6.2. TWS API v9.72 在线文档 ——高级订单及算法 2【翻译】


Order behaviour can be further enhanced through Interactive Broker’s powerful algorithmic strategies. To make use of our variety of algorithms make use of IBApi.Order.AlgoStrategy and IBApi.Order.AlgoParams attributes.


  • IB Algorithms(IB算法)
  • CSFB Algorithms(CSFB算法)
  • Jefferies Algorithms(Jefferies算法)

Adaptive Algo(自适应算法)

The Adaptive Algo combines IB’s Smartrouting capabilities with user-defined priority settings in an effort to achieve further cost efficiency at the point of execution. Using the Adaptive algo leads to better execution prices on average than for regular limit or market orders.


Parameter Description Values
adaptivePriority The ‘Priority’ selector determines the time taken to scan for better execution prices. The ‘Critical’ setting scans only briefly, while the ‘Patient’ scan works more slowly and has a higher chance of achieving a better overall fill for your order. Critical > Urgent > Normal > Patient
自适应优先级 优先级‘Priority’选项决定了从市场中获取最佳价格需要花费的时间。’Critical(重要)’选项,只查看简要信息,’Patient(耐心)’选项则执行速度缓慢,但有极高的几率找到最合适的执行价位。 Critical(重要) > Urgent(急迫) > Normal(正常) > Patient(耐心)
        Order baseOrder = OrderSamples.LimitOrder("BUY", 1000, 1);

        AvailableAlgoParams.FillAdaptiveParams(baseOrder, "Normal");
        client.placeOrder(nextOrderId++, ContractSamples.USStockAtSmart(), baseOrder);

    public static void FillAdaptiveParams(Order baseOrder, String priority) {
        baseOrder.algoParams(new ArrayList<>());
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("adaptivePriority", priority));


The Arrival Price algorithmic order type will attempt to achieve, over the course of the order, the bid/ask midpoint at the time the order is submitted. The Arrival Price algo is designed to keep hidden orders that will impact a high percentage of the average daily volume (ADV). The pace of execution is determined by the user-assigned level of risk aversion and the user-defined target percent of average daily volume. How quickly the order is submitted during the day is determined by the level of urgency: the higher the urgency the faster it will execute but will expose it to a greater market impact.


Market impact can be lessened by assigning lesser urgency, which is likely to lengthen the duration of the order. The user can set the max percent of ADV from 1 to 50%. The order entry screen allows the user to determine when the order will start and end regardless of whether or not the full amount of the order has been filled. By checking the box marked Allow trading past end time the algo will continue to work past the specified end time in an effort to fill the remaining portion of the order.


Parameter Description Values
maxPctVol Maximum percentage of ADV 0.1 (10%) - 0.5 (50%)
riskAversion Urgency/risk aversion Get Done, Aggressive, Neutral, Passive
startTime Algorithm starting time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
endTime Algorithm ending time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
allowPastEndTime Allow trading past end time 1 (true) or 0 (false)
forceCompletion Attempt completion by the end of the day 1 (true) or 0 (false)
monetaryValue Cash Quantity
        Order baseOrder = OrderSamples.LimitOrder("BUY", 1000, 1);

            0.1, "Aggressive", "09:00:00 CET", "16:00:00 CET", true, true, 100000);
        client.placeOrder(nextOrderId++, ContractSamples.USStockAtSmart(), baseOrder);

    public static void FillArrivalPriceParams(Order baseOrder, double maxPctVol, 
        String riskAversion, String startTime, 
        String endTime, boolean forceCompletion, boolean allowPastTime, double monetaryValue) {

        baseOrder.algoParams(new ArrayList<>());
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("maxPctVol", String.valueOf(maxPctVol)));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("riskAversion", riskAversion));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("startTime", startTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("endTime", endTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("forceCompletion", forceCompletion ? "1" : "0"));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("allowPastEndTime", allowPastTime ? "1" : "0"));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("monetaryValue", String.valueOf(monetaryValue)));


Close Price(收盘价)

Investors submitting market or limit orders into the closing auction may adversely affect the closing price, especially when the size of the order is large relative to the average close auction volume. In order to help investors attempting to execute towards the end of the trading session we have developed the Close Price algo Strategy. This algo breaks down large order amounts and determines the timing of order entry so that it will continuously execute in order to minimize slippage. The start and pace of execution are determined by the user who assigns a level of market risk and specifies the target percentage of volume, while the algo considers the prior volatility of the stock.


