EOS nodeos 参数列表

nodeos 参数列表

[root@test-work2 ~]# nodeos --help
Application Options:

Config Options for eosio::chain_plugin:
  --blocks-dir arg (="blocks")          the location of the blocks directory 
                                        (absolute path or relative to 
                                        application data dir)
  --protocol-features-dir arg (="protocol_features")
                                        the location of the protocol_features 
                                        directory (absolute path or relative to
                                        application config dir)
  --checkpoint arg                      Pairs of [BLOCK_NUM,BLOCK_ID] that 
                                        should be enforced as checkpoints.
  --wasm-runtime runtime                Override default WASM runtime
  --abi-serializer-max-time-ms arg (=15)
                                        Override default maximum ABI 
                                        serialization time allowed in ms
  --chain-state-db-size-mb arg (=1024)  Maximum size (in MiB) of the chain 
                                        state database
  --chain-state-db-guard-size-mb arg (=128)
                                        Safely shut down node when free space 
                                        remaining in the chain state database 
                                        drops below this size (in MiB).
  --reversible-blocks-db-size-mb arg (=340)
                                        Maximum size (in MiB) of the reversible
                                        blocks database
  --reversible-blocks-db-guard-size-mb arg (=2)
                                        Safely shut down node when free space 
                                        remaining in the reverseible blocks 
                                        database drops below this size (in 
  --signature-cpu-billable-pct arg (=50)
                                        Percentage of actual signature recovery
                                        cpu to bill. Whole number percentages, 
                                        e.g. 50 for 50%
  --chain-threads arg (=2)              Number of worker threads in controller 
                                        thread pool
  --contracts-console                   print contract's output to console
  --actor-whitelist arg                 Account added to actor whitelist (may 
                                        specify multiple times)
  --actor-blacklist arg                 Account added to actor blacklist (may 
                                        specify multiple times)
  --contract-whitelist arg              Contract account added to contract 
                                        whitelist (may specify multiple times)
  --contract-blacklist arg              Contract account added to contract 
                                        blacklist (may specify multiple times)
  --action-blacklist arg                Action (in the form code::action) added
                                        to action blacklist (may specify 
                                        multiple times)
  --key-blacklist arg                   Public key added to blacklist of keys 
                                        that should not be included in 
                                        authorities (may specify multiple 
  --sender-bypass-whiteblacklist arg    Deferred transactions sent by accounts 
                                        in this list do not have any of the 
                                        subjective whitelist/blacklist checks 
                                        applied to them (may specify multiple 
  --read-mode arg (=speculative)        Database read mode ("speculative", 
                                        "head", "read-only", "irreversible").
                                        In "speculative" mode database contains
                                        changes done up to the head block plus 
                                        changes made by transactions not yet 
                                        included to the blockchain.
                                        In "head" mode database contains 
                                        changes done up to the current head 
                                        In "read-only" mode database contains 
                                        changes done up to the current head 
                                        block and transactions cannot be pushed
                                        to the chain API.
                                        In "irreversible" mode database 
                                        contains changes done up to the last 
                                        irreversible block and transactions 
                                        cannot be pushed to the chain API.
  --validation-mode arg (=full)         Chain validation mode ("full" or 
                                        In "full" mode all incoming blocks will
                                        be fully validated.
                                        In "light" mode all incoming blocks 
                                        headers will be fully validated; 
                                        transactions in those validated blocks 
                                        will be trusted 
  --disable-ram-billing-notify-checks   Disable the check which subjectively 
                                        fails a transaction if a contract bills
                                        more RAM to another account within the 
                                        context of a notification handler (i.e.
                                        when the receiver is not the code of 
                                        the action).
  --maximum-variable-signature-length arg (=16384)
                                        Subjectively limit the maximum length 
                                        of variable components in a variable 
                                        legnth signature to this size in bytes
  --trusted-producer arg                Indicate a producer whose blocks 
                                        headers signed by it will be fully 
                                        validated, but transactions in those 
                                        validated blocks will be trusted.
  --database-map-mode arg (=mapped)     Database map mode ("mapped", "heap", or
                                        In "mapped" mode database is memory 
                                        mapped as a file.
                                        In "heap" mode database is preloaded in
                                        to swappable memory.
                                        In "locked" mode database is preloaded,
                                        locked in to memory, and optionally can
                                        use huge pages.
  --database-hugepage-path arg          Optional path for database hugepages 
                                        when in "locked" mode (may specify 
                                        multiple times)
  --eos-vm-oc-cache-size-mb arg (=1024) Maximum size (in MiB) of the EOS VM OC 
                                        code cache
  --eos-vm-oc-compile-threads arg (=1)  Number of threads to use for EOS VM OC 
  --eos-vm-oc-enable                    Enable EOS VM OC tier-up runtime

