
[Experiment topic 3]

**class Student//学生结点类
long no;
char *name;
int score;
Student link;
Student(long nno,char nn="",int score1=0,Student next=NULL)
name=new char[strlen(nn)+1];
~Student(){delete []name;}
class lnkstu //学生链表类
Student head;//链表头指针
head=new Student;//头指针指向头结点,头结点中不存放数据,只是利用其后继指针;
Locate(int i);//在head为头指针的单链表中查找第i个结点,返回指向其的指针;
long Locate(char nn)//在head为头指针的单链表中查找姓名为nn的结点,返回其学号;
void DeleteList(int i);//删除第i个结点
void InsertList(int i);//在第i个位置插入一条学生信息
void Display();//显示单链表中学生信息
void main()
lnkstu s;

1. Experimental procedure

#pragma warning(disable : 4996)
using namespace std;
class lnkstu;
class Student//学生结点类
    long no;
    char* name;
    int score;
    Student* link;
    Student(long nno=0, const char* nn = "None", int score1 = 0, Student* next = NULL)
        name = new char[strlen(nn) + 1];
        no = nno; score = score1; strcpy(name, nn); link = next;
    ~Student() { delete[]name;}
    friend lnkstu;//将链表类设为学生类的友元类方便书写链表操作函数;

class lnkstu  //学生链表类
    Student* head;//链表头指针
        head = new Student;//头指针指向头结点,头结点中不存放数据,只是利用其后继指针;
    Student* Locate(int i);//在head为头指针的单链表中查找第i个结点,返回指向其的指针;
    long Locate(char* nn);//在head为头指针的单链表中查找姓名为nn的结点,返回其学号;  
    void DeleteList(int i);//删除第i个结点
    void InsertList(int i);//在第i个位置插入一条学生信息
    void Display();//显示单链表中学生信息 
lnkstu::~lnkstu() //定义链表类析构函数
    Student* s = head;
    while (head != NULL) {
        head = head->link;
        delete s;
        s = head;
    }cout << "Release linked list end.\n";
Student* lnkstu::Locate(int i) 
    Student* current = head;
    int num = 0;
    while (current != NULL && num < i) {
    }if (current == NULL)cout << "The number of " << i << " Student doesn's exist.\n";
    return current;
long lnkstu::Locate(char* nn) {
    Student* t = head;
    while (t != NULL && strcmp(t->name, nn) != 0) {
        t = t->link;
    }if (t == NULL)//如果学生中没有姓名是nn的则输出查找失败并返回0
        cout << "Search failed.\n";
        return 0;
    else return t->no;
}void lnkstu::DeleteList(int i) {
    Student* current = head,*aft,*t;
    t = current -> link;
    aft = t->link;
    delete t;
    current->link = aft;
    cout << "Delete end.\n";
}void lnkstu::InsertList(int i) {
    Student* current = head,*aft;
    current = Locate(i - 1);//要插入到第i节点需定位到第i-1节点处
    aft = current->link;
    cout << "Please input the student information to be inserted: student number, name, score: ";
    Student* newstu = new Student;
    cin >> newstu->no >> newstu->name >> newstu->score;
    current->link = newstu;
    newstu->link = aft;
    cout << "Insert end.\n";
}void lnkstu::Display() {
    Student* s = head->link;
    while (s != NULL) {
        cout << "Student number: " << s->no
            << " name: " << s->name
            << " score: " << s->score << endl;
        s = s->link;
int main()
    lnkstu  s;
    int n,i;
    cout << "Please input the total number of student: ";
    cin >> n;
    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    cout << "Next, test the linked list operation function.\n";
    cout << "Please input the number of link you want to delete in linked list:";
    cin >> i;
    cout << "Please input the number of the place you want to add in linked list:"; 
    cin >> i;
    cout << endl;

2. Experimental results and analysis

In the vs debugging process, because of the security problem of strcpy() function, I can’t compile and run it all the time, so I added a line to ignore the warning code in the file; finally, the test results are all normal.

3. Experiment process analysis

During the experiment, I review the knowledge of linked list, pointer and dynamic allocation better. As well as the default parameter settings in the constructor parameter list, the destructor needs to release the memory allocated dynamically with new
Also, I set the linked list class as the friend class of the student class to facilitate the member functions in the linked list class to operate the data members. That is to say, the member functions in a friend class are all friend functions.

4. Empirial conclusion

This experiment let me know many advantages of class, for example, using class to create a linked list has better encapsulation for data than using structure to create a linked list, and can define the functions of the linked list operation in the class body to make the whole program modular.

By-----Suki 2020 4 14
std::cout<<“Good night, babys.”<<endl;

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