稀疏贝叶斯学习 2

稀疏贝叶斯学习 2

快速 RVM 贝叶斯学习算法

s ^ = arg min s y A s 2 2 + λ s 0 \begin{aligned} \hat{\mathbf s} =\underset{\mathbf s}{\arg\min} \Big\Vert \mathbf y - \mathbf A \mathbf s \Big \Vert_2^2 +\lambda \Vert \mathbf s\Vert_0 \end{aligned}

可以看出,如果将 y A s 2 2 \Big\Vert \mathbf y - \mathbf A \mathbf s \Big \Vert_2^2 看作 s \mathbf s 负高斯对数似然函数,而将 λ s 0 \lambda \Vert \mathbf s\Vert_0 等价于是 s \mathbf s 先验分布的负对数,那么上面的优化问题实际上可解释为一个贝叶斯过程。进一步分析,求最稀疏解的问题就是一个最大后验概率(MAP:Maximum a Posteriori)估计问题。


  • 常见的稀疏优化问题均可以利用贝叶斯参数估计来统一表示
  • 不同的先验概率假设会产生不同的约束效果



  • 贝叶斯 L p \mathcal L_p 范数包括针对不同优化范数的贝叶斯 Lasso、推广的 Bayes 弹性网等,这类方法基于合理的假设,通过积分计算后验达到与所求范数近似的形式,从而实现 Bayes 范数。

  • 在基于高斯先验的稀疏表示模型中,假设要估计的稀疏向量 s \mathbf s 的各个元素相互独立,且服从高斯分布 N ( 0 , σ n 2 ) \mathcal N(0, \sigma_n^2) ,对于 σ n 2 \sigma_n^2 ,可采用标准伽马函数、标准逆高斯函数或 Jeffreys 函数 p ( σ n 2 ) 1 / σ n 2 p(\sigma_n^2) \propto 1/\sigma_n^2 作为其先验,然后计算相应的后验估计。

  • 相关向量机 RVM 是一种与 SVM 类似的稀疏概率模型,其实质是一种新的贝叶斯框架下的监督学习方法。RVM 是通过多次计算参数相关性,移除不相关的基原子,从而逼近稀疏解。首先假设待估计向量中的任意一个元素都满足 Gaussian 先验分布,同时先验分布中的参数服从一个 Gamma 分布,然后计算 Gamma 分布中超参数的边缘分布,利用最大化后验概率(MAP)迭代求解出未知参数向量的均值与方差,并且利用均值进一步估计参数。该方法避免了 Laplace 先验产生的计算难度,而且可以获得信号和噪声的准确估计。


  • 相关向量机的监督学习方法
  • 非参数贝塔过程的稀疏建模表示

RVM 相关向量机

稀疏贝叶斯学习(SBL)是一个强大的贝叶斯变量选择方法论,特别是当有用的变量数量很少时,优势极为突出。研究人员将 SBL 引入到稀疏信号恢复领域,作为稀疏线性回归模型中基选择的方法。

t = y + z = Φ w + z \mathbf t = \mathbf y+\mathbf z=\mathbf \Phi \mathbf w +\mathbf z

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  • z = [ z 1 ,   , z N ] T \mathbf z=[z_1,\cdots, z_N]^{\rm T} 表示方差未知的近似高斯噪声
    • p ( z ) = n = 1 N N ( z n 0 , σ 2 ) p(\mathbf z)=\prod_{n=1}^{N} \mathcal N(z_n\vert 0, \sigma^2)
  • y = m = 1 M w m ϕ m = Φ w \mathbf y=\sum_{m=1}^{M}w_m \boldsymbol\phi_m =\mathbf \Phi \mathbf w
    • w = [ w 1 ,   , w M ] T \mathbf w =[w_1,\cdots, w_M]^{\rm T} 是参数向量
    • Φ = [ ϕ 1 ,   , ϕ M ] \mathbf \Phi =[\boldsymbol\phi_1,\cdots, \boldsymbol\phi_M] N × M N \times M 的矩阵
    • ϕ M \boldsymbol\phi_M 代表 第 M M 个 基向量

