modal-jngcs 简单的移动端modal插件

modal.js Guidance

modal.js is a mobile-browser plugin build with HTML CSS and JavaScript.

It provide the ability to show the model in your mobile-browser, and listen the basic events.

You can also make your own style modal whether the plugin’s style.

The modal.js rely on pure js,you can run it without any frame.

Quick Start

  1. import js

    <script src=""></script>
  2. import css

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
  3. copy code below in your html, then paste under the <body> element and must under the <body>

    <!-- modal -->
    <div id="mask" style="display: none;"></div>
    <div id="modal" style="display: none;">
        <div class="modal-content">
    	<div class="modal-title"></div>
    	    <div class="modal-msg">哈哈哈</div>
    	<div class="modal-button"></div>


  • Modal.set()

    Initialize the modal.

  • Modal.set().show()

    show the modal. must call set() before show() like Modal.set().show();

  • Modal.hide()

    hide the modal.


function set()

Property Type Default value Description
type string toast modal type.
content_title string modal title.
content_msg string modal content message.
cancel_text string 取消 text of cancel button.
confirm_text string 确定 text of confirm button.
need_rebuild number 0 is modal need rebuild.
toast_time number 1500 show time while type = ‘toast’.
animation string fade animation.
  • legal value of type

    Value Description
    toast no button, timeout with 1500ms.
    alert with only confirm button, no timeout.
    confirm with cancel and confirm buttons, no timeout.
  • legal value of content_title

    Value Description
    none don’t need modal title
  • legal value of need_rebuild

    Value Description
    0 use modal default style.
    1 rebuild your style modal, you can rewrite HTML, CSS.
  • legal value of animation

    Value Description
    fade modal fade slowly.
    pop modal pop up and fall down slowly.

function show()

Property Type Default value Description
success function callback after success
fail function callback after fail

How To Listen

If you use the default style, modal.js provider the className for you.

alert type

modal.js provide className .modal-btn-confirm in confirm button.

confirm type

modal.js provide classNmae .modal-btn-cancel and .modal-btn-confirm .

You can listen the events by className in your business logic like this:

var cancelBtn = document.getElementsByClassName[0];
cancelBtn.addEventListener('click', function() {

If you use mui to listen like this:

mui('#modal').on('tap', '.modal-btn-cancel', function() {

Remember to use mui().off()to cancel the listener after your work, or the code in listener will be called many times.


// 在业务逻辑中显示模态框
	type: 'confirm',
	content_title: 'title',
	content_msg: 'message',
    animation: 'fade'
	success: function(res) {
    fail: function(res) {

// 监听模态框事件,在业务逻辑中关闭模态框

Attention ☆

  • The Id and className modal.js used:

    @keyframes fade
    @keyframes pop
    @keyframes mask-show

    make sure not to use them in other place.

  • If you use the default style, don’t modify the html ans css in Quict Start.

  • Call function set() before use show(), otherwise the modal will not work.

  • If you use mui to listen, remember to use mui().off()to cancel the listener, or the code in listener will be called many times.


  1. Q: The animation didn’t work?

    A: modal.js is still in Alpha edition, something maybe is testing.

  2. Q: How to rebuild?

    A: Use the property need_rebuild: 1 in set(). Then you can modify html and css you like.

Update Notes

v0.2 Alpha(13/3/2020):

  • 新增错误捕获功能
  • 移除show()函数的默认成功回调函数内部功能

v0.3 Alpha(13/3/2020):

  • 新增链式调用顺序要求

v1.1 Alpha(14/3/2020):

  • 新增动画效果
  • 修复同一页面下存在有或无标题的两种模态框情况下,导致消息高度变化的问题

v1.2 Alpha(15/3/2020):

  • 修复mask动画短暂黑屏的问题
  • 修复由于未对对象进行深度复制导致内容异常的问题
  • 优化show()函数成功后回调函数的执行顺序

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