
topic : 穿戴


I want to meet a friend, but I have never met him.

Can you tell me what he is wearing?

glasses  眼镜

He wears a pair of black glasses.

He wears a pair of gold glasses。

sunglasses 太阳镜

She wears a pair of sunglasses.

skirt  裙子

She is wearing a red skirt.

T-shirt  T恤

He wears a white short T-shirt.

He wears a white long T-shirt.

shirt  衬衫

He wears a white shirt.

He wears a plaid shirt.   [plæd]

hat  帽子

He wears a black hat.

scarf  围巾  [skɑːf]

She wears a gray scarf.  [greɪ]

sweater  毛衣

She wears a white sweater.

coat 外套

He wears a brown coat.

jacket  夹克衫

He wears a black jacket.

down jacket  羽绒服

She wears a pink down jacket.

suit 西装  [sju:t; su:t]

He wears a black suit.

briefcase   公文包  ['briːfkeɪs]

He carries a black briefcase.

backpack  双肩背包

He carries a black backpack.

tie  领带

He wears a purple tie.   ['pɜːp(ə)l]

shoe   鞋子

She wears a pair of white shoes.

sport shoe  运动鞋

She wears a pair of red sports shoes.

leather shoes  皮鞋   ['leðə]

He wears a pair of brown leather shoes.

slipper  拖鞋  ['slɪpə]

He wears a pair of blue slippers.

high-heeled   高跟鞋

He was wearing a pair of white high heels.  [hiːl]

sock  袜子

He wears a pair of black socks.

watch  手表

umbrella  伞

He wears an expensive watch.

earring   耳环

She wears a pair of silver earrings.

necklace   项链   ['neklɪs]

She wears a necklace

