MySQL中 show processlist命令详解

1、show processlist是什么?

show processlist:通过查看mysql的官网,可以发现,其主要是查询数据库中哪些线程正在执行,针对比较慢的线程(time的数值比较大的线程)我们可以将其kill掉。此外,show full processlist 返回的结果是实时变化的。

2、show processlist怎么用?

有三种方式可以执行show processlist,可以通过命令行、SQL语句、Navicat客户端等。

3、show processlist参数?


id			#ID标识,要kill一个语句的时候很有用
use			#当前连接用户
host		#显示这个连接从哪个ip的哪个端口上发出
db			#数据库名
command		#连接状态,一般是休眠(sleep),查询(query),连接(connect)
time		#连接持续时间,单位是秒
state		#显示当前sql语句的状态
info		#显示这个sql语句
mysql> show full processlist;
| Id | User | Host      | db   | Command | Time | State | Info                  |
|  2 | root | localhost | demo | Query   |    0 | NULL  | show full processlist |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)



状态 描述
Checking table 正在检查数据表(这是自动的)。
Closing tables 正在将表中修改的数据刷新到磁盘中,同时正在关闭已经用完的表。这是一个很快的操作,如果不是这样的话,就应该确认磁盘空间是否已经满了或者磁盘是否正处于重负中。
Connect Out 复制从服务器正在连接主服务器。
Copying to tmp table on disk 由于临时结果集大于tmp_table_size,正在将临时表从内存存储转为磁盘存储以此节省内存。
Creating tmp table 正在创建临时表以存放部分查询结果。
deleting from main table 服务器正在执行多表删除中的第一部分,刚删除第一个表。
deleting from reference tables 服务器正在执行多表删除中的第二部分,正在删除其他表的记录。
Flushing tables 正在执行FLUSH TABLES,等待其他线程关闭数据表。
Killed 发送了一个kill请求给某线程,那么这个线程将会检查kill标志位,同时会放弃下一个kill请求。MySQL会在每次的主循环中检查kill标志位,不过有些情况下该线程可能会过一小段才能死掉。如果该线程程被其他线程锁住了,那么kill请求会在锁释放时马上生效。
Locked 被其他查询锁住了。
Sending data 正在处理SELECT查询的记录,同时正在把结果发送给客户端。
Sorting for group 正在为GROUP BY做排序。
Sorting for order 正在为ORDER BY做排序。
Opening tables 这个过程应该会很快,除非受到其他因素的干扰。例如,在执ALTER TABLE或LOCK TABLE语句行完以前,数据表无法被其他线程打开。正尝试打开一个表。
Removing duplicates 正在执行一个SELECT DISTINCT方式的查询,但是MySQL无法在前一个阶段优化掉那些重复的记录。因此,MySQL需要再次去掉重复的记录,然后再把结果发送给客户端。
Reopen table 获得了对一个表的锁,但是必须在表结构修改之后才能获得这个锁。已经释放锁,关闭数据表,正尝试重新打开数据表。
Repair by sorting 修复指令正在排序以创建索引。
Repair with keycache 修复指令正在利用索引缓存一个一个地创建新索引。它会比Repair by sorting慢些。
Searching rows for update 正在讲符合条件的记录找出来以备更新。它必须在UPDATE要修改相关的记录之前就完成了。
Sleeping 正在等待客户端发送新请求.
System lock 正在等待取得一个外部的系统锁。如果当前没有运行多个mysqld服务器同时请求同一个表,那么可以通过增加–skip-external-locking参数来禁止外部系统锁。
Upgrading lock INSERT DELAYED正在尝试取得一个锁表以插入新记录。
Updating 正在搜索匹配的记录,并且修改它们。
User Lock 正在等待GET_LOCK()。
Waiting for tables 该线程得到通知,数据表结构已经被修改了,需要重新打开数据表以取得新的结构。然后,为了能的重新打开数据表,必须等到所有其他线程关闭这个表。以下几种情况下会产生这个通知:FLUSH TABLES tbl_name, ALTER TABLE, RENAME TABLE, REPAIR TABLE, ANALYZE TABLE,或OPTIMIZE TABLE。
waiting for handler insert INSERT DELAYED已经处理完了所有待处理的插入操作,正在等待新的请求。

mysql 查看当前连接数

命令: show processlist;
show processlist;只列出前100条,如果想全列出请使用show full processlist;

mysql> show processlist;
| Id | User | Host      | db   | Command | Time | State | Info             |
|  2 | root | localhost | demo | Query   |    0 | NULL  | show processlist |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