在这里,一般 Φ \mathbf \Phi 都是核函数构成的:

Φ = [ 1 K ( x 1 , x 1 ) K ( x 1 , x 2 ) K ( x 1 , x M ) 1 K ( x 2 , x 1 ) K ( x 2 , x 2 ) K ( x 2 , x M ) 1 K ( x N , x 1 ) K ( x N , x 2 ) K ( x N , x M ) ] \mathbf \Phi= \begin{bmatrix} 1&K(\mathbf x_1,\mathbf x_1)&K(\mathbf x_1,\mathbf x_2)& \cdots &K(\mathbf x_1,\mathbf x_M)\\ 1&K(\mathbf x_2,\mathbf x_1)&K(\mathbf x_2,\mathbf x_2)& \cdots& K(\mathbf x_2,\mathbf x_M)\\ \vdots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 1&K(\mathbf x_N,\mathbf x_1)&K(\mathbf x_N,\mathbf x_2)& \cdots &K(\mathbf x_N,\mathbf x_M)\\ \end{bmatrix}
于是 Φ = [ ϕ ( x 1 ) ,   , ϕ ( x N ) ] T \mathbf \Phi =[\boldsymbol\phi(\mathbf x_1),\cdots, \boldsymbol\phi(\mathbf x_N)]^{\rm T}
ϕ ( x i ) = [ 1 K ( x i , x 1 ) K ( x i , x 2 ) K ( x i , x M ) ] \boldsymbol\phi(\mathbf x_i) = \begin{bmatrix} 1 \\ K(\mathbf x_i,\mathbf x_1) \\ K(\mathbf x_i,\mathbf x_2) \\ \vdots \\ K(\mathbf x_i,\mathbf x_M) \end{bmatrix}

于是引入针对目标向量 t \mathbf t 的多变量高斯似然模型
p ( t w , σ 2 ) = ( 2 π σ 2 ) N 2 exp ( t Φ w 2 2 σ 2 ) p(\mathbf t \vert \mathbf w, \sigma^2) =(2\pi \sigma^2)^{-\frac{N}{2}} \exp \left( -\frac{\Vert \mathbf t - \mathbf \Phi \mathbf w \Vert^2}{2 \sigma^2} \right)

式中权值 w \mathbf w 和噪声方差 σ 2 \sigma^2 是待估计的量,根据以上分析,就是要寻找一个后验密度函数。如何应用贝叶斯估计理论,得到 w \mathbf w σ 2 \sigma^2 的后验估验估计呢?可以用相关向量机(RVM)来实现,其本质是使后验概率最大化来求解相关向量的加权值

如果采用常见的最大似然法(ML)求解待估计的 w \mathbf w σ 2 \sigma^2 ,为了避免过学习现象,因此在 RVM 框架中,我们给 w \mathbf w 加上一个先决条件,具体来说,首先对 w \mathbf w 的各个元素赋予均值为 0,方差为 α i 1 \alpha_i^{-1} 的高斯先验,即
p ( w α ) = ( 2 π ) M 2 m = 1 M α m 1 / 2 exp ( α m w m 2 2 ) = i = 1 M N ( w i 0 , α i 1 ) = ( 2 π ) M 2 Λ α 1 2 exp ( 1 2 w T Λ α 1 w ) \begin{aligned} p(\mathbf w \vert \boldsymbol\alpha) &=(2\pi)^{-\frac{M}{2}} \prod_{m=1}^{M} \alpha_m^{1/2} \exp \left( -\frac{\alpha_m w_m^2 }{2} \right) \\ &= \prod_{i=1}^{M} \mathcal N(w_i \vert 0, \alpha_i^{-1}) \\ &=(2\pi)^{\frac{-M}{2}} \Big\vert \mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha} \Big\vert^{-\frac{1}{2}} \exp\left({-\frac{1}{2}\mathbf{ w}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Lambda_{\alpha}^{-1}\mathbf{ w}}} \right) \end{aligned}
其中 Λ α = diag ( [ α 1 1 ,   , α M 1 ] ) \mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}=\text{diag}([\alpha_1^{-1},\cdots,\alpha_M^{-1}])

