【英语笔记】 20-4-6

【英语笔记】 20-4-6


  1. Do you remember the scene where we were drinking and having fun ?

    你还记得我们喝酒玩乐的那一幕吗 ?

  2. Happiness and success often come to those who are good at recognizing their own strengths.


  3. I will never forget the days when I was taken good care of in that village.


  4. Do you know the reason why John is so angry ?

    你知道John生气的理由吗 ?

  5. The reason that/which he explained at the meeting for his absence didn’t make sense.


  6. Most of my friends shop at the stores whose the goods are very cheap.


  7. I still remember the night when she left the house.


  8. However, this was a time when one had got to have passbook to live in Johannesburg.


  9. Today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.


  10. The days are gone when physical strength was all you needed to make a living.


  1. 她就是我要介绍给你的新学生.

    She is the new students whom I want to introduce to you.

  2. 正在弹钢琴的那位女士是我们的音乐老师.

    The woman who is playing the piano is our music teacher.

  3. 我们要参观的第一个地方是国家博物馆.

    The first place we are going to visit is the National Museum.

  4. 你能把昨天谈论到的那本书借给我吗 ?

    Can you lend me the book that you talked about yesterday ?

  5. 我们永远都不应该忘记中华人民共和国成立的那一天.

    We shall never forget the day when the People’s Republic of China was founded.

  6. 让我们一起去那个可以放风筝的公园吧.

    Let’s go to the park where we can play kites.

  7. 他解释的那个迟到的原因完全不可信.

    The reason that he explained for his late arrival was completely unbelievable.

  8. 那辆刹车坏了的自行车现在已经修好了.

    The bike whose brake was broken has now been repaired.

  9. 众所周知,地球绕着太阳转.

    As is known to us all we all known,the earth goes around the sun.

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