数据清洗之 重复值处理


  • 数据清洗一般先从重复值和缺失值开始处理
  • 重复值一般采取删除法来处理
  • 但有些重复值不能删除,例如订单明细数据或交易明细数据等
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import os
df = pd.read_csv('MotorcycleData.csv', encoding='gbk', na_values='Na')
Condition Condition_Desc Price Location Model_Year Mileage Exterior_Color Make Warranty Model ... Vehicle_Title OBO Feedback_Perc Watch_Count N_Reviews Seller_Status Vehicle_Tile Auction Buy_Now Bid_Count
0 Used mint!!! very low miles $11,412 McHenry, Illinois, United States 2013.0 16,000 Black Harley-Davidson Unspecified Touring ... NaN FALSE 8.1 NaN 2427 Private Seller Clear True FALSE 28.0
1 Used Perfect condition $17,200 Fort Recovery, Ohio, United States 2016.0 60 Black Harley-Davidson Vehicle has an existing warranty Touring ... NaN FALSE 100 17 657 Private Seller Clear True TRUE 0.0
2 Used NaN $3,872 Chicago, Illinois, United States 1970.0 25,763 Silver/Blue BMW Vehicle does NOT have an existing warranty R-Series ... NaN FALSE 100 NaN 136 NaN Clear True FALSE 26.0
3 Used CLEAN TITLE READY TO RIDE HOME $6,575 Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States 2009.0 33,142 Red Harley-Davidson NaN Touring ... NaN FALSE 100 NaN 2920 Dealer Clear True FALSE 11.0
4 Used NaN $10,000 West Bend, Wisconsin, United States 2012.0 17,800 Blue Harley-Davidson NO WARRANTY Touring ... NaN FALSE 100 13 271 OWNER Clear True TRUE 0.0

5 rows × 22 columns

def f(x):
    if '$' in str(x):
        x = str(x).strip('$')
        x = str(x).replace(',', '')
        x = str(x).replace(',', '')
    return float(x)
df['Price'] = df['Price'].apply(f)
df['Mileage'] = df['Mileage'].apply(f)
Condition Condition_Desc Price Location Model_Year Mileage Exterior_Color Make Warranty Model ... Vehicle_Title OBO Feedback_Perc Watch_Count N_Reviews Seller_Status Vehicle_Tile Auction Buy_Now Bid_Count
0 Used mint!!! very low miles 11412.0 McHenry, Illinois, United States 2013.0 16000.0 Black Harley-Davidson Unspecified Touring ... NaN FALSE 8.1 NaN 2427 Private Seller Clear True FALSE 28.0
1 Used Perfect condition 17200.0 Fort Recovery, Ohio, United States 2016.0 60.0 Black Harley-Davidson Vehicle has an existing warranty Touring ... NaN FALSE 100 17 657 Private Seller Clear True TRUE 0.0
2 Used NaN 3872.0 Chicago, Illinois, United States 1970.0 25763.0 Silver/Blue BMW Vehicle does NOT have an existing warranty R-Series ... NaN FALSE 100 NaN 136 NaN Clear True FALSE 26.0
3 Used CLEAN TITLE READY TO RIDE HOME 6575.0 Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States 2009.0 33142.0 Red Harley-Davidson NaN Touring ... NaN FALSE 100 NaN 2920 Dealer Clear True FALSE 11.0
4 Used NaN 10000.0 West Bend, Wisconsin, United States 2012.0 17800.0 Blue Harley-Davidson NO WARRANTY Touring ... NaN FALSE 100 13 271 OWNER Clear True TRUE 0.0

5 rows × 22 columns

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 7493 entries, 0 to 7492
Data columns (total 22 columns):
Condition         7493 non-null object
Condition_Desc    1656 non-null object
Price             7493 non-null float64
Location          7491 non-null object
Model_Year        7489 non-null float64
Mileage           7467 non-null float64
Exterior_Color    6778 non-null object
Make              7489 non-null object
Warranty          5108 non-null object
Model             7370 non-null object
Sub_Model         2426 non-null object
Type              6011 non-null object
Vehicle_Title     268 non-null object
OBO               7427 non-null object
Feedback_Perc     6611 non-null object
Watch_Count       3517 non-null object
N_Reviews         7487 non-null object
Seller_Status     6868 non-null object
Vehicle_Tile      7439 non-null object
Auction           7476 non-null object
Buy_Now           7256 non-null object
Bid_Count         2190 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(4), object(18)
memory usage: 1.3+ MB
# 显示重复数据
# df[df.duplicated()] 
# 统计重复数据
# 删除重复值
Index(['Condition', 'Condition_Desc', 'Price', 'Location', 'Model_Year',
       'Mileage', 'Exterior_Color', 'Make', 'Warranty', 'Model', 'Sub_Model',
       'Type', 'Vehicle_Title', 'OBO', 'Feedback_Perc', 'Watch_Count',
       'N_Reviews', 'Seller_Status', 'Vehicle_Tile', 'Auction', 'Buy_Now',
# 根据指定变量判断重复值
df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Condition', 'Condition_Desc', 'Price', 'Location'], inplace=True)
# 重复已经被删除
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