其次再对 α \boldsymbol \alpha 赋 Gamma 先验,即:
p ( α ) = i = 1 M Γ ( α i a , b ) = p ( α a , b ) p(\boldsymbol\alpha) = \prod_{i=1}^{M} \Gamma(\alpha_i \vert a,b) = p(\boldsymbol\alpha \vert a,b)
其中,Gamma 分布的形式为
Γ ( x a , b ) = b a x a 1 e b x f Γ ( a ) \Gamma(x \vert a,b) = \frac{ b^a x^{a-1}e^{-bx}}{f_{\Gamma}(a)}
关于 Gamma 分布的来历,可以参考链接 https://blog.csdn.net/chenshulong/article/details/79027103
其中 Gamma 函数是 f Γ ( x ) = 0 t x 1 e t d t f_{\Gamma}(x) =\int_0^{\infty}t^{x-1}e^{-t} \text{d}t 。具有的性质为:

  • f Γ ( x + 1 ) = x f Γ ( x ) f_{\Gamma}(x+1) =x f_{\Gamma}(x)
  • f Γ ( n ) = ( n 1 ) ! f_{\Gamma}(n) = (n-1)!

结合 p ( w α ) p(\mathbf w \vert \boldsymbol\alpha) p ( α a , b ) p(\boldsymbol\alpha \vert a,b) , 可得
p ( w a , b ) = i = 1 M 0 N ( w i 0 , α i 1 ) Γ ( α i a , b ) d α i p(\mathbf w \vert a,b)= \prod_{i=1}^{M} \int_{0}^{\infty} \mathcal N(w_i \vert 0, \alpha_i^{-1}) \Gamma(\alpha_i \vert a,b) \text{d}\alpha_i
于是,通过求解 α \boldsymbol\alpha 参数,进一步可得到 w \mathbf w 的解。实验证明,上述超参数求解过程中,大部分的 α i \alpha_i 会变得无限大,这意味着与该 α i \alpha_i 相关的参数 w i w_i 的先验服从于 p ( w i ) = N ( 0 , α i 1 ) p(w_i)=\mathcal{N}(0,\alpha_i^{-1}) 其中 α i \alpha_i 无限大,则可以证明 p ( w i ) p(w_i) 的后验分布也服从零均值,零方差的高斯正态分布,这意味着 w i = 0 w_i=0


SBL 贝叶斯学习算法

下面详细介绍基于 RVM 机制的快速贝叶斯学习算法(FSBL)。根据贝叶斯稀疏重构理论, 可以通过统计概率方法解决,即:
w ^ = arg max w [ p ( w ^ , σ 2 , α t ) ] \hat{\mathbf w} =\underset{{\mathbf w} }{\arg\max} \Big[ p( \hat{\mathbf w}, \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha\vert \mathbf t) \Big]
这里的 α \boldsymbol \alpha 为参数向量,它决定估计向量的稀疏度,根据贝叶斯定理:
p ( w ^ , σ 2 , α t ) = p ( w ^ σ 2 , α , t ) p ( σ 2 , α t ) \boxed{ \textcolor{blue}{ p( \hat{\mathbf w}, \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha\vert \mathbf t) = p( \hat{\mathbf w} \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha,\mathbf t) p( \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha \vert \mathbf t) } }


  • 首先从公式的第一项 p ( w ^ σ 2 , α , t ) p( \hat{\mathbf w} \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha,\mathbf t) 开始分析。
  • 然后分析第二项 p ( σ 2 , α t ) p( \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha \vert \mathbf t)


