【Lintcode】628. Maximum Subtree





import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class Solution {
     * @param root: the root of binary tree
     * @return: the maximum weight node
    public TreeNode findSubtree(TreeNode root) {
        // write your code here
        if (root == null) {
            return root;
        Map<TreeNode, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
        // 空树节点和记为0
        map.put(null, 0);
        return find(root, map);
    private TreeNode find(TreeNode root, Map<TreeNode, Integer> map) {
        if (root == null) {
            return null;
        TreeNode left = find(root.left, map), right = find(root.right, map);
        // 分别计算本树以及左右子树的节点和,
        // 由于是递归计算的,所以算完root节点和后左右子树的节点和都已经存在哈希表里了,可以直接拿出来
        int sum = sum(root, map), lSum = map.get(left), rSum = map.get(right);
        if (left == null && right == null) {
            return root;
        } else if (right == null) {
            return sum >= lSum ? root : left;
        } else if (left == null) {
            return sum >= rSum ? root : right;
        } else {
            if (sum >= Math.max(lSum, rSum)) {
                return root;
            } else {
                return lSum >= rSum ? left : right;
    private int sum(TreeNode root, Map<TreeNode, Integer> map) {
    	// 如果已经有了记忆则调取记忆
        if (map.containsKey(root)) {
            return map.get(root);
        // 否则递归求解并把结果放进哈希表
        map.put(root, sum(root.left, map) + sum(root.right, map) + root.val);
        // 最后返回
        return map.get(root);

class TreeNode {
    int val;
    TreeNode left, right;
    TreeNode(int x) {
        val = x;

时空复杂度 O ( n ) O(n)


public class Solution {
    int maxSum = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
    TreeNode res = null;
     * @param root: the root of binary tree
     * @return: the maximum weight node
    public TreeNode findSubtree(TreeNode root) {
        // write your code here
        if (root == null) {
            return root;
        // 计算所有子树的和并更新全局变量
        return res;
    private int sum(TreeNode root) {
        if (root == null) {
            return 0;
        // 分治
        int left = sum(root.left), right = sum(root.right);
        int total = left + right + root.val;
        if (maxSum < total) {
            maxSum = total;
            res = root;
        return total;

时间复杂度 O ( n ) O(n) ,空间 O ( h ) O(h)

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