为什么人们在AWS出现时会使用Heroku? Heroku与AWS的区别是什么? [关闭]

本文翻译自:Why do people use Heroku when AWS is present? What distinguishes Heroku from AWS? [closed]

I'm a beginner RoR programmer who's planning to deploy my app using Heroku. 我是初学者RoR程序员,他计划使用Heroku部署我的应用程序。 Word from my other advisor friends says that Heroku is really easy, good to use. 来自我的其他顾问朋友的话说,Heroku非常简单,易于使用。 The only problem is that I still have no idea what Heroku does... 唯一的问题是我仍然不知道Heroku做了什么......

I've looked at their website and in a nutshell, what Heroku does is help with scaling but... why does that even matter? 我看过他们的网站 ,简而言之,Heroku所做的是帮助扩展但是......为什么这甚至重要? How does Heroku help with: Heroku如何帮助:

  1. Speed - My research implied that deploying AWS on the US East Coast would be the fastest if I am targeting a US/Asia-based audience. 速度 - 我的研究表明,如果我的目标是美国/亚洲的受众,那么在美国东海岸部署AWS将是最快的。

  2. Security - How secure are they? 安全 - 他们有多安全?

  3. Scaling - How does it actually work? 缩放 - 它实际上如何工作?

  4. Cost efficiency - There's something like a dyno that makes it easy to scale. 成本效率 - 像dyno这样的东西可以很容易地扩展。

  5. How do they fare against their competitors? 他们如何与竞争对手竞争? For example, Engine Yard and bluebox ? 例如, Engine Yardbluebox

Please use layman English terms to explain... I'm a beginner programmer. 请用外行英语术语来解释......我是初学程序员。




As Kristian Glass Said, there is no comparison between IaaS( AWS ) and PaaS( Heroku , EngineYard ). 正如Kristian Glass Said所说,IaaS( AWS )和PaaS( HerokuEngineYard )之间没有比较。

PaaS basically helps developers to speed the development of app,thereby saving money and most importantly innovating their applications and business instead of setting up configurations and managing things like servers and databases. PaaS基本上可以帮助开发人员加速应用程序的开发,从而节省资金,最重要的是创新他们的应用程序和业务,而不是设置配置和管理服务器和数据库之类的东西。 Other features buying to use PaaS is the application deployment process such as agility, High Availability, Monitoring, Scale / Descale, limited need for expertise, easy deployment, and reduced cost and development time. 购买使用PaaS的其他功能是应用程序部署过程,例如敏捷性,高可用性,监控,扩展/除垢,对专业知识的有限需求,易于部署以及降低的成本和开发时间。

But still there is a dark side to PaaS which lead barrier to PaaS adoption : 但PaaS仍然存在一个黑暗的一面,导致PaaS采用的障碍:

  • Less Control over Server and databases 减少对服务器和数据库的控制
  • Costs will be very high if not governed properly 如果管理不当,成本将非常高
  • Premature and dubious in current day and age 在当前和年龄中过早和可疑

Apart from above you should have enough skill set to mange you IaaS: 除此之外,你应该有足够的技能来管理你IaaS:

  • Hardware acquisition 硬件采集
  • Operating System 操作系统
  • Server Software 服务器软件
  • Server Side Scripting Environment 服务器端脚本环境
  • Web server 网络服务器
  • Database Management System(Mysql, Redis etc) 数据库管理系统(Mysql,Redis等)
  • Configure production server 配置生产服务器
  • Tool for testing and deployment 用于测试和部署的工具
  • Monitoring App 监控应用程序
  • High Availability 高可用性
  • Load Blancing/ Http Routing 加载Blancing / Http路由
  • Service Backup Policies 服务备份策略
  • Team Collaboration 团队协作
  • Rebuild Production 重建生产

If you have small scale business, PaaS will be best option for you: 如果您的业务规模较小,PaaS将是您的最佳选择:

  • Pay as you Go 现收现付
  • Low start up cost 启动成本低
  • Leave the plumbing to expert 将管道留给专家
  • PaaS handles auto scaling/descaling, Load balancing, disaster recovery PaaS处理自动扩展/除垢,负载平衡,灾难恢复
  • PaaS manages all security requirements PaaS管理所有安全要求
  • PaaS manages reliability, High Availability PaaS管理可靠性,高可用性
  • Paas manages many third party add-ons for you Paas为您管理许多第三方附加组件

It will be totally individual choice based on requirement. 根据要求,它将完全是个人选择。 You can have details on my PPT Hosting Rails Apps . 您可以在我的PPT Hosting Rails应用程序中获得详细信息。


There are a lot of different ways to look at this decision from development, IT, and business objectives, so don't feel bad if it seems overwhelming. 从开发,IT和业务目标来看这个决策有很多不同的方法,所以如果看起来压倒性的话,不要感到难过。 But also - don't overthink scalability. 但也 - 不要过度思考可伸缩性。

Think about your requirements . 考虑一下你的要求

I've engineered websites which have serviced over 8M uniques a day and delivered terabytes of video a week built on infrastructures starting at $250k in capital hardware unr by a huge $MM IT labor staff. 我设计的网站每天提供超过800万的独立服务,每周提供数TB的视频,建立在基础设施上,资金硬件价格高达25万美元,由一个巨大的MM工资人员组成。