Parameter Description Values
maxPctVol Maximum percentage of ADV 0.1 (10%) - 0.5 (50%)
riskAversion Urgency/risk aversion Get Done, Aggressive, Neutral, Passive
startTime Algorithm starting time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
forceCompletion Attempt completion by the end of the day 1 (true) or 0 (false)
monetaryValue Cash Quantity
        Order baseOrder = OrderSamples.LimitOrder("BUY", 1000, 1);

        AvailableAlgoParams.FillClosePriceParams(baseOrder, 0.5, "Neutral", "12:00:00 EST", true, 100000);
        client.placeOrder(nextOrderId++, ContractSamples.USStockAtSmart(), baseOrder);

    public static void FillClosePriceParams(Order baseOrder, 
        double maxPctVol, String riskAversion, String startTime, 
        boolean forceCompletion, double monetaryValue){

        baseOrder.algoParams(new ArrayList<>());
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("maxPctVol", String.valueOf(maxPctVol)));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("riskAversion", riskAversion));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("startTime", startTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("forceCompletion", forceCompletion ? "1" : "0"));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("monetaryValue", String.valueOf(monetaryValue)));


The Dark Ice order type develops the concept of privacy adopted by orders such as Iceberg or Reserve, using a proprietary algorithm to further hide the volume displayed to the market by the order. Clients can determine the timeframe an order remains live and have the option to allow trading past end time in the event it is unfilled by the stated end time.

黑冰订单类型开发了诸如冰山或储备等订单所采用的隐私概念,使用专有算法进一步隐藏订单显示给市场的数量。 客户可以确定订单的生效时间表,并且可以选择允许交易超过交收时间,以便在指定的结束时间内没有交易时间。

In order to minimize market impact in the event of large orders, users can specify a display size to be shown to the market different from the actual order size. Additionally, the Dark Ice algo randomizes the display size +/- 50% based upon the probability of the price moving favorably. Further, using calculated probabilities, the algo decides whether to place the order at the limit price or one tick lower than the current offer for buy orders and one tick higher than the current bid for sell orders.


为了在大订单的情况下将市场影响降至最低,用户可以指定显示尺寸以向市场显示与实际订单尺寸不同的尺寸。 此外,暗冰算法根据价格移动的可能性将显示尺寸随机化为+/- 50%。 此外,使用计算的概率,算法决定是将订单放在限价价格还是比当前买入订单低一个订单,并比当前卖出订单出价高一个订单。

Parameter Description Values
displaySize Order size to be displayed
startTime Algorithm starting time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
endTime Algorithm ending time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
allowPastEndTime Allow trading past end time 1 (true) or 0 (false)
monetaryValue Cash Quantity
        Order baseOrder = OrderSamples.LimitOrder("BUY", 1000, 1);

            10, "09:00:00 CET", "16:00:00 CET", true, 100000);
        client.placeOrder(nextOrderId++, ContractSamples.USStockAtSmart(), baseOrder);

    public static void FillDarkIceParams(Order baseOrder, 
        int displaySize, String startTime, String endTime, 
        boolean allowPastEndTime, double monetaryValue) {

        baseOrder.algoParams(new ArrayList<>());
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("displaySize", String.valueOf(displaySize)));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("startTime", startTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("endTime", endTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("allowPastEndTime", allowPastEndTime ? "1" : "0"));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("monetaryValue", String.valueOf(monetaryValue)));    


The Accumulate/Distribute algo can help you to achieve the best price for a large volume order without being noticed in the market, and can be set up for high frequency trading. By slicing your order into smaller randomly-sized order increments that are released at random time intervals within a user-defined time period, the algo allows the trading of large blocks of stock and other instruments without being detected in the market. The algo allows limit, market, and relative order types. When you put in a Relative Order, you must specify what it is relative to, and here you have a lot of choices. Of course, if it is relative to a fixed value then it is really a Limit Order, but you can make it relative to things like the prevailing bid, the ask, the last price, the VWAP or moving VWAP, the moving average or exponential moving average, your last trade price or the number of shares you have bought so far.


