Lombok 1.16.22 发布,减少样板代码的 Java 语法糖


Lombok 1.16.22 发布了,更新内容如下:

  • FEATURE: Private no-args constructor for @Data and @Value to enable deserialization frameworks (like Jackson) to operate out-of-the-box. Use lombok.noArgsConstructor.extraPrivate = false to disable this behavior.

  • FEATURE: Methods can now be marked for inclusion in toStringequals, and hashCode generation. There is a new mechanism to mark which fields (and now, methods) are to be included or excluded for the generation of these methods: mark the relevant member with for example @ToString.Include or @EqualsAndHashCode.ExcludeToString documentation EqualsAndHashCode documentation

  • FEATURE: @Getter and @Setter also allow onMethod and onParam when put on a type. Issue #1653

  • FEATURE: @FieldNameConstants is a new feature that generates string constants for your field names. Docs on @FieldNameConstants.

  • PLATFORM: Lombok can be compiled on JDK10, and should run on JDK10. Issue #1693

  • PLATFORM: lombok now counts as an incremental annotation processor for gradle. Should speed up your gradle builds considerably! Issue #1580

  • PLATFORM: Fix for using lombok together with JDK9+'s new module-info.java feature. Issue #985

  • BUGFIX: Solved some issues in eclipse that resulted in error 'A save participant caused problems'. Issue #879

  • BUGFIX: Netbeans on jdk9. Issue #1617

  • BUGFIX: Netbeans < 9. Issue #1555

  • PROMOTION: var has been promoted from experimental to the main package with no changes. The 'old' experimental one is still around but is deprecated, and is an alias for the new main package one. var documentation.

  • OLD-CRUFT: lombok.experimental.Builder and lombok.experimental.Value are deprecated remnants of when these features were still in experimental. They are now removed entirely. If your project is dependent on an older version of lombok which still has those; fret not, lombok still processes these annotations. It just no longer includes them in the jar.