But I've also had smaller websites which were designed to generate $10-$20k per year, didn't have very high traffic, db or processing requirements, and I ran those off a $10/mo generic hosting account without compromise. 但我也有一些较小的网站,这些网站的设计目标是每年产生10到2万美元,没有很高的流量,数据库或处理要求,而且我还没有妥协就将这些网站从10美元/月的通用主机帐户中运行。

In the future, deployment will look more like Heroku than AWS, just because of progress. 在未来,部署将看起来更像Heroku而不是AWS,只是因为进步。 There is zero value in the IT knob-turning of scaling internet infrastructures which isn't increasingly automatable, and none of it has anything to do with the value of the product or service you are offering. IT旋钮的价值没有变化 - 缩小互联网基础设施的转变,这种基础设施不会越来越自动化,并且没有任何与您提供的产品或服务的价值有任何关系。

Also, keep in mind with a commercial website - scalability is what we often call a 'good problem to have' - although scalability issues with sites like Facebook and Twitter were very high-profile, they had zero negative effect on their success - the news might have even contributed to more signups (all press is good press). 此外,请记住商业网站 - 可扩展性是我们通常所说的'好问题' - 虽然Facebook和Twitter等网站的可扩展性问题非常引人注目,但它们对其成功没有负面影响 - 新闻可能甚至有助于更多的注册(所有媒体都很好)。

If you have a service which is generating a 100k+ uniques a day and having scaling issues, I'd be glad to take it off your hands for you no matter what the language, db, platform, or infrastructure you are running on! 如果您的服务每天产生100k +唯一身份并且存在扩展问题,那么无论您运行的语言,数据库,平台或基础架构是什么,我都很乐意为您提供服务!

Scalability is a fixable implementation problem - not having customers is an existential issue. 可伸缩性是一个可修复的实现问题 - 没有客户是存在问题。


Actually you can use both - you can develop an app with amazon servers ec2. 实际上你可以使用两者 - 你可以开发一个亚马逊服务器ec2的应用程序。 Then push it (with git) to heroku for free for awhile (use heroku free tier to serve it to the public) and test it like so. 然后将它(使用git)免费推送到heroku一段时间(使用heroku免费套餐向公众提供)并进行测试。 It is very cost effective in comparison to rent a server, but you will have to talk with a more restrictive heroku api which is something you should think about. 与租用服务器相比,这是非常划算的,但你必须与更严格的heroku api交谈,这是你应该考虑的事情。 Source: this method was adopted for one of my online classes "Startup engineering from Coursera/Stanford by Balaji S. Srinivasan and Vijay S. Pande 来源:我的在线课程“Balaji S. Srinivasan和Vijay S. Pande的Coursera / Stanford启动工程”采用了这种方法



AWS / Heroku are both free for small hobby projects (to start with). AWS / Heroku对于小型业余爱好项目都是免费的(首先)。

If you want to start an app right away, without much customization of the architecture, then choose Heroku . 如果您想立即启动应用程序,而无需对架构进行太多自定义,请选择Heroku

If you want to focus on the architecture and to be able to use different web servers, then choose AWS . 如果您希望专注于架构并能够使用不同的Web服务器,请选择AWS AWS is more time-consuming based on what service/product you choose, but can be worth it. 根据您选择的服务/产品,AWS更耗时,但值得。 AWS also comes with many plugin services and products. AWS还提供了许多插件服务和产品。

Heroku Heroku的

  • Platform as a Service (PAAS) 平台即服务(PAAS)
  • Good documentation 好文档
  • Has built-in tools and architecture. 有内置的工具和架构。
  • Limited control over architecture while designing app. 设计app时对架构的控制有限。
  • Deployment is taken care of (automatic via GitHub or manual via git commands or CLI). 部署得到处理(通过GitHub自动或通过git命令或CLI手动)。
  • Not time consuming. 不费时间。


  • Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) 基础设施即服务(IAAS)
  • Versatile - has many products such as EC2, LAMBDA, EMR, etc. 多功能 - 有许多产品,如EC2,LAMBDA,EMR等。
  • Can use a Dedicated instance for more control over the architecture, such as choosing the OS, software version, etc. There's more than one backend layers. 可以使用专用实例来更好地控制体系结构,例如选择操作系统,软件版本等。有多个后端层。
  • Elastic Beanstalk is a feature similar to Heroku's PAAS. Elastic Beanstalk是一个类似于Heroku的PAAS的功能。
  • Can use the automated deployment, or roll your own. 可以使用自动部署,也可以自行部署。


It's been a significant percentage of our business migrating people from Heroku to AWS. 我们将业务从Heroku迁移到AWS的业务占很大比例。 There are advantages to both, but it's gets messy on Heroku after a while... once you need a certain level of complexity no longer easy to maintain with Heroku's limitations. 这两者都有优点,但是在一段时间之后,它会在Heroku上变得混乱......一旦你需要一定程度的复杂性,Heroku的限制就不再容易维护。

That said, there are increasingly options to have the ease of Heroku and the flexibility of AWS by being on AWS with great frameworks/tools. 也就是说,通过使用优秀的框架/工具在AWS上拥有Heroku的易用性和AWS的灵活性,有越来越多的选择。

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