p ( w ^ σ 2 , α , t ) = p ( w , t σ 2 , α ) p ( t σ 2 , α ) = p ( w α ) p ( t w , σ 2 ) p ( t σ 2 , α ) = p ( w α ) p ( t w , σ 2 ) p ( w α ) p ( t w , σ 2 ) d w = ( 2 π ) M 2 Σ 1 / 2 exp { 1 2 ( w μ ) T Σ 1 ( w μ ) } \begin{aligned} p( \hat{\mathbf w} \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha,\mathbf t) &= \frac{p( {\mathbf w},\mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha) }{p( \mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha)} \\ &=\frac{p(\mathbf w \vert \boldsymbol\alpha) p(\mathbf t \vert \mathbf w, \sigma^2)}{p( \mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha)} \\ &=\frac{p(\mathbf w \vert \boldsymbol\alpha) p(\mathbf t \vert \mathbf w, \sigma^2)}{\int p(\mathbf w \vert \boldsymbol\alpha) p(\mathbf t \vert \mathbf w, \sigma^2) \text{d}\mathbf w} \\ &=(2\pi)^{-\frac{M}{2}} \Big\vert \mathbf \Sigma \Big\vert^{-1/2} \exp\left\{ -\frac{1}{2} (\mathbf w- \bm{\mu})^{\rm T} \mathbf \Sigma^{-1}(\mathbf w- \bm{\mu}) \right\} \end{aligned}

p ( t σ 2 , α ) = ( 2 π σ 2 ) N / 2 ( 2 π ) M / 2 Λ α 1 2 exp [ 1 2 σ 2 ( t Φ w ) T ( t Φ w ) 1 2 w T Λ α 1 w ] d w \begin{aligned} p( \mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha)=\int (2\pi\sigma^2)^{-N/2}(2\pi)^{-M/2} \Big|\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}\Big|^{-\frac{1}{2}} \exp\bigg[-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}(\mathbf{t}-\mathbf{\Phi w})^{\rm T}(\mathbf{t}-\mathbf{\Phi w})-\frac{1}{2}\mathbf {w}^{\rm T} \mathbf{\Lambda_{\alpha}^{-1} w} \bigg] \text{d}\mathbf w \end{aligned}


Q = 1 2 σ 2 ( t Φ w ) T ( t Φ w ) 1 2 w T Λ α 1 w = 1 2 σ 2 ( t T t t T Φ w w T Φ T t ) 1 2 σ 2 w T Φ T Φ w 1 2 w T Λ α 1 w = 1 2 σ 2 [ w T ( Φ T Φ + σ 2 Λ α 1 ) w t T Φ w w T Φ T t + t T t ] \begin{aligned} Q &=-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}(\mathbf{t}-\mathbf{\Phi w})^{\rm T}(\mathbf{t}-\mathbf{\Phi w})-\frac{1}{2}\mathbf {w}^{\rm T} \mathbf{\Lambda_{\alpha}^{-1} w} \\ &=-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2} \bigg(\mathbf t^{\rm T}\mathbf t -\mathbf t^{\rm T}\mathbf{ \Phi w}-\mathbf w^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf t \bigg) -\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}\mathbf w^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{ \Phi w}-\frac{1}{2}\mathbf {w}^{\rm T} \mathbf{\Lambda_{\alpha}^{-1} w} \\ &=-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2} \bigg[ \mathbf{w}^{\rm T}(\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}+\sigma^2\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1})\mathbf{w}-\mathbf{t}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{w}-\mathbf{w}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{t}+\mathbf{t}^{\rm T}\mathbf{t} \bigg] \end{aligned}
p ( t σ 2 , α ) = ( 2 π σ 2 ) N / 2 ( 2 π ) M / 2 Λ α 1 2 exp ( Q ( w ) ) d w p( \mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha)= (2\pi\sigma^2)^{-N/2}(2\pi)^{-M/2} \Big|\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}\Big|^{-\frac{1}{2}} \int \exp\bigg(Q(\mathbf w)\bigg)\text{d}\mathbf w
注意 Q Q 是关于 w \mathbf w 的二次项的函数。这里求解上述积分要用到高斯函数的以下性质:
ω exp [ ( A ω + b ) 2 ] d ω = C \int_{\bm{\omega}}\exp\left[{-(\bm{A\omega}+\bm{b})^2} \right] \text{d}\bm{\omega}=C
在这里 C C 是常数,具体是多少可以不关注。现在的问题是我们需要将 Q Q 表达成 ( A w + b ) 2 + f ( t , σ 2 ) -(\mathbf{A w}+\mathbf{b})^2+f(\mathbf t, \sigma^2) 的形式,并求得 f ( t , σ 2 ) f(t,σ2) 。显然,我们将满足 A w + b = 0 \mathbf{A w}+\mathbf{b}=0 w \mathbf{w} 代入其中,即得到 f ( t , σ 2 ) f(\mathbf t, \sigma^2) 。先求 w \mathbf{w} ,下面通过求导完成。

