
1.Maven项目pom.xml出现web.xml is missing and <failOnMissingWebXml> is set to true解决方案

This is a maven error. It says that it is expecting a web.xml file in your project because it is a web application, as indicated by <packaging>war</packaging>. However, for recent web applications a web.xml file is totally optional. Maven needs to catch up to this convention. Add this to your maven pom.xml to let maven catch up and you don't need to add a useless web.xml to your project:

Here are the steps you can follow:

  1. You can check this by right clicking your project, and open its Properties dialogue, and then "Deployment Assembly", where you can add Folder /src/main/webapp. Save the setting, and then,
  2. Go to Eclipse menu Project -> Clean... and clean the project, and the error should go away.

or add in “web.xml






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