4、命令: show status;

mysql> show status;
| Variable_name                     | Value     |
| Aborted_clients                   | 0         |
| Aborted_connects                  | 0         |
| Binlog_cache_disk_use             | 0         |
| Binlog_cache_use                  | 0         |
| Bytes_received                    | 563       |
| Bytes_sent                        | 9038      |
| Com_admin_commands                | 0         |
| Com_assign_to_keycache            | 0         |
| Com_alter_db                      | 0         |
| Com_alter_db_upgrade              | 0         |
| Com_alter_event                   | 0         |
| Com_alter_function                | 0         |
| Com_alter_procedure               | 0         |
| Com_alter_server                  | 0         |
| Com_alter_table                   | 0         |
| Com_alter_tablespace              | 0         |
| Com_analyze                       | 0         |
| Com_backup_table                  | 0         |
| Com_begin                         | 0         |
| Com_binlog                        | 0         |
| Com_call_procedure                | 0         |
| Com_change_db                     | 1         |
| Com_change_master                 | 0         |
| Com_check                         | 0         |
| Com_checksum                      | 0         |
| Com_commit                        | 0         |
| Com_create_db                     | 1         |
| Com_create_event                  | 0         |
| Com_create_function               | 0         |
| Com_create_index                  | 0         |
| Com_create_procedure              | 0         |
| Com_create_server                 | 0         |
| Com_create_table                  | 1         |
| Com_create_trigger                | 0         |
| Com_create_udf                    | 0         |
| Com_create_user                   | 0         |
| Com_create_view                   | 0         |
| Com_dealloc_sql                   | 0         |
| Com_delete                        | 0         |
| Com_delete_multi                  | 0         |
| Com_do                            | 0         |
| Com_drop_db                       | 0         |
| Com_drop_event                    | 0         |
| Com_drop_function                 | 0         |
| Com_drop_index                    | 0         |
| Com_drop_procedure                | 0         |
| Com_drop_server                   | 0         |
| Com_drop_table                    | 0         |
| Com_drop_trigger                  | 0         |
| Com_drop_user                     | 0         |
| Com_drop_view                     | 0         |
| Com_empty_query                   | 0         |
| Com_execute_sql                   | 0         |
| Com_flush                         | 1         |
| Com_grant                         | 0         |
| Com_ha_close                      | 0         |
| Com_ha_open                       | 0         |
| Com_ha_read                       | 0         |
| Com_help                          | 0         |
| Com_insert                        | 2         |
| Com_insert_select                 | 0         |
| Com_install_plugin                | 0         |
| Com_kill                          | 0         |
| Com_load                          | 0         |
| Com_load_master_data              | 0         |
| Com_load_master_table             | 0         |
| Com_lock_tables                   | 0         |
| Com_optimize                      | 0         |
| Com_preload_keys                  | 0         |
| Com_prepare_sql                   | 0         |
| Com_purge                         | 0         |
| Com_purge_before_date             | 0         |
| Com_release_savepoint             | 0         |
| Com_rename_table                  | 0         |
| Com_rename_user                   | 0         |
| Com_repair                        | 0         |
| Com_replace                       | 0         |
| Com_replace_select                | 0         |
| Com_reset                         | 0         |
| Com_restore_table                 | 0         |
| Com_revoke                        | 0         |
| Com_revoke_all                    | 0         |
| Com_rollback                      | 0         |
| Com_rollback_to_savepoint         | 0         |
| Com_savepoint                     | 0         |
| Com_select                        | 2         |
| Com_set_option                    | 0         |
| Com_show_authors                  | 0         |
| Com_show_binlog_events            | 0         |
| Com_show_binlogs                  | 0         |
| Com_show_charsets                 | 0         |
| Com_show_collations               | 0         |
| Com_show_column_types             | 0         |
| Com_show_contributors             | 0         |
| Com_show_create_db                | 0         |
| Com_show_create_event             | 0         |
| Com_show_create_func              | 0         |
| Com_show_create_proc              | 0         |
| Com_show_create_table             | 0         |
| Com_show_create_trigger           | 0         |
| Com_show_databases                | 1         |
| Com_show_engine_logs              | 0         |
| Com_show_engine_mutex             | 0         |
| Com_show_engine_status            | 0         |
| Com_show_events                   | 0         |
| Com_show_errors                   | 0         |
| Com_show_fields                   | 0         |
| Com_show_function_status          | 0         |
| Com_show_grants                   | 0         |
| Com_show_keys                     | 0         |
| Com_show_master_status            | 0         |
| Com_show_new_master               | 0         |
| Com_show_open_tables              | 0         |
| Com_show_plugins                  | 0         |
| Com_show_privileges               | 0         |
| Com_show_procedure_status         | 0         |
| Com_show_processlist              | 4         |
| Com_show_profile                  | 0         |
| Com_show_profiles                 | 0         |
| Com_show_slave_hosts              | 0         |
| Com_show_slave_status             | 0         |
| Com_show_status                   | 2         |
| Com_show_storage_engines          | 0         |
| Com_show_table_status             | 0         |
| Com_show_tables                   | 1         |
| Com_show_triggers                 | 0         |
| Com_show_variables                | 0         |
| Com_show_warnings                 | 0         |
| Com_slave_start                   | 0         |
| Com_slave_stop                    | 0         |
| Com_stmt_close                    | 0         |
| Com_stmt_execute                  | 0         |
| Com_stmt_fetch                    | 0         |
| Com_stmt_prepare                  | 0         |
| Com_stmt_reprepare                | 0         |
| Com_stmt_reset                    | 0         |
| Com_stmt_send_long_data           | 0         |
| Com_truncate                      | 0         |
| Com_uninstall_plugin              | 0         |
| Com_unlock_tables                 | 0         |
| Com_update                        | 0         |
| Com_update_multi                  | 0         |
| Com_xa_commit                     | 0         |
| Com_xa_end                        | 0         |
| Com_xa_prepare                    | 0         |
| Com_xa_recover                    | 0         |
| Com_xa_rollback                   | 0         |
| Com_xa_start                      | 0         |