d Q d w = 1 σ 2 [ ( Φ T Φ + σ 2 Λ α 1 ) w Φ T t ] = 0 w = ( Φ T Φ + σ 2 Λ α 1 ) Φ T t \begin{aligned} \frac{dQ}{d\bf{w}}&=-\frac{1}{\sigma^2} \bigg[ (\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}+\sigma^2\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1})\mathbf{w}-\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{t} \bigg]=0 \\ \mathbf w^* &=(\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}+\sigma^2\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1})^{\dagger} \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{t} \end{aligned}

由于 d Q d w = 0 A w + b = 0 \frac{dQ}{d\bf{w}}=0 \Longleftrightarrow \mathbf{A w}+\mathbf{b}=0 ,令 Φ T Φ + σ 2 Λ α 1 = B \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}+\sigma^2\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1}=\mathbf B ,从而可以将 w = B Φ T t \mathbf w^* =\mathbf B^{\dagger} \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{t} 代入到 Q ( w ) Q(\mathbf w) 中,求得
Q ( w ) = 1 2 σ 2 [ w T B w t T Φ w w T Φ T t + t T t ] = 1 2 σ 2 [ t T ( I Φ B Φ T ) t ] = f ( t , σ 2 ) p ( t σ 2 , α ) = ( 2 π σ 2 ) N / 2 ( 2 π ) M / 2 Λ α 1 2 exp ( Q ( w ) ) d w = ( 2 π σ 2 ) N / 2 ( 2 π ) M / 2 Λ α 1 2 C exp ( 1 2 σ 2 [ t T ( I Φ B Φ T ) t ] ) \begin{aligned} Q(\mathbf w^*)&=-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2} \bigg[ \mathbf{w}^{\rm T}\mathbf B\mathbf{w}-\mathbf{t}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{w}-\mathbf{w}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{t}+\mathbf{t}^{\rm T}\mathbf{t} \bigg] \\ &=-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2} \bigg[ \mathbf{t}^{\rm T} \left( \mathbf{I}-\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf B^{\dagger}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \right) \mathbf{t} \bigg] = f(\mathbf t, \sigma^2) \\ p( \mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha)&= (2\pi\sigma^2)^{-N/2}(2\pi)^{-M/2} \Big|\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}\Big|^{-\frac{1}{2}} \int \exp\bigg(Q(\mathbf w)\bigg)\text{d}\mathbf w \\ &=(2\pi\sigma^2)^{-N/2}(2\pi)^{-M/2} \Big|\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}\Big|^{-\frac{1}{2}} C \cdot \exp\bigg( -\frac{1}{2\sigma^2} \bigg[ \mathbf{t}^{\rm T} \left( \mathbf{I}-\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf B^{\dagger}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \right) \mathbf{t} \bigg] \bigg) \end{aligned}
现在可以看出 p ( t σ 2 , α ) p( \mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha) 是一个高斯分布,其均值为 0,协方差矩阵 Σ t \mathbf\Sigma_t 满足
Σ t 1 = 1 σ 2 ( I Φ B Φ T ) \begin{aligned} \mathbf\Sigma_t^{-1}=\frac{1}{\sigma^2} \left( \mathbf{I}-\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf B^{\dagger}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \right) \end{aligned}
随后 Σ t \mathbf\Sigma_t 可由矩阵求逆公式得到,如下:
Σ t = σ 2 ( I Φ B Φ T ) 1 = σ 2 [ I Φ ( Φ T Φ + σ 2 Λ α 1 ) 1 Φ T ] 1 = σ 2 I + Φ Λ α Φ T \begin{aligned} \mathbf\Sigma_t&={\sigma^2} \big( \mathbf{I}-\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf B^{\dagger}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \big)^{-1} \\ &={\sigma^2} \bigg[ \mathbf{I}-\mathbf{\Phi} \big( \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}+\sigma^2\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1} \big)^{-1} \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \bigg]^{-1} \\ &=\sigma^2 \mathbf{I}+\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \end{aligned}