Parameter Description Values
componentSize Quantity of increment Cannot exceed initial size
timeBetweenOrders Time interval in seconds between each order
randomizeTime20 Randomise time period by +/- 20% 1 (true) or 0 (false)
randomizeSize55 Randomise size by +/- 55% 1 (true) or 0 (false)
giveUp Number associated with the clearing
catchUp Catch up in time 1 (true) or 0 (false)
waitForFill Wait for current order to fill before submitting next order 1 (true) or 0 (false)
startTime Algorithm starting time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
endTime Algorithm ending time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
        Order baseOrder = OrderSamples.LimitOrder("BUY", 1000, 1);

        // The Time Zone in "startTime" and "endTime" attributes is ignored and always defaulted to GMT
        AvailableAlgoParams.FillAccumulateDistributeParams(baseOrder, 10, 60, 
            true, true, 1, true, true, "20161010-12:00:00 GMT", "20161010-16:00:00 GMT");
        client.placeOrder(nextOrderId++, ContractSamples.USStockAtSmart(), baseOrder);

    public static void FillAccumulateDistributeParams(Order baseOrder, int componentSize, 
        int timeBetweenOrders, boolean randomizeTime20, 
        boolean randomizeSize55,
        int giveUp, boolean catchUp, boolean waitForFill, String startTime, String endTime) {

        baseOrder.algoParams(new ArrayList<>());
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("componentSize", String.valueOf(componentSize)));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("timeBetweenOrders", String.valueOf(timeBetweenOrders)));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("randomizeTime20", randomizeTime20 ? "1" : "0"));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("randomizeSize55", randomizeSize55 ? "1" : "0"));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("giveUp", String.valueOf(giveUp)));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("catchUp", catchUp ? "1" : "0"));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("waitForFill", waitForFill ? "1" : "0"));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("startTime", startTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("endTime", endTime));


Percentage of Volume(总量百分比)

The Percent of Volume algo can limit the contribution of orders to overall average daily volume in order to minimize impact. Clients can set a value between 1-50% to control their participation between stated start and end times. Order quantity and volume distribution over the day is determined using the target percent of volume you entered along with continuously updated volume forecasts calculated from TWS market data. In addition, the algo can be set to avoid taking liquidity, which may help avoid liquidity-taker fees and could result in liquidity-adding rebates. By checking the Attempt to never take liquidity box, the algo is discouraged from hitting the bid or lifting the offer if possible. However, this may also result in greater deviations from the benchmark, and in partial fills, since the posted bid/offer may not always get hit as the price moves up/down. IB will use best efforts not to take liquidity when this box is checked, however, there will be times that it cannot be avoided.


Parameter Description Values
pctVol Target Percentage 0.1 (10%) - 0.5 (50%)
startTime Algorithm starting time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
endTime Algorithm ending time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
noTakeLiq Attempt to never take liquidity 1 (true) or 0 (false)
monetaryValue Cash Quantity
        Order baseOrder = OrderSamples.LimitOrder("BUY", 1000, 1);

        AvailableAlgoParams.FillPctVolParams(baseOrder, 0.5, 
            "12:00:00 EST", "14:00:00 EST", true, 100000);
        client.placeOrder(nextOrderId++, ContractSamples.USStockAtSmart(), baseOrder);

    public static void FillPctVolParams(Order baseOrder, double pctVol, 
        String startTime, String endTime, boolean noTakeLiq, double monetaryValue) {

        baseOrder.algoParams(new ArrayList<>());
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("pctVol", String.valueOf(pctVol)));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("startTime", startTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("endTime", endTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("noTakeLiq", noTakeLiq ? "1" : "0"));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("monetaryValue", String.valueOf(monetaryValue)));


The TWAP algo aims to achieve the time-weighted average price calculated from the time you submit the order to the time it completes. Incomplete orders at the end of the stated completion time will continue to fill if the box ‘allow trading past end time’ is checked. Users can set the order to trade only when specified conditions are met. Those user-defined inputs include when the order is marketable, when the midpoint matches the required price, when the same side (buy or sell) matches to make the order marketable or when the last traded price would make the order marketable. For the TWAP algo, the average price calculation is calculated from the order entry time through the close of the market and will only attempt to execute when the criterion is met. The order may not fill throughout its stated duration and so the order is not guaranteed. TWAP is available for all US equities.

