[SV]SystemC Jump Statements

                              SystemC Jump Statements

一、break ---> 結束循環體

       Execution of break statement leads to end of the loop.

#include "systemc.h"
int sc_main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
  for(int i=0;i<8;i++) {
    cout <<" Value of i="<<i<<endl;
    if(i == 4) {
      cout <<" Calling break"<<endl;
  // Terminate simulation
  return 0;


j=0 i=4
j=1 i=3
j=2 i=2
j=3 i=1


2、continue ---> 跳過本次循環的剩餘部分,跳到下一次循環

       Execution of continue statement leads to skip the execution of statements followed by continue and jump to next loop or iteration value.

#include "systemc.h"
int sc_main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
  for(int i=0;i<5;i++) {
    cout <<"Before continue, value of i="<<i<<endl;
    if((i > 1) && (i < 4)) {
      cout <<"     Calling continue"<<endl;
    cout <<"After  continue, value of i="<<i<<endl;
  // Terminate simulation
  return 0;


Before continue, value of i=0
After continue, value of i=0
Before continue, value of i=1
After continue, value of i=1
Before continue, value of i=2
Calling continue
Before continue, value of i=3
Calling continue
Before continue, value of i=4
After continue, value of i=4


3、goto ---> 跳到前面放置的label處開始執行

       Execution of goto leads to jump to another point in the program.

#include "systemc.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int sc_main (int argc, char* argv[]) {
  //declaration and initialization
  int a = 15;
  int b = 10;
  cout <<" @ my_label "<<endl;
  if( a > b ) {
    cout <<" a is greater than b a = "<<a<<" b = "<<b<<endl;
    goto my_lable;
    cout <<" b is greater than a "<<endl;
  // Terminate simulation
  return 0;


@ my_label
a is greater than b a = 15 b = 10
@ my_label
a is greater than b a = 14 b = 10
@ my_label
a is greater than b a = 13 b = 10
@ my_label
a is greater than b a = 12 b = 10
@ my_label
a is greater than b a = 11 b = 10
@ my_label
b is greater than a
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