( A + U B V ) 1 = A 1 A 1 U B ( I + V A 1 U B ) 1 V A 1 \boxed{ \textcolor{red}{ (\mathbf A+\mathbf{UBV})^{-1}=\mathbf A^{-1}- \mathbf A^{-1}\mathbf{UB}(\mathbf I+\mathbf{VA}^{-1}\mathbf{UB})^{-1}\mathbf{VA}^{-1} } }
根据该公式以及 Φ T Φ + σ 2 Λ α 1 = B \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}+\sigma^2\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1}=\mathbf B ,可以写出
[ I Φ ( Φ T Φ + σ 2 Λ α 1 ) 1 Φ T ] 1 =    I + Φ B 1 ( I Φ T Φ B 1 ) 1 Φ T =    I + Φ [ ( I Φ T Φ B 1 ) B ] 1 Φ T =    I + Φ ( B Φ T Φ ) 1 Φ T =    I + σ 2 Φ Λ α Φ T \begin{aligned} &\bigg[ \mathbf{I}-\mathbf{\Phi} \big( \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}+\sigma^2\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1} \big)^{-1} \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \bigg]^{-1} \\ =& \ \ \mathbf{I}+\mathbf{\Phi} \textcolor{blue}{\mathbf B^{-1}\big( \mathbf{I} -\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf B^{-1} \big)^{-1}} \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \\ =& \ \ \mathbf{I}+\mathbf{\Phi} \bigg[ \big( \mathbf{I} -\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf B^{-1} \big) \mathbf B \bigg]^{-1} \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \\ =& \ \ \mathbf{I}+\mathbf{\Phi} \big( \mathbf{B} -\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi} \big)^{-1} \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \\ =& \ \ \mathbf{I}+ \sigma^{-2}\mathbf{\Phi} \mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha} \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \end{aligned}


