C# 倍福ADS的正确打开方式,使用AdsRemote组件优雅的通过ADS通讯

C# 倍福ADS的正确打开方式,使用AdsRemote组件优雅的通过ADS通讯,支持WPF窗体控件的绑定机制,做上位机页面很方便,大大节省了开发时间。



AdsRemote:Beckhoff的TwinCAT.Ads API库的高级接口可以节省大量的开发时间。您不需要网络线程或句柄。只需声明一个C#变量,并通过变量属性将其绑定到PLC var。就这样。


PLC instance

First you have to create an instance of PLC object. This one wiil be like a factory that produces linked variables.

PLC plc = new PLC("");

When device connected or disconnected

plc.DeviceReady += Plc_DeviceReady;
plc.DeviceLost += Plc_DeviceLost;


private void Plc_DeviceReady(object sender, AdsDevice e)
    Log("READY [" + e.Address.Port.ToString() + "]");

How to create and link variables

Create a copy of your PLC's variable then use it like an ordinary variable We use PLC object that produces linked variables. After that variables will autoupdating their state and value.


Var<short>  main_count = plc.Var<short> ("MAIN.count");
Var<ushort> main_state = plc.Var<ushort>("MAIN.state");
Var<short>  g_Version  = plc.Var<ushort>(".VERSION");

Var<ushort> frm0       = plc.Var<ushort>("Inputs.Frm0InputToggle", 27907);
Var<ushort> devState   = plc.Var<ushort>(0xF030, 0x5FE, 27907);

long framesTotal += frm0 / 2; // automatic type casting
MessageBox.Show(frm0);        // cast into the string type without call of the ToString()

From now you can subscribe on value changing.

main_count.ValueChanged +=
        counterStatusLabel.Text = main_count;


main_count.ValueChanged +=
    delegate (object src, Var v)
        ushort val = (ushort)v.GetValue();
        framesTotal += val / 2;
        counterStatusLabel.Text = val.ToString();

Write-back to the PLC

Use "RemoteValue" propertie to write a new value to the PLC runtime.

main_count.RemoteValue = 123;

WinForms data binding

For example we will bind Text propertie of the Label control with default name label1. At the PLC side we have MAIN.count variable that contains value of counter that we should show.

Var<short> main_count = plc.Var<short>("MAIN.count");

Binding b = new Binding("Text", main_count, "RemoteValue");
b.ControlUpdateMode = ControlUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged;
b.DataSourceUpdateMode = DataSourceUpdateMode.Never;


If we have to convert given value we define a format converter

Var<short> main_count = plc.Var<short>("MAIN.count");

Binding b2 = new Binding("ForeColor", main_count, "RemoteValue");
b2.ControlUpdateMode = ControlUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged;
b2.DataSourceUpdateMode = DataSourceUpdateMode.Never;
b2.Format += (s, ea) =>
    ea.Value =  (short)ea.Value < 0 ? Color.Blue : Color.Red;

WPF data bindings

In WPF you must use properties instead of variables.

PLC plc;
public Var<ushort> frm0 { get; set; }

private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    plc = new PLC("");
    frm0 = plc.Var<ushort>("Inputs.Frm0InputToggle", Port: 27907);
    DataContext = this;

And explicitly specifying the field .RemoteValue of the remote variable

    <Label x:Name="label" Content="{Binding frm0.RemoteValue}" />

Create variables with help of attributes

You can create special class with several variables then mark those ones as remote PLC variables. Remember, all variables must declare a type. Otherwise you'll get NULL.

Public fields only!

public class PRG_Main
    [LinkedTo("MAIN.count", As: typeof(short), Port: (int)AmsPort3.PlcRuntime1)]
    public Var count;

    [LinkedTo("MAIN.state", Port: (int)AmsPort3.PlcRuntime1)]
    public Var<ushort> state;
    [LinkedTo("Inputs.Frm0InputToggle", Port: 27907)]
    public Var<ushort> frm0_1;

    [LinkedTo(IGrp: 0xF030, IOffs: 0x5F4, Port: 27907)]
    public Var<ushort> frm0;

or more concisely for the PLC's Runtime #1

public class PRG_Main
    public Var<short> count;

    public Var<ushort> state;

Again in WPF-project you should use properties

public class PRG_Main
    public Var<short> count { get; set; }

    public Var<ushort> state { get; set; }

It's time to create instance of our class.

If you don't need of special class constructor just write:

PRG_Main Main = plc.Class<PRG_Main>();

otherwise for cunstructor with parameter list or something else we use it in this maner

Main = new PRG_Main(param1, param2, ...);


using TwinCAT.Ads;

/// <summary>
        /// 读、写PLC变量
        /// </summary>
        static void ReadAndWrite()
            //Create a new instance of class TcAdsClient
            TcAdsClient tcClient = new TcAdsClient();
            AdsStream dataStream = new AdsStream(8);
            AdsBinaryReader binReader = new AdsBinaryReader(dataStream);

            int iHandle = 0;
            double iValue = 0;
            AdsBinaryWriter binWriter = new AdsBinaryWriter(dataStream);//共用一个变量,要控制Position
            int iHandle2 = 0;

                //tcClient.Connect("", 851);//远程连接,具体的设备
                //Get the handle of the SPS variable "PLCVar"
                iHandle = tcClient.CreateVariableHandle("GVL_Remote.SensorMM");
                iHandle2 = tcClient.CreateVariableHandle("GVL_Remote.Score");
                while (iValue <= 999)
                    //Use the handle to read PLCVar
                    dataStream.Position = 0;
                    tcClient.Read(iHandle, dataStream);
                    iValue = binReader.ReadDouble();
                    Console.WriteLine($"Current Distance = {iValue} at time {DateTime.Now}");
                    double newValue = iValue * 3;
                    dataStream.Position = 0;
                    tcClient.Write(iHandle2, dataStream);
                    Console.WriteLine($"new value = {newValue} at time {DateTime.Now}");
            catch (Exception ex)

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