【译】TWAP 算法,旨在从您提交订单到完成的时间段内,完成基于时间权重的平均价格计算。未完成的订单,如果勾选了“允许超过交易时间”,那么会在一定的时间内持续成交。用户可以设置当满足某些情况,订单成交的条件。那些用户定义的输入包含,当订单是可交易的,当中值达到某个价格,当在同侧(买入或卖出)价位可交易时,或者最后一次成交价使得订单可交易。对于 TWAP 算法,平均价格的计算从订单进场时间直到闭市,并将在满足特定条件时执行。订单可能不会在该时间内全部执行,所以它是不可保证的。TWAP 对于所有的美国普通股有效。

Parameter Description Values
strategyType Trade strategy Marketable, Matching, Midpoint, Matching Same Side, Matching Last
startTime Algorithm starting time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
endTime Algorithm ending time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
allowPastEndTime Allow trading past end time 1 (true) or 0 (false)
monetaryValue Cash Quantity
        Order baseOrder = OrderSamples.LimitOrder("BUY", 1000, 1);

        AvailableAlgoParams.FillTwapParams(baseOrder, "Marketable", "09:00:00 CET", 
            "16:00:00 CET", true, 100000);
        client.placeOrder(nextOrderId++, ContractSamples.USStockAtSmart(), baseOrder);

    public static void FillTwapParams(Order baseOrder, 
        String strategyType, String startTime, String endTime, 
            boolean allowPastEndTime, double monetaryValue) {

        baseOrder.algoParams(new ArrayList<>());
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("strategyType", strategyType));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("startTime", startTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("endTime", endTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("allowPastEndTime", allowPastEndTime ? "1" : "0"));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("monetaryValue", String.valueOf(monetaryValue)));


Price Variant Percentage of Volume Strategy (基于价格变化百分比)

Price Variant Percentage of Volume Strategy - This algo allows you to participate in volume at a user-defined rate that varies over time depending on the market price of the security. This algo allows you to buy more aggressively when the price is low and be more passive as the price increases, and just the opposite for sell orders. The order quantity and volume distribution over the time during which the order is active is determined using the target percent of volume you entered along with continuously updated volume forecasts calculated from TWS market data.


Parameter Description Values
pctVol Target Percentage 0.1 (10%) - 0.5 (50%)
deltaPctVol Target Percentage Change Rate 0.1 (10%) - 0.5 (50%)
minPctVol4Px Minimum Target Percentage 0.1 (10%) - 0.5 (50%)
maxPctVol4Px Maximum Target Percentage 0.1 (10%) - 0.5 (50%)
startTime Algorithm starting time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
endTime Algorithm ending time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
noTakeLiq Attempt to never take liquidity 1 (true) or 0 (false)
monetaryValue Cash Quantity
        Order baseOrder = OrderSamples.LimitOrder("BUY", 1000, 1);

        0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.2, "12:00:00 EST", "14:00:00 EST", true, 100000);
        client.placeOrder(nextOrderId++, ContractSamples.USStockAtSmart(), baseOrder);

    public static void FillPriceVariantPctVolParams(Order baseOrder, double pctVol, 
        double deltaPctVol, double minPctVol4Px, 
        double maxPctVol4Px, String startTime, String endTime, boolean noTakeLiq, double monetaryValue){

        baseOrder.algoParams(new ArrayList<>());
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("pctVol", String.valueOf(pctVol)));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("deltaPctVol", String.valueOf(deltaPctVol)));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("minPctVol4Px", String.valueOf(minPctVol4Px)));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("maxPctVol4Px", String.valueOf(maxPctVol4Px)));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("startTime", startTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("endTime", endTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("noTakeLiq", noTakeLiq ? "1" : "0"));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("monetaryValue", String.valueOf(monetaryValue)));

Size Variant Percentage of Volume Strategy (基于订单量变化百分比)

Size Variant Percentage of Volume Strategy - This algo allows you to participate in volume at a user-defined rate that varies over time depending on the remaining size of the order. Define the target percent rate at the start time (Initial Participation Rate) and at the end time (Terminal Participation Rate), and the algo calculates the participation rate over time between the two based on the remaining order size. This allows the order to be more aggressive initially and less aggressive toward the end, or vice versa.