| Compression                       | OFF       |
| Connections                       | 3         |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables           | 0         |
| Created_tmp_files                 | 5         |
| Created_tmp_tables                | 2         |
| Delayed_errors                    | 0         |
| Delayed_insert_threads            | 0         |
| Delayed_writes                    | 0         |
| Flush_commands                    | 1         |
| Handler_commit                    | 2         |
| Handler_delete                    | 0         |
| Handler_discover                  | 0         |
| Handler_prepare                   | 0         |
| Handler_read_first                | 0         |
| Handler_read_key                  | 0         |
| Handler_read_next                 | 0         |
| Handler_read_prev                 | 0         |
| Handler_read_rnd                  | 0         |
| Handler_read_rnd_next             | 6         |
| Handler_rollback                  | 0         |
| Handler_savepoint                 | 0         |
| Handler_savepoint_rollback        | 0         |
| Handler_update                    | 0         |
| Handler_write                     | 6         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data     | 179       |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty    | 0         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed  | 203       |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free     | 332       |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc     | 1         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total    | 512       |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd | 0         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_seq | 0         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests  | 1352      |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_reads          | 0         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free      | 0         |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests | 1084      |
| Innodb_data_fsyncs                | 28        |
| Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs        | 0         |
| Innodb_data_pending_reads         | 0         |
| Innodb_data_pending_writes        | 0         |
| Innodb_data_read                  | 0         |
| Innodb_data_reads                 | 0         |
| Innodb_data_writes                | 56        |
| Innodb_data_written               | 3864064   |
| Innodb_dblwr_pages_written        | 30        |
| Innodb_dblwr_writes               | 4         |
| Innodb_log_waits                  | 0         |
| Innodb_log_write_requests         | 82        |
| Innodb_log_writes                 | 7         |
| Innodb_os_log_fsyncs              | 16        |
| Innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs      | 0         |
| Innodb_os_log_pending_writes      | 0         |
| Innodb_os_log_written             | 41472     |
| Innodb_page_size                  | 16384     |
| Innodb_pages_created              | 179       |
| Innodb_pages_read                 | 0         |
| Innodb_pages_written              | 203       |
| Innodb_row_lock_current_waits     | 0         |
| Innodb_row_lock_time              | 0         |
| Innodb_row_lock_time_avg          | 0         |
| Innodb_row_lock_time_max          | 0         |
| Innodb_row_lock_waits             | 0         |
| Innodb_rows_deleted               | 0         |
| Innodb_rows_inserted              | 2         |
| Innodb_rows_read                  | 0         |
| Innodb_rows_updated               | 0         |
| Key_blocks_not_flushed            | 0         |
| Key_blocks_unused                 | 6694      |
| Key_blocks_used                   | 0         |
| Key_read_requests                 | 0         |
| Key_reads                         | 0         |
| Key_write_requests                | 0         |
| Key_writes                        | 0         |
| Last_query_cost                   | 10.499000 |
| Max_used_connections              | 1         |
| Not_flushed_delayed_rows          | 0         |
| Open_files                        | 16        |
| Open_streams                      | 0         |
| Open_table_definitions            | 16        |
| Open_tables                       | 9         |
| Opened_files                      | 61        |
| Opened_table_definitions          | 2         |
| Opened_tables                     | 2         |
| Prepared_stmt_count               | 0         |
| Qcache_free_blocks                | 0         |
| Qcache_free_memory                | 0         |
| Qcache_hits                       | 0         |
| Qcache_inserts                    | 0         |
| Qcache_lowmem_prunes              | 0         |
| Qcache_not_cached                 | 0         |
| Qcache_queries_in_cache           | 0         |
| Qcache_total_blocks               | 0         |
| Queries                           | 17        |
| Questions                         | 16        |
| Rpl_status                        | NULL      |
| Select_full_join                  | 0         |
| Select_full_range_join            | 0         |
| Select_range                      | 0         |
| Select_range_check                | 0         |
| Select_scan                       | 2         |
| Slave_open_temp_tables            | 0         |
| Slave_retried_transactions        | 0         |
| Slave_running                     | OFF       |
| Slow_launch_threads               | 0         |
| Slow_queries                      | 0         |
| Sort_merge_passes                 | 0         |
| Sort_range                        | 0         |
| Sort_rows                         | 0         |
| Sort_scan                         | 0         |
| Ssl_accept_renegotiates           | 0         |
| Ssl_accepts                       | 0         |
| Ssl_callback_cache_hits           | 0         |
| Ssl_cipher                        |           |
| Ssl_cipher_list                   |           |
| Ssl_client_connects               | 0         |
| Ssl_connect_renegotiates          | 0         |
| Ssl_ctx_verify_depth              | 0         |
| Ssl_ctx_verify_mode               | 0         |
| Ssl_default_timeout               | 0         |
| Ssl_finished_accepts              | 0         |
| Ssl_finished_connects             | 0         |
| Ssl_session_cache_hits            | 0         |
| Ssl_session_cache_misses          | 0         |
| Ssl_session_cache_mode            | NONE      |
| Ssl_session_cache_overflows       | 0         |
| Ssl_session_cache_size            | 0         |
| Ssl_session_cache_timeouts        | 0         |
| Ssl_sessions_reused               | 0         |
| Ssl_used_session_cache_entries    | 0         |
| Ssl_verify_depth                  | 0         |
| Ssl_verify_mode                   | 0         |
| Ssl_version                       |           |
| Table_locks_immediate             | 20        |
| Table_locks_waited                | 0         |
| Tc_log_max_pages_used             | 0         |
| Tc_log_page_size                  | 0         |
| Tc_log_page_waits                 | 0         |
| Threads_cached                    | 0         |
| Threads_connected                 | 1         |
| Threads_created                   | 2         |
| Threads_running                   | 1         |
| Uptime                            | 320       |
| Uptime_since_flush_status         | 320       |
291 rows in set (0.00 sec)