Command Line Options for eosio::chain_plugin:
  --genesis-json arg                    File to read Genesis State from
  --genesis-timestamp arg               override the initial timestamp in the 
                                        Genesis State file
  --print-genesis-json                  extract genesis_state from blocks.log 
                                        as JSON, print to console, and exit
  --extract-genesis-json arg            extract genesis_state from blocks.log 
                                        as JSON, write into specified file, and
  --print-build-info                    print build environment information to 
                                        console as JSON and exit
  --extract-build-info arg              extract build environment information 
                                        as JSON, write into specified file, and
  --fix-reversible-blocks               recovers reversible block database if 
                                        that database is in a bad state
  --force-all-checks                    do not skip any checks that can be 
                                        skipped while replaying irreversible 
  --disable-replay-opts                 disable optimizations that specifically
                                        target replay
  --replay-blockchain                   clear chain state database and replay 
                                        all blocks
  --hard-replay-blockchain              clear chain state database, recover as 
                                        many blocks as possible from the block 
                                        log, and then replay those blocks
  --delete-all-blocks                   clear chain state database and block 
  --truncate-at-block arg (=0)          stop hard replay / block log recovery 
                                        at this block number (if set to 
                                        non-zero number)
  --import-reversible-blocks arg        replace reversible block database with 
                                        blocks imported from specified file and
                                        then exit
  --export-reversible-blocks arg        export reversible block database in 
                                        portable format into specified file and
                                        then exit
  --snapshot arg                        File to read Snapshot State from

Config Options for eosio::history_plugin:
  -f [ --filter-on ] arg                Track actions which match 
                                        receiver:action:actor. Actor may be 
                                        blank to include all. Action and Actor 
                                        both blank allows all from Recieiver. 
                                        Receiver may not be blank.
  -F [ --filter-out ] arg               Do not track actions which match 
                                        receiver:action:actor. Action and Actor
                                        both blank excludes all from Reciever. 
                                        Actor blank excludes all from 
                                        reciever:action. Receiver may not be 

Config Options for eosio::http_client_plugin:
  --https-client-root-cert arg          PEM encoded trusted root certificate 
                                        (or path to file containing one) used 
                                        to validate any TLS connections made.  
                                        (may specify multiple times)
  --https-client-validate-peers arg (=1)
                                        true: validate that the peer 
                                        certificates are valid and trusted, 
                                        false: ignore cert errors

Config Options for eosio::http_plugin:
  --unix-socket-path arg                The filename (relative to data-dir) to 
                                        create a unix socket for HTTP RPC; set 
                                        blank to disable.
  --http-server-address arg (=
                                        The local IP and port to listen for 
                                        incoming http connections; set blank to
  --https-server-address arg            The local IP and port to listen for 
                                        incoming https connections; leave blank
                                        to disable.
  --https-certificate-chain-file arg    Filename with the certificate chain to 
                                        present on https connections. PEM 
                                        format. Required for https.
  --https-private-key-file arg          Filename with https private key in PEM 
                                        format. Required for https
  --https-ecdh-curve arg (=secp384r1)   Configure https ECDH curve to use: 
                                        secp384r1 or prime256v1
  --access-control-allow-origin arg     Specify the Access-Control-Allow-Origin
                                        to be returned on each request.
  --access-control-allow-headers arg    Specify the Access-Control-Allow-Header
                                        s to be returned on each request.
  --access-control-max-age arg          Specify the Access-Control-Max-Age to 
                                        be returned on each request.
  --access-control-allow-credentials    Specify if Access-Control-Allow-Credent
                                        ials: true should be returned on each 
  --max-body-size arg (=1048576)        The maximum body size in bytes allowed 
                                        for incoming RPC requests
  --http-max-bytes-in-flight-mb arg (=500)
                                        Maximum size in megabytes http_plugin 
                                        should use for processing http 
                                        requests. 503 error response when 
  --http-max-response-time-ms arg (=30) Maximum time for processing a request.
  --verbose-http-errors                 Append the error log to HTTP responses
  --http-validate-host arg (=1)         If set to false, then any incoming 
                                        "Host" header is considered valid
  --http-alias arg                      Additionaly acceptable values for the 
                                        "Host" header of incoming HTTP 
                                        requests, can be specified multiple 
                                        times.  Includes http/s_server_address 
                                        by default.
  --http-threads arg (=2)               Number of worker threads in http thread

Config Options for eosio::login_plugin:
  --max-login-requests arg (=1000000)   The maximum number of pending login 
  --max-login-timeout arg (=60)         The maximum timeout for pending login 
                                        requests (in seconds)

