CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs

斯坦福大学在2019年开设的CS224W课程为Machine Learning with Graphs


  1. Introduction; Structure of Graphs
  2. Properties of Networks and Random Graph Models
  3. Motifs and Structural Roles in Networks
  4. Community Structure in Networks
  5. Spectral Clustering
  6. Message Passing and Node Classification
  7. Graph Representation Learning
  8. Graph Neural Networks
  9. Graph Neural Networks: Hands-on Session
  10. Deep Generative Models for Graphs
  11. Link Analysis: PageRank
  12. Network Effects and Cascading Behavior
  13. Probabilistic Contagion and Models of Influence
  14. Influence Maximization in Networks
  15. Outbreak Detection in Networks
  16. Network Evolution
  17. Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs
  18. Limitations of Graph Neural Networks
  19. Applications of Graph Neural Networks
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