Parameter Description Values
startPctVol Initial Target Percentage 0.1 (10%) - 0.5 (50%)
endPctVol Terminal Target Percentage 0.1 (10%) - 0.5 (50%)
startTime Algorithm starting time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
endTime Algorithm ending time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
noTakeLiq Attempt to never take liquidity 1 (true) or 0 (false)
monetaryValue Cash Quantity
       Order baseOrder = OrderSamples.LimitOrder("BUY", 1000, 1);

       AvailableAlgoParams.FillSizeVariantPctVolParams(baseOrder, 0.2, 0.4, 
        "12:00:00 EST", "14:00:00 EST", true, 100000);
        client.placeOrder(nextOrderId++, ContractSamples.USStockAtSmart(), baseOrder);

    public static void FillSizeVariantPctVolParams(Order baseOrder, 
        double startPctVol, double endPctVol, 
        String startTime, String endTime, 
        boolean noTakeLiq, double monetaryValue) {

        baseOrder.algoParams(new ArrayList<>());
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("startPctVol", String.valueOf(startPctVol)));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("endPctVol", String.valueOf(endPctVol)));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("startTime", startTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("endTime", endTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("noTakeLiq", noTakeLiq ? "1" : "0"));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("monetaryValue", String.valueOf(monetaryValue)));

Time Variant Percentage of Volume Strategy (基于时间变化百分比)

Time Variant Percentage of Volume Strategy - This algo allows you to participate in volume at a user-defined rate that varies with time. Define the target percent rate at the start time and at the end time, and the algo calculates the participation rate over time between the two. This allows the order to be more aggressive initially and less aggressive toward the end, or vice versa.


(译者注:Time Variant Percentage 与 Size Variant Percentage 的最大区别是后在每次执行命令是基于剩余订单量的百分比。)

Parameter Description Values
startPctVol Initial Target Percentage 0.1 (10%) - 0.5 (50%)
endPctVol Terminal Target Percentage 0.1 (10%) - 0.5 (50%)
startTime Algorithm starting time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
endTime Algorithm ending time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
noTakeLiq Attempt to never take liquidity 1 (true) or 0 (false)
monetaryValue Cash Quantity
       Order baseOrder = OrderSamples.LimitOrder("BUY", 1000, 1);

       AvailableAlgoParams.FillTimeVariantPctVolParams(baseOrder, 0.2, 0.4, 
        "12:00:00 EST", "14:00:00 EST", true, 100000);
        client.placeOrder(nextOrderId++, ContractSamples.USStockAtSmart(), baseOrder);

    public static void FillTimeVariantPctVolParams(Order baseOrder, double startPctVol, double endPctVol, 
            String startTime, String endTime, boolean noTakeLiq, double monetaryValue){

        baseOrder.algoParams(new ArrayList<>());
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("startPctVol", String.valueOf(startPctVol)));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("endPctVol", String.valueOf(endPctVol)));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("startTime", startTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("endTime", endTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("noTakeLiq", noTakeLiq ? "1" : "0"));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("monetaryValue", String.valueOf(monetaryValue)));


IB’s best-efforts VWAP algo seeks to achieve the Volume-Weighted Average price (VWAP), calculated from the time you submit the order to the close of the market.

【译】 IB最佳效果的 VWAP 算法,寻求达成基于成交量权重平均价格(VWAP),从你提交订单的时间直到市场结束交易。

If you require a guaranteed VWAP, please refer to IB’s Guaranteed VWAP order type.

【译】如果你寻求一个保证的 VWAP,请参考 IB 的VWAP保证交易订单类型。

Best-efforts VWAP algo is a lower-cost alternative to the Guaranteed VWAP that enables the user to attempt never to take liquidity while also trading past the end time. Because the order may not be filled on the bid or at the ask prices, there is a trade-off with this algo. The order may not fully fill if the user is attempting to avoid liquidity-taking fees and/or maximize liquidity-adding rebates, and may miss the benchmark by asking to stay on the bid or ask. The user can determine the maximum percentage of average daily volume (up to 50%) his order will comprise.