Config Options for eosio::mongo_db_plugin:
  -q [ --mongodb-queue-size ] arg (=1024)
                                        The target queue size between nodeos 
                                        and MongoDB plugin thread.
  --mongodb-abi-cache-size arg (=2048)  The maximum size of the abi cache for 
                                        serializing data.
  --mongodb-wipe                        Required with --replay-blockchain, 
                                        --hard-replay-blockchain, or 
                                        --delete-all-blocks to wipe mongo 
                                        db.This option required to prevent 
                                        accidental wipe of mongo db.
  --mongodb-block-start arg (=0)        If specified then only abi data pushed 
                                        to mongodb until specified block is 
  -m [ --mongodb-uri ] arg              MongoDB URI connection string, see: 
                                        ce/connection-string/. If not specified
                                        then plugin is disabled. Default 
                                        database 'EOS' is used if not specified
                                        in URI. Example: mongodb://
  --mongodb-update-via-block-num arg (=0)
                                        Update blocks/block_state with latest 
                                        via block number so that duplicates are
  --mongodb-store-blocks arg (=1)       Enables storing blocks in mongodb.
  --mongodb-store-block-states arg (=1) Enables storing block state in mongodb.
  --mongodb-store-transactions arg (=1) Enables storing transactions in 
  --mongodb-store-transaction-traces arg (=1)
                                        Enables storing transaction traces in 
  --mongodb-store-action-traces arg (=1)
                                        Enables storing action traces in 
  --mongodb-expire-after-seconds arg (=0)
                                        Enables expiring data in mongodb after 
                                        a specified number of seconds.
  --mongodb-filter-on arg               Track actions which match 
                                        receiver:action:actor. Receiver, 
                                        Action, & Actor may be blank to include
                                        all. i.e. eosio:: or :transfer:  Use * 
                                        or leave unspecified to include all.
  --mongodb-filter-out arg              Do not track actions which match 
                                        receiver:action:actor. Receiver, 
                                        Action, & Actor may be blank to exclude

Config Options for eosio::net_plugin:
  --p2p-listen-endpoint arg (=
                                        The actual host:port used to listen for
                                        incoming p2p connections.
  --p2p-server-address arg              An externally accessible host:port for 
                                        identifying this node. Defaults to 
  --p2p-peer-address arg                The public endpoint of a peer node to 
                                        connect to. Use multiple 
                                        p2p-peer-address options as needed to 
                                        compose a network.
                                          Syntax: host:port[:<trx>|<blk>]
                                          The optional 'trx' and 'blk' 
                                        indicates to node that only 
                                        transactions 'trx' or blocks 'blk' 
                                        should be sent.  Examples:
  --p2p-max-nodes-per-host arg (=1)     Maximum number of client nodes from any
                                        single IP address
  --agent-name arg (="EOS Test Agent")  The name supplied to identify this node
                                        amongst the peers.
  --allowed-connection arg (=any)       Can be 'any' or 'producers' or 
                                        'specified' or 'none'. If 'specified', 
                                        peer-key must be specified at least 
                                        once. If only 'producers', peer-key is 
                                        not required. 'producers' and 
                                        'specified' may be combined.
  --peer-key arg                        Optional public key of peer allowed to 
                                        connect.  May be used multiple times.
  --peer-private-key arg                Tuple of [PublicKey, WIF private key] 
                                        (may specify multiple times)
  --max-clients arg (=25)               Maximum number of clients from which 
                                        connections are accepted, use 0 for no 
  --connection-cleanup-period arg (=30) number of seconds to wait before 
                                        cleaning up dead connections
  --max-cleanup-time-msec arg (=10)     max connection cleanup time per cleanup
                                        call in millisec
  --net-threads arg (=2)                Number of worker threads in net_plugin 
                                        thread pool
  --sync-fetch-span arg (=100)          number of blocks to retrieve in a chunk
                                        from any individual peer during 
  --use-socket-read-watermark arg (=0)  Enable expirimental socket read 
                                        watermark optimization
  --peer-log-format arg (=["${_name}" ${_ip}:${_port}])
                                        The string used to format peers when 
                                        logging messages about them.  Variables
                                        are escaped with ${<variable name>}.
                                        Available Variables:
                                           _name  self-reported name
                                           _id    self-reported ID (64 hex 
                                           _sid   first 8 characters of 
                                           _ip    remote IP address of peer
                                           _port  remote port number of peer
                                           _lip   local IP address connected to
                                           _lport local port number connected 
                                                  to peer

Config Options for eosio::producer_plugin:

