Oracle SFTP下载教程操作概要

说明:本文为Oracle SFTP下载教程操作概要

★ SR摘要:

Dear Customer,

The electronic software delivery (SFTP) request has been completed for immediate access. The requested software can be downloaded from Oracle SFTP server, please find details below.
Note: All files associated with this request will no longer be available for download after 7 days.
SFTP Details:
1) You will need an SFTP Client to access the files.
2) Open the SFTP Client and login to the SFTP server using Host: and Port: 2020 (Type - open 2020).
3) At the prompt, login using your Oracle account Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials. Note: If you do not have an Oracle Single Sign-On (SSO) account please visit: from the Internet Browser or Open and click "Sign In/Register" located at the top of the screen.
4) Once you have logged in to the Oracle SFTP server, change your directory by typing cd /support/outgoing/xxx
Note: For Security reasons External Users are not allowed to list any directory or path inside the Oracle SFTP environment. As such, you will not see any file if you try to use a list command (e.g. ls or dir).
5) Once you have changed the directory, you can download the file. To download this file, type: get filename.extension (please see exact file name below).\
File name(s):
If you have any questions or need help please contact [email protected]

Oracle Production Services and Distribution

★ SFTP客户端搭建及使用

※ 其实Linux一般都自带SFTP功能(SSH的一个组件),所以一般情况下只需要修改一下即可使用
详情:SFTP为SSH的其中一部分,是一种传输档案至 Blogger 伺服器的安全方式。其实在SSH软件包中,已经包含了一个叫作SFTP的安全文件信息传输子系统,SFTP本身没有单独的守护进程,它必须使用sshd守护进程(端口号默认是22)来完成相应的连接和答复操作,所以从某种意义上来说,SFTP并不像一个服务器程序,而更像是一个客户端程序。
※ 由于Oracle为了安全考虑,通常会使用其他或随机端口,所以我们需要修改SFTP的默认22端口
su - root
vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config        找到并释放和修改“Port 22”为相应的端口
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config        找到并释放和修改“Port 22”为相应的端口
※ 配置Linux服务器IP为互联网模式
※ 远程Oracle SFTP服务器进行下载
    # sftp Oracle账号


[root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config
[root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
[root@localhost ~]# sftp [email protected]
Connecting to
The authenticity of host '[]:2020 ([]:2020)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is xxxxx.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[]:2020,[]:2020' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
 Oracle SFTP Server
 The use of this SFTP server is governed by United States Export Administration 
 Regulations. Details of the U.S. Commercial Encryption Export Controls can be  
 found at the Bureau of Industry and Security web site. 
 All Oracle products are subject to U.S. Export Laws. 
 Diversion contrary to U.S. law is prohibited
Enter password for zzt
sftp> cd /support/outgoing/xxx
sftp> ls (Oracle为了安全考虑,非Oracle内部网络,ls等命令不可见文件,但是可以下载)
sftp> get
Fetching //support/outgoing/xxx/ to
Calculating SHA256 Checksum [ | ]
SHA-256 Checksum: xxx

Skipping Virus Scan for due to already scanned..
//support/outgoing/xxx/  4% 7616KB  17.5KB/s 2:26:07 ETA


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