抓包 thrift 消息


namespace java com.meituan.service
include "model.thrift"
service HelloService {
        model.Response sayHello(1: model.Request req)


namespace java com.meituan.model
struct Request {
        1: required i32 age;
        2: required string name;
struct Response {
        1: required i16 code;
        2: required string msg;


public class HelloServiceImpl implements HelloService.Iface {
    public Response sayHello(Request req) throws TException {
        Response response = new Response();
        response.setCode((short) 255);
        return response;

使用 tcpdump 监听 thrift 字节流
sudo tcpdump -i any -Xvv dst port 8899 and tcp


18:40:43.204079 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 410, bad cksum 0 (->2644)!) > Flags [P.], cksum 0x14a7 (incorrect -> 0x40bf), seq 0:358, ack 1, win 6379, options [nop,nop,TS val 269827676 ecr 269824325], length 358
	0x0000:  0200 0000 4500 019a 0000 4000 4006 0000  ....E.....@.@...
	0x0010:  ac12 dd7a ac12 dd7a e58e 22c3 67d5 1441  ...z...z..".g..A
	0x0020:  7e7a 6334 8018 18eb 14a7 0000 0101 080a  ~zc4............
	0x0030:  1015 3e5c 1015 3145 0000 0162 8001 0001  ..>\..1E...b....
	0x0040:  0000 0008 7361 7948 656c 6c6f 0000 0001  ....sayHello....
	0x0050:  0c7f ff0b 2711 0000 0013 3330 3631 3432  ....'.....306142
	0x0060:  3034 3230 3538 3933 3331 3339 360b 2712  0420589331396.'.
	0x0070:  0000 0001 300b 2713 0000 0019 636f 6d2e  ....0.'.....com.
	0x0080:  7361 6e6b 7561 692e 6665 2e65 766f 6c76  sankuai.fe.evolv
	0x0090:  652e 6170 690b 2714 0000 000e 3137 322e  e.api.'.....172.
	0x00a0:  3138 2e32 3231 2e31 3232 0b27 1500 0000  18.221.122.'....
	0x00b0:  1548 656c 6c6f 5365 7276 6963 652e 7361  .HelloService.sa
	0x00c0:  7948 656c 6c6f 0b27 1600 0000 0e31 3237  yHello.'.....127
	0x00d0:  2e30 2e30 2e31 3a38 3839 3902 2717 0002  .0.0.1:8899.'...
	0x00e0:  2718 000b 2719 0000 0007 312e 382e 372e  '...'.....1.8.7.
	0x00f0:  320d 271a 0b0b 0000 0003 0000 000b 6175  2.'...........au
	0x0100:  7468 2d61 7070 6b65 7900 0000 1963 6f6d  th-appkey....com
	0x0110:  2e73 616e 6b75 6169 2e66 652e 6576 6f6c  .sankuai.fe.evol
	0x0120:  7665 2e61 7069 0000 000e 6175 7468 2d73  ve.api....auth-s
	0x0130:  6967 6e61 7475 7265 0000 0028 3331 3244  ignature...(312D
	0x0140:  3935 3732 3730 4244 4634 4645 3532 3832  957270BDF4FE5282
	0x0150:  3136 4539 3142 3035 4538 3641 4441 4545  16E91B05E86ADAEE
	0x0160:  3941 3432 0000 000b 696e 665f 7469 6d65  9A42....inf_time
	0x0170:  6f75 7400 0000 0731 3030 3030 3030 0d27  out....1000000.'
	0x0180:  1b0b 0b00 0000 0000 0c00 0108 0001 0000  ................
	0x0190:  001b 0b00 0200 0000 036c 6768 0000       .........lgh..

8001 0001 到 0c00 0108 为美团自定义 Mtrace 信息。
sudo tcpdump -i any -Xvv src port 8899 and tcp


16:12:16.009960 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 95, bad cksum 0 (->277f)!) > Flags [P.], cksum 0x136c (incorrect -> 0xbd5d), seq 1:44, ack 359, win 6374, options [nop,nop,TS val 261300760 ecr 261300750], length 43
	0x0000:  0200 0000 4500 005f 0000 4000 4006 0000  ....E.._..@.@...
	0x0010:  ac12 dd7a ac12 dd7a 22c3 c05e 6745 7628  ...z...z"..^gEv(
	0x0020:  f56b afbc 8018 18e6 136c 0000 0101 080a  .k.......l......
	0x0030:  0f93 2218 0f93 220e 0000 0027 8001 0002  .."..."....'....
	0x0040:  0000 0008 7361 7948 656c 6c6f 0000 0001  ....sayHello....
	0x0050:  0c00 0006 0001 00ff 0b00 0200 0000 0268  ...............h
	0x0060:  6900 00                                  i..


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