TSDF学习:pcl::gpu::TsdfVolume Class Reference


Public Member Functions

  TsdfVolume (const Eigen::Vector3i &resolution)

Constructor. More...


void  setSize (const Eigen::Vector3f &size)

Sets Tsdf volume size for each dimension. More...

设置Tsdf 立方体在X、Y、Z方向的大小,单位m

void  setTsdfTruncDist (float distance)

Sets Tsdf truncation distance. More...

设置Tsdf 截断距离,其值必须大于 2 * volume_voxel_size

DeviceArray2D< int >  data () const

Returns tsdf volume container that point to data in GPU memory. More...

const Eigen::Vector3f &  getSize () const

Returns volume size in meters. More...


const Eigen::Vector3i &  getResolution () const

Returns volume resolution. More...


const Eigen::Vector3f  getVoxelSize () const

Returns volume voxel size in meters. More...


float  getTsdfTruncDist () const

Returns tsdf truncation distance in meters. More...


void  reset ()
  Resets tsdf volume data to uninitialized state. More...
void  fetchCloudHost (PointCloudPointType > &cloud, bool connected26=false) const
  Generates cloud using CPU (downloads volumetric representation to CPU memory) More...
DeviceArrayPointType >  fetchCloud (DeviceArrayPointType > &cloud_buffer) const
  Generates cloud using GPU in connected6 mode only. More...
void  fetchNormals (const DeviceArrayPointType > &cloud, DeviceArrayPointType > &normals) const
  Computes normals as gradient of tsdf for given points. More...
void  fetchNormals (const DeviceArrayPointType > &cloud, DeviceArrayNormalType > &normals) const
  Computes normals as gradient of tsdf for given points. More...
void  downloadTsdf (std::vector< float > &tsdf) const

Downloads tsdf volume from GPU memory. More...

[out] tsdf Array with tsdf values. if volume resolution is 512x512x512, so for voxel (x,y,z) tsdf value can be retrieved as volume[512*512*z + 512*y + x];

downloadTsdfAndWeighs (std::vector< float > &tsdf, std::vector< short > &weights) const


Downloads TSDF volume and according voxel weights from GPU memory. More...

[out] tsdf Array with tsdf values. if volume resolution is 512x512x512, so for voxel (x,y,z) tsdf value can be retrieved as volume[512*512*z + 512*y + x];
[out] weights Array with tsdf voxel weights. Same size and access index as for tsdf. A weight of 0 indicates the voxel was never used.





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