状态 描述
Aborted_clients 由于客户没有正确关闭连接已经死掉,已经放弃的连接数量;
Aborted_connects 尝试已经失败的MySQL服务器的连接的次数;
Connections 试图连接MySQL服务器的次数;
Created_tmp_tables 当执行语句时,已经被创造了的隐含临时表的数量;
Delayed_insert_threads 正在使用的延迟插入处理器线程的数量;
Delayed_writes 用INSERT DELAYED写入的行数;
Delayed_errors 用INSERT DELAYED写入的发生某些错误(可能重复键值)的行数;
Flush_commands 执行FLUSH命令的次数;
Handler_delete 请求从一张表中删除行的次数;
Handler_read_first 请求读入表中第一行的次数;
Handler_read_key 请求数字基于键读行;
Handler_read_next 请求读入基于一个键的一行的次数;
Handler_read_rnd 请求读入基于一个固定位置的一行的次数;
Handler_update 请求更新表中一行的次数;
Handler_write 请求向表中插入一行的次数;
Key_blocks_used 用于关键字缓存的块的数量;
Key_reads 请求从缓存读入一个键值的次数;
Key_write_requests 从磁盘物理读入一个键值的次数;
Key_writes 请求将一个关键字块写入缓存次数;
Max_used_connections 将一个键值块物理写入磁盘的次数;
Not_flushed_key_blocks 同时使用的连接的最大数目;
Not_flushed_delayed_rows 在INSERT DELAY队列中等待写入的行的数量;
Open_tables 打开表的数量;
Open_files 打开文件的数量;
Open_streams 打开流的数量(主要用于日志记载);
Opened_tables 已经打开的表的数量;
Questions 发往服务器的查询的数量;
Slow_queries 要花超过long_query_time时间的查询数量;
Threads_connected 当前打开的连接的数量;
Threads_running 不在睡眠的线程数量;
Uptime 服务器工作了多少秒;


mysql> SHOW VARIABLES LIKE '%timeout%';
| Variable_name              | Value |
| connect_timeout            | 10    |
| delayed_insert_timeout     | 300   |
| innodb_lock_wait_timeout   | 50    |
| innodb_rollback_on_timeout | OFF   |
| interactive_timeout        | 28800 |
| net_read_timeout           | 30    |
| net_write_timeout          | 60    |
| slave_net_timeout          | 3600  |
| table_lock_wait_timeout    | 50    |
| wait_timeout               | 28800 |
10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

### 每个人的服务器输出都不一样,不必纠结;
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