Halcon-position recognition 2D


Number Example Short Description 备注
1 align_measurements.hdev Inspect individual razor blades using shape-based matching to align ROIs for the measure tool
2 calibrate_cameras_monocular.hdev Determine camera parameters using a HALCON calibration plate
3 cbm_bin_switch.hdev Locate a switch and test its state using component-based matching
4 cbm_caliper.hdev Measure the setting of a caliper using component-based matching in a perspectively distorted image
5 cbm_dip_switch.hdev Locate dip switches and test their state using component-based matching
6 cbm_label_simple.hdev Locate a label using component-based matching
7 cbm_modules_simple.hdev Locate modules on a board using component-based matching
8 cbm_param_visual.hdev Analyze the parameters of component-based matching
9 cbm_pipe_wrench.hdev Locate a pipe wrench that consists of two components
10 cbm_pipe_wrench_simple.hdev Locate compound objects using component-based matching
11 cbm_sbm.hdev Compare component-based matching to shape-based matching
12 check_calib_image_quality.hdev Compute different evaluation scores for calibration images in a similar way as in the HDevelop Calibration Assistant
13 class_2dim_sup.hdev Segment a color image using two-dimensional pixel classification
14 clip.hdev Determine the position and orientation of clips
15 create_average_shape_model.hdev Create a shape model from an average image
16 create_local_deformable_model_xld.hdev Create a local deformable model from XLD contours
17 create_planar_uncalib_deformable_model_xld.hdev Create an uncalibrated perspective, deformable model with contours from a DXF file
18 create_roi_via_vision.hdev Create a shape model ROI via blob processing
19 create_shape_model_xld.hdev Create shape models from XLD contours
20 determine_grid_rotation_fft.hdev Determine the rotation angle of a grid
21 determine_rotation_almost_rotationally_symmetric_objects.hdev Determine the rotation of almost 22
23 determine_wafer_rotation_angle.hdev Determine the angle of rotation of a wafer using text_line_orientation
24 exhaustive_match.hdev Match template and image (gray-value-based matching)
25 explore_halcon.hdev Explore the power of HALCON
26 find_aniso_shape_model.hdev Find SMD capacitors using shape-based matching (with anisotropic scaling and rotation)
27 find_cocoa_packages_local_deformable.hdev Find a cocoa label using local deformable matching
28 find_cocoa_packages_max_deformation.hdev Find a cocoa label using shape-based matching with ‘max_deformation’
29 find_local_deformable_model.hdev Find an object despite local deformations using local deformable matching
30 find_mirror_dies.hdev Locate mirror dies on a wafer
31 find_pads.hdev Find pads on a die
32 find_peanut_chocolate_candies_local_deformable.hdev Find a peanut chocolat candy label using local deformable matching
33 find_scaled_shape_model.hdev Find objects using shape-based matching (with scaling and rotation)
34 find_shape_low_contrast_high_noise.hdev Find objects using shape-based matching in images with low contrast and high noise
35 find_shape_model_clutter.hdev Find objects using shape-based matching with clutter parameters
36 find_shape_model_max_deformation.hdev Find slightly deformed objects with shape-based matching
37 find_smd_fast.hdev Find SMDs on a back illuminated plate
38 first_example_shape_matching.hdev Introduce HALCON’s shape-based matching
39 get_circle_pose.hdev Determine the pose of circles in 3D from their perspective 2D projections
40 inspect_gasket_local_deformable.hdev Find and inspect a gasket
41 matching_defocused_pcb.hdev Determine the position of a PCB in defocused images
42 matching_deformed_bulb.hdev Locate leads of halogen bulbs with increased tolerance regarding deformations
43 matching_green_dot.hdev Find scaled and rotated shape models
44 matching_image_border.hdev Locate multiple dies even if they extend beyond the image border
45 matching_multi_channel_clamp.hdev Locate upper clamp from a pile using color shape-based matching
46 matching_multi_channel_yogurt.hdev Find yogurts of different flavors using color shape-based matching
47 multiple_models.hdev Search for two types of objects simultaneously
48 multiple_objects.hdev Search for multiple instances of a security ring
49 multiple_scales.hdev Search for nuts of different sizes
50 optical_flow.hdev Monitor traffic using optical flow
51 optical_flow_bicycle.hdev Monitor moving bicycle using optical flow
52 pm_measure_board.hdev Locate IC on a board and measure pin distances
53 pm_multiple_dxf_models.hdev Find multiple different models in a single pass using shape-based matching with contours from DXF files
54 pm_multiple_models.hdev Find multiple different models in a single pass using shape-based matching
55 pm_world_plane.hdev Recognize planar objects using shape-based matching in perspectively distorted images
56 process_shape_model.hdev Create a model ROI by modifying the result of inspect_shape_model
57 rectify_results.hdev Rectify an image based on the matching results
58 reuse_model.hdev Store and reuse a shape model
59 sequence_diff.hdev Monitor traffic by comparing two successive images
60 set_shape_model_min_contrast.hdev Change the minimum contrast used for a shape-based matching
61 set_shape_model_timeout.hdev Demonstrate how to use the timeout mechanism for shape-based matching
62 synthetic_circle.hdev Use a synthetic model (circle) to search for capacitors on a board
63 union_contours_xld.hdev Find pads on a die by connecting collinear line segments
64 vector_angle_to_rigid.hdev Match a pattern and display the normalized image
65 xing_simple.hdev Monitor traffic using background estimation
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