The system will generate the VWAP from the time the order is entered through the close of trading, and the order can be limited to trading over a pre-determined period. The user can request the order to continue beyond its stated end time if unfilled at the end of the stated period. The best-efforts VWAP algo is available for all US equities.


系统将会从输入订单直至结束交易生成 VWAP 算法,订单可以在一个预设时间内限制交易。如果在指定时间仍然未执行完毕,那么用户可以要求该订单在结束时间之后继续执行。所有美国股票都可以使用最有效VWAP算法。

Parameter Description Values
maxPctVol Maximum percentage of average daily volume 0.1 (10%) - 0.5 (50%)
startTime Algorithm starting time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
endTime Algorithm ending time hh:mm:ss TMZ or YYYYMMDD-hh:mm:ss TMZ
allowPastEndTime Allow trading past end time 1 (true) or 0 (false)
noTakeLiq Attempt to never take liquidity 1 (true) or 0 (false)
speedUp Compensate for the decreased fill rate due to presence of limit price 1 (true) or 0 (false)
monetaryValue Cash Quantity
       Order baseOrder = OrderSamples.LimitOrder("BUY", 1000, 1);

        AvailableAlgoParams.FillVwapParams(baseOrder, 0.2, 
            "09:00:00 CET", "16:00:00 CET", true, true, true, 100000);
            client.placeOrder(nextOrderId++, ContractSamples.USStockAtSmart(), baseOrder);

    public static void FillVwapParams(Order baseOrder, double maxPctVol, 
        String startTime, String endTime, 
        boolean allowPastEndTime, boolean noTakeLiq, boolean speedUp, double monetaryValue) {

        baseOrder.algoParams(new ArrayList<>());
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("maxPctVol", String.valueOf(maxPctVol)));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("startTime", startTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("endTime", endTime));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("allowPastEndTime", allowPastEndTime ? "1" : "0"));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("noTakeLiq", noTakeLiq ? "1" : "0"));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("speedUp", speedUp ? "1" : "0"));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("monetaryValue", String.valueOf(monetaryValue)));


Balance Impact Risk (平衡影响风险)

The Balance Impact Risk balances the market impact of trading the option with the risk of price change over the time horizon of the order. This strategy considers the user-assigned level of risk aversion to define the pace of the execution, along with the user-defined target percent of volume.


Parameter Description Values
maxPctVol Maximum percentage of average daily volume 0.1 (10%) - 0.5 (50%)
riskAversion Urgency/risk aversion Get Done, Aggressive, Neutral, Passive
forceCompletion Attempt completion by the end of the day 1 (true) or 0 (false)
       Order baseOrder = OrderSamples.LimitOrder("BUY", 1000, 1);

       AvailableAlgoParams.FillBalanceImpactRiskParams(baseOrder, 0.1, "Aggressive", true);
       client.placeOrder(nextOrderId++, ContractSamples.USOptionContract(), baseOrder);

    public static void FillBalanceImpactRiskParams(Order baseOrder, 
        double maxPctVol, String riskAversion, boolean forceCompletion) {

        baseOrder.algoParams(new ArrayList<>());
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("maxPctVol", String.valueOf(maxPctVol)));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("riskAversion", riskAversion));
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("forceCompletion", forceCompletion ? "1" : "0"));


Minimise Impact (最小影响)

The Minimise Impact algo minimises market impact by slicing the order over time to achieve a market average without going over the given maximum percentage value.


Parameter Description Values
maxPctVol Maximum percentage of average daily volume 0.1 (10%) - 0.5 (50%)
        Order baseOrder = OrderSamples.LimitOrder("BUY", 1000, 1);

        AvailableAlgoParams.FillMinImpactParams(baseOrder, 0.3);
        client.placeOrder(nextOrderId++, ContractSamples.USOptionContract(), baseOrder);

    public static void FillMinImpactParams(Order baseOrder, double maxPctVol) {

        baseOrder.algoParams(new ArrayList<>());
        baseOrder.algoParams().add(new TagValue("maxPctVol", String.valueOf(maxPctVol))); 

(P.S. 最近发现IB更新了API文档,新增加了一些章节,准备之后再回头来翻译。这一章内容翻译时间较久,主要是这段时间一直忙加班,所以拖了一些时间。水平有限,翻译的章节内容可能多少存在理解有误,若您发现了,不妨指正。)

