My thinking of Veil of Ignorance

My thinking of Veil of Ignorance

2020418日 星期六


The attendee will make a decision for a group of people, he or she won't know which team he or she will be in. He or she will try their best to make everyone fair.


For example, someone will arrange a work. There are two parts of the work and he will try to fairly arrange those two parts to individual group of people because he or she might not be quite sure which he or she will be in. He or she will try to organize them as fair as possible.


As Rawls put it, "no one knows his place in society, his class position or social status; nor does he know his fortune in the distribution of natural assets and abilities, his intelligence and strength, and the like".


But here comes a question

How does the arranger make it fair?

You are going to arrange 10 people (incl. yourself) to buy something for the whole group.

Some one will go to buy food. Someone is going to buy some drinks and others to go buy other obstacles. People will always feel like I want to do fewer things, because that’ll make you feel much more better. As an organizer, you’re not quite sure which group will you be in. So you try to make everyone do almost the same amount of thing.


Most people will try to benefit the whole group. They will try to Decrease Taxes , Increasing Salary , or just Make the Gov do as they say. The reason behind these is these ideas are what everyone wants.



Questions for COI

2020418日 星期六


1.     What is fair?

2.     Why must the human society be fair.

3.     Why can’t we fairly divide all things and make everyone do the same jobs?

4.     Phy Week1



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