
Connected to the target VM, address: '', transport: 'socket'
Tue May 22 15:33:24 CST 2018开始启动定时任务
Sql: select * from task_base
Tue May 22 15:33:24 CST 2018完成启动定时任务 已启动2个任务
[2018-05-22 03:33:24,387] Artifact tspace:war: Artifact is deployed successfully
[2018-05-22 03:33:24,387] Artifact tspace:war: Deploy took 12,465 milliseconds

Sql: select count(*) from sys_login_log where session_id=? and is_success=? and create_time >= date_add(now(), interval -10 minute)
Sql: select count(*) from sys_login_log where ip=? and is_success=? and create_time >= date_add(now(), interval -60 minute)
Sql: select count(*) from sys_login_log where ip=? and is_success=? and create_time >= date_add(now(), interval -1440 minute)

JFinal action report -------- 2018-05-22 15:33:24 ------------------------------
Url         : GET /login
Controller  : com.tspace.controller .LoginController.(LoginController.java:1)
Method      : index
Interceptor : com.jfinal.ext.interceptor .SessionInViewInterceptor.(SessionInViewInterceptor.java:1)
              com.tspace.common.interceptor .AuthInterceptor.(AuthInterceptor.java:1)
              com.tspace.common.interceptor. ErrorInterceptor.(ErrorInterceptor.java:1)

Sql: select count(*) from sys_login_log where session_id=? and is_success=? and create_time >= date_add(now(), interval -10 minute)
Sql: select count(*) from sys_login_log where ip=? and is_success=? and create_time >= date_add(now(), interval -60 minute)
Sql: select count(*) from sys_login_log where ip=? and is_success=? and create_time >= date_add(now(), interval -1440 minute)

JFinal action report -------- 2018-05-22 15:33:25 ------------------------------
Url         : GET /login
Controller  : com.tspace.controller.LoginController.(LoginController.java:1)
Method      : index
Interceptor : com.jfinal.ext.interceptor.SessionInViewInterceptor.(SessionInViewInterceptor.java:1)
Sql: insert into `task_log`(`start_time`, `task_id`) values(?, ?)
Sql: update `task_log` set `result` = ? , `cost_time` = ? , `end_time` = ?  where `id` = ?
Sql: select * from `task_base` where `id` = ?
Sql: update `task_base` set `last_run_time_cost` = ? , `last_run_result` = ? , `last_run_time` = ?  where `id` = ?

Tue May 22 15:34:00 CST 2018定时任务执行完成

