


One such mechanism, the instruction pipeline, allows the CPU to fetch one instruction while simultaneously executing another instruction.


This mechanism uses a hard disk as a part of computer's memory, expanding the computer's memory space while minimizing cost, because a byte of hard disk costs less than a byte of RAM. 



The DBA creates the original database schema by writing a set of definitions that is translated by the DDL compiler to a set of tables that is stored permanently in the data dictionary.


Software designers create new programs by using special applications, often called utility programs or development programs.


A programmer uses another type of program called a text editor to write the new program in a special notation called a programming language.


Additional information on such disks, called directories, indicates the names of various programs on the disk, when they were written to the disk, and where the program begins on the disk media.


Software also governs how the hardware is utilized; for example, how information is retrieved from a storage device. The interaction between the input and output hardware is controlled by software called the Basic Input Output System (BIOS) software.



Macros translate segments of code that have been written in a language structure defined by the programmer into statements that the programming language understands.


we propose a hierarchically structured reinforcement learning approach to address the challenges of planning for generating coherent multi-sentence stories for the visual storytelling task.


Within our framework, the task of generating a story given a sequence of images is divide across a two-level hierachical decoder. The high-level decoder constructs a plan by generating a semantic concept (i.e.,topic) for each image in sequence.


The low-level decoder generates a sentence for each image using a semantic compositional network,which effectively grounds the sentece generation conditioned on the topic.


The two docoder are jointly trianed end-to-end using reinforcement learning. We evaluate our model on the visual storytelling dataset.


Empirical results from both automatic and human evaluations demonstrate that the proposed hierarchically structrued reinrorced training achieves significantly better performance compared to a strong flat deep reinforcement learning baseline.


1. 要使程序中的指令得到执行,计算机必须执行该程序,也就是说,计算机要读取该程序,然后按确切的顺序执行程序中编码的步骤,直至程序结束。

For the instructions to be carried out, a computer must execute a program, that is, the computer reads a program, and then follows the steps encoded in the program in a precise order until completion.


A program can be executed many different times, with each execution yielding a potentially different result depending upon the operations and data that the user gives the computer.


Today, assembly language is rarely used to write an entire program, but is instead most often used when the programmer needs to directly control some aspect of the computer’s function.


Programs are often written as a set of smaller pieces, with each piece representing some aspect of the overall application program.



One of the capabilities that make computers so useful is their ability to make conditional decisions and perform different instructions based on the values of data being processed.




Usually, it is in use for a while before modifications are necessary.


Modification is often needed due to errors found in the software, changes in rules or laws, or changes in the company itself.


The development process starts with the analysis phase, which shows what the package should do.


In this phase, the systems analyst defines requirements that specify what the proposed system is to accomplish.


The design phase defines how the system will accomplish what was defined in the analysis phase.


A structure chart shows how to break your package into logical steps.


Pseudocode is part English and part program logic that describes, in precise algorithmic detail, what the program is to do.

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