
本文翻译自:How to align a

to the middle (horizontally/width) of the page [duplicate]

I have a div tag with width set to 800 pixels . 我有一个width设置为800像素div标签。 When the browser width is greater than 800 pixels , it shouldn't stretch the div , but it should bring it to the middle of the page. 当浏览器宽度大于800像素时 ,它不应该拉伸div ,但它应该将它带到页面的中间。




This also works in Internet Explorer, but auto margins do not. 这也适用于Internet Explorer,但自动边距不适用。

.centered {
    position: absolute;
    display:  inline-block;
    left:     -500px;
    width:    1000px;
    margin:   0 50%;


Simply use the center tag just after the body tag, and end the center tag just before body ends: 只需在body标签后面使用center标签,然后在body结束前结束center标签:

        ... Your code here ...

This worked for me with all the browsers I have tried. 这适用于我尝试过的所有浏览器。


Some other pre-existing setups from older code that will prevent div page centering L&R are: 旧代码中的一些其他预先存在的设置将阻止div页面居中L&R:

Other classes hidden in external stylesheet links. 隐藏在外部样式表链接中的其他类。 Other classes embedded in something like an img (like for older external CSS print format controls). 嵌入在img类的其他类(如旧的外部CSS打印格式控件)。 Legend code with IDs and/or CLASSES will conflict with a named div class. 带有ID和/或CLASSES的图例代码将与命名的div类冲突。


position: absolute and then top:50% and left:50% places the top edge at the vertical center of the screen, and the left edge at the horizontal center, then by adding margin-top to the negative of the height of the div, ie, -100 shifts it above by 100 and similarly for margin-left . position: absolute然后top:50% and left:50%将顶边放在屏幕的垂直中心,左边放在水平中心,然后通过将margin-top添加到div的高度的负值,即-100将其向上移动100,同样对于margin-left This gets the div exactly in the center of the page. 这使得div恰好位于页面的中心。


You can also use it like this: 您也可以像这样使用它:

<div style="width: 60%; margin: 0px auto;">
    Your contents here...
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