
General Guidelines and schedule for course project:
The course project accounts for 32% of the final grade.
The project should be simulation-based. It offers an opportunity to focus on a specific
subject or technology that are of interest. The course project includes running a system
simulation accompanied by a written report.
1. All students may work individually or in teams of two.
2. Project may be selected from the provided list or proposed by the students. A
minimum of 7 bus system needs to be selected.
3. All material should be submitted electronically by uploading it into the
assignment folder or under the personal Sakai Dropbox.
4. Students may propose their own ideas for this project.
5. The report should be at least 7 pages long.
6. All code files should be uploaded in addition to the report.
Written report guidelines:
The report should follow the following general structure:
1. Title Page: This should be the cover page for the report. It should include the title of
the report, and project team members names
2. Case study/Problem formulation: This section is where details of the related work are
explained. This section can include multiple subsections based on the topic discussed.
Problem formulation, model development, objectives, etc.
3. Detailed solution: mathematical representation of the solution and algorithm flow
diagram, where relent. Simulation results.
4. Conclusions: A very brief overview of the problem being presented/studied.
5. Appendix: detailed code
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List of suggested projects:
For ONE of the following projects develop an appropriate on-line diagram. Write a
report and a general Matlab M-code, Simulink model or PowerWorld Model.
For ANY of these projects perform the following:
1) Compute the pu one-line model.
2) Compute all bus voltages using any of the methods (Newtown–Raphson or Gauss–
Seidel methods on Matlab or Power World or Simulink)
3) Compute all power values including: power flow on each line (in/out), line losses and
generated power.
Project Option 2.1
The one-line diagram of a power grid is depicted in figure 1. The details for the grid are
given in the figure. Assume a base power of 100MVA and base voltage of 13.2 kV.
Assume the input reactance of the local power grid is 10% based on the transformer T1.
The input resistance of the PV sources is 7% based on their rating and input reactance of
other sources is 7% base on their ratings.
The system data:
Transformer T1: 20 MVA, 33 /13.2 kV, 10% reactance
Transformer T2: 20 MVA, 13.2 / 3.3 kV, 12% reactance
Transformer T3: 5 MVA, 3.3 / 460 V, 6.5% reactance
Transformer T4, T5, and T6: 2 MVA, 3.3 / 460 V, 6.5% reactance
Transformer T7: 5 MVA, 3.3 / 460 V, 6% reactance
Transmission line impedance is given in Table 2
Table 2: Transmission Line Data for project 2.1
Line Resistance (Ω) Series Reactance (Ω)
8–9 .05 0.5
9–10 0.04 0.4
9–11 0.04 0.51
11–12 0.04 0.5
11–13 0.01 0.12
13–14 0.03 0.32
14–15 0.04 0.45
The local loads (bus 16, bus 17 and bus 18) and bus 8 are set at 1 MVA at 0.85 power
factor lagging.
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Figure 1: System for projects 2.1
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Project Option 2.2
Figure 2: System for projects 2.2
PV generating station #1: 2MVA; internal impedance 50%
Gas turbine: 1MVA; internal impedance 4%
Transformers: 460V/13.2kV (Y/D) ; 10% internal reactance; 10MVA rated power (all
three phase)
Power grid transformer: 20MVA; 63kV/13.2KV; 7% reactance
B4 load: 1.5MW; pf=0.85 lag
B5 load: 5.5MW; pf=0.9 lag;
B6 load: 4MW; pf=0.95 lag;
B7 load: 5MW; pf=0.95 lag;
B8 load: 1MW; pf=0.9 lag;
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Transmission Line Data for project 2.2
Resistance: 0.0685 ohm/mile; reactance: 0.4 ohm/mile; half line charging admittance:
11x10-6 siemens/mile
Line 4-7: 5 miles
Line 4-8: 1 miles
Line 5-6: 3 miles
Line 5-7: 2 miles
Line 6-7: 2 miles
Line 6-8: 4 miles
Project Option 2.3
For the single-line diagram in Figure 4 convert all positive-sequence impedance, load,
and voltage data to per unit using the given system base quantities.
Run the power flow program and obtain the bus, line, and transformer input/output
Figure 4 (a): System for project 2.3
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Figure 4: System for project 2.3
Project Option 2.4
For the single-line diagram in Figure 5 convert all positive-sequence impedance, load,
and voltage data to per unit using the given system base quantities.
Run the power flow program and obtain the bus, line, and transformer input/output
(Comment: for L2 please choose a value between 20km to 50 km)
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Figure 5: System for project 2.4
Project Option 2.5
Propose/choose a power network example with at least 7 buses (either an IEEE test bus,
or other examples from the course textbooks). Provide the system details (i.e. generating
sources, transformers, loads, etc.). Develop the per unit model for the systems. Run the
power flow program and obtain the bus, line, and transformer input/output voltages
(Comment: for L2 please choose a value between 1km to 5km)


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