  -e [ --enable-stale-production ]      Enable block production, even if the 
                                        chain is stale.
  -x [ --pause-on-startup ]             Start this node in a state where 
                                        production is paused
  --max-transaction-time arg (=30)      Limits the maximum time (in 
                                        milliseconds) that is allowed a pushed 
                                        transaction's code to execute before 
                                        being considered invalid
  --max-irreversible-block-age arg (=-1)
                                        Limits the maximum age (in seconds) of 
                                        the DPOS Irreversible Block for a chain
                                        this node will produce blocks on (use 
                                        negative value to indicate unlimited)
  -p [ --producer-name ] arg            ID of producer controlled by this node 
                                        (e.g. inita; may specify multiple 
  --private-key arg                     (DEPRECATED - Use signature-provider 
                                        instead) Tuple of [public key, WIF 
                                        private key] (may specify multiple 
  --signature-provider arg (=EOS6MRyAjQq8ud7hVNYcfnVPJqcVpscN5So8BhtHuGYqET5GDW5CV=KEY:5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3)
                                        Key=Value pairs in the form 
                                           <public-key>    is a string form of 
                                                           a vaild EOSIO public
                                           <provider-spec> is a string in the 
                                                           form <provider-type>
                                           <provider-type> is KEY, or KEOSD
                                           KEY:<data>      is a string form of 
                                                           a valid EOSIO 
                                                           private key which 
                                                           maps to the provided
                                                           public key
                                           KEOSD:<data>    is the URL where 
                                                           keosd is available 
                                                           and the approptiate 
                                                           wallet(s) are 
  --keosd-provider-timeout arg (=5)     Limits the maximum time (in 
                                        milliseconds) that is allowed for 
                                        sending blocks to a keosd provider for 
  --greylist-account arg                account that can not access to extended
                                        CPU/NET virtual resources
  --greylist-limit arg (=1000)          Limit (between 1 and 1000) on the 
                                        multiple that CPU/NET virtual resources
                                        can extend during low usage (only 
                                        enforced subjectively; use 1000 to not 
                                        enforce any limit)
  --produce-time-offset-us arg (=0)     Offset of non last block producing time
                                        in microseconds. Valid range 0 .. 
  --last-block-time-offset-us arg (=-200000)
                                        Offset of last block producing time in 
                                        microseconds. Valid range 0 .. 
  --cpu-effort-percent arg (=80)        Percentage of cpu block production time
                                        used to produce block. Whole number 
                                        percentages, e.g. 80 for 80%
  --last-block-cpu-effort-percent arg (=80)
                                        Percentage of cpu block production time
                                        used to produce last block. Whole 
                                        number percentages, e.g. 80 for 80%
  --max-scheduled-transaction-time-per-block-ms arg (=100)
                                        Maximum wall-clock time, in 
                                        milliseconds, spent retiring scheduled 
                                        transactions in any block before 
                                        returning to normal transaction 
  --subjective-cpu-leeway-us arg (=31000)
                                        Time in microseconds allowed for a 
                                        transaction that starts with 
                                        insufficient CPU quota to complete and 
                                        cover its CPU usage.
  --incoming-defer-ratio arg (=1)       ratio between incoming transations and 
                                        deferred transactions when both are 
  --incoming-transaction-queue-size-mb arg (=1024)
                                        Maximum size (in MiB) of the incoming 
                                        transaction queue. Exceeding this value
                                        will subjectively drop transaction with
                                        resource exhaustion.
  --producer-threads arg (=2)           Number of worker threads in producer 
                                        thread pool
  --snapshots-dir arg (="snapshots")    the location of the snapshots directory
                                        (absolute path or relative to 
                                        application data dir)

Config Options for eosio::state_history_plugin:
  --state-history-dir arg (="state-history")
                                        the location of the state-history 
                                        directory (absolute path or relative to
                                        application data dir)
  --trace-history                       enable trace history
  --chain-state-history                 enable chain state history
  --state-history-endpoint arg (=
                                        the endpoint upon which to listen for 
                                        incoming connections. Caution: only 
                                        expose this port to your internal 
  --trace-history-debug-mode            enable debug mode for trace history

Command Line Options for eosio::state_history_plugin:
  --delete-state-history                clear state history files

Config Options for eosio::txn_test_gen_plugin:
  --txn-reference-block-lag arg (=0)    Lag in number of blocks from the head 
                                        block when selecting the reference 
                                        block for transactions (-1 means Last 
                                        Irreversible Block)
  --txn-test-gen-threads arg (=2)       Number of worker threads in 
                                        txn_test_gen thread pool
  --txn-test-gen-account-prefix arg (=txn.test.)
                                        Prefix to use for accounts generated 
                                        and used by this plugin

Application Config Options:
  --plugin arg                          Plugin(s) to enable, may be specified 
                                        multiple times

Application Command Line Options:
  -h [ --help ]                         Print this help message and exit.
  -v [ --version ]                      Print version information.
  --full-version                        Print full version information.
  --print-default-config                Print default configuration template
  -d [ --data-dir ] arg                 Directory containing program runtime 
  --config-dir arg                      Directory containing configuration 
                                        files such as config.ini
  -c [ --config ] arg (=config.ini)     Configuration file name relative to 
  -l [ --logconf ] arg (=logging.json)  Logging configuration file name/path 
                                        for library users

[root@test-work2 ~]# 

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