the VirtualBox NAT engine”。


Network Address Translation (NAT) is the simplest way of accessing an external network from a virtual machine. Usually, it does not require any configuration on the host network and guest system. For this reason, it is the default networking mode in VirtualBox.

A virtual machine with NAT enabled acts much like a real computer that connects to the Internet through a router. The "router", in this case, is the VirtualBox networking engine, which maps(绘制) traffic(交通) from and to the virtual machine transparently. In VirtualBox this router is placed between each virtual machine and the host. This separation maximizes(使增加到最大限度、充分利用) security since by default virtual machines cannot talk to each other.

The disadvantage of NAT mode is that, much like a private network behind a router, the virtual machine is invisible and unreachable from the outside internet; you cannot run a server this way unless you set up port forwarding (described below).

The network frames sent out by the guest operating system are received by VirtualBox's NAT engine, which extracts(提取、提炼) the TCP/IP data and resends it using the host operating system. To an application on the host, or to another computer on the same network as the host, it looks like the data was sent by the VirtualBox application on the host, using an IP address belonging to the host. VirtualBox listens for replies to the packages sent, and repacks and resends them to the guest machine on its private network.

The virtual machine receives its network address and configuration on the private network from a DHCP server integrated into VirtualBox. The IP address thus assigned to the virtual machine is usually on a completely different network than the host. As more than one card of a virtual machine can be set up to use NAT, the first card is connected to the private network, the second card to the network and so on. If you need to change the guest-assigned IP range for some reason, please refer to Section 9.11, “Fine-tuning the VirtualBox NAT engine”.

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