利用前面的结果,分母部分 p ( t σ 2 , α ) p( \mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha) 已求得。分子部分是两个高斯概率密度函数的乘积,其结果仍为高斯分布。再与分母部分相除,最终还是为高斯分布:
p ( w ^ σ 2 , α , t ) = p ( w α ) p ( t w , σ 2 ) p ( t σ 2 , α ) \begin{aligned} p( \hat{\mathbf w} \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha,\mathbf t) &=\frac{p(\mathbf w \vert \boldsymbol\alpha) p(\mathbf t \vert \mathbf w, \sigma^2)}{p( \mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha)} \\ \end{aligned}
p ( w α ) = ( 2 π ) M 2 Λ α 1 2 exp ( 1 2 w T Λ α 1 w ) p ( t w , σ 2 ) = ( 2 π σ 2 ) N 2 exp ( 1 2 σ 2 ( t Φ w ) T ( t Φ w ) ) \boxed{ \begin{aligned} p(\mathbf w \vert \boldsymbol\alpha)&= (2\pi)^{\frac{-M}{2}} \Big\vert \mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha} \Big\vert^{-\frac{1}{2}} \exp\left({-\frac{1}{2}\mathbf{ w}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Lambda_{\alpha}^{-1}\mathbf{ w}}} \right) \\ p(\mathbf t \vert \mathbf w, \sigma^2) &=(2\pi \sigma^2)^{-\frac{N}{2}} \exp \left(-\frac{1}{2\sigma^2}(\mathbf{t}-\mathbf{\Phi w})^{\rm T}(\mathbf{t}-\mathbf{\Phi w}) \right) \end{aligned} }
( 2 π σ 2 ) N 2 ( 2 π ) M 2 Λ α 1 2 = C 1 (2\pi\sigma^2)^{-\frac{N}{2}}(2\pi)^{-\frac{M}{2}} \Big|\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}\Big|^{-\frac{1}{2}} =C_1 ,有
p ( w α ) p ( t w , σ 2 ) = C 1 exp ( 1 2 σ 2 [ w T B w t T Φ w w T Φ T t + t T t ] ) p ( t σ 2 , α ) = ( 2 π ) N 2 Σ t 1 2 exp ( 1 2 [ t T ( Σ t ) 1 t ] ) \begin{aligned} p(\mathbf w \vert \boldsymbol\alpha) p(\mathbf t \vert \mathbf w, \sigma^2) &= C_1 \cdot \exp\bigg( -\frac{1}{2\sigma^2} \bigg[ \mathbf{w}^{\rm T}\mathbf B\mathbf{w}-\mathbf{t}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{w}-\mathbf{w}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{t}+\mathbf{t}^{\rm T}\mathbf{t} \bigg] \bigg) \\ \textcolor{blue}{ p( \mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha) } &\textcolor{blue}{=(2\pi)^{-\frac{N}{2}} \Big\vert \mathbf{\Sigma}_t \Big\vert^{-\frac{1}{2}} \exp\bigg( -\frac{1}{2} \bigg[ \mathbf{t}^{\rm T} \left( \mathbf{\Sigma}_t \right)^{-1} \mathbf{t} \bigg] \bigg) } \end{aligned}
p ( w ^ σ 2 , α , t ) = C 2 exp ( 1 2 σ 2 [ w T B w t T Φ w w T Φ T t + t T t ] 1 2 t T Σ t 1 t ) = C 2 exp ( Q w ( w ) ) \begin{aligned} p( \hat{\mathbf w} \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha,\mathbf t) &=C_2 \exp\bigg( -\frac{1}{2\sigma^2} \bigg[ \mathbf{w}^{\rm T}\mathbf B\mathbf{w}-\mathbf{t}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{w}-\mathbf{w}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{t}+\mathbf{t}^{\rm T}\mathbf{t} \bigg] -\frac{1}{2}\mathbf{t}^{\rm T} \mathbf{\Sigma}_t^{-1} \mathbf{t} \bigg) \\ &=C_2 \exp\bigg( Q_w(\mathbf w)\bigg) \end{aligned}

N ( x μ , Σ ) = ( 2 π ) d / 2 Σ 1 / 2 exp { 1 2 ( x μ ) T Σ 1 ( x μ ) } \mathcal N(\mathbf x \vert \bm\mu,\mathbf \Sigma)= (2\pi)^{-d/2} \Big\vert \mathbf \Sigma \Big\vert^{-1/2} \exp\bigg\{ -\frac{1}{2} (\mathbf x-\bm\mu) ^{\rm T} \mathbf \Sigma^{-1} (\mathbf x-\bm\mu) \bigg\}
Q 1 = 1 2 ( x μ ) T Σ 1 ( x μ ) Q_1 =-\frac{1}{2} (\mathbf x-\bm\mu) ^{\rm T} \mathbf \Sigma^{-1} (\mathbf x-\bm\mu)
d Q 1 d x = 0 x ^ 0 = μ d 2 Q 1 d x 2 = Σ 1 \begin{aligned} \frac{dQ_1}{d\bf{x}}&=0 \Longrightarrow \hat{\mathbf x}_0 = \bm\mu \\ \frac{d^2Q_1}{d\mathbf{x}^2}&=- \mathbf \Sigma^{-1} \end{aligned}

因此,可以得出 p ( w ^ σ 2 , α , t ) p( \hat{\mathbf w} \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha,\mathbf t) 的均值 μ w \bm\mu_w 与协方差 Σ w \mathbf \Sigma_w
d Q w d w = 0 μ w = B 1 Φ T t = ( Φ T Φ + σ 2 Λ α 1 ) 1 Φ T t d 2 Q w d w 2 = Σ w 1 = 1 σ 2 B = 1 σ 2 ( Φ T Φ + σ 2 Λ α 1 ) = 1 σ 2 Φ T Φ + Λ α 1 \begin{aligned} \frac{dQ_w}{d\bf{w}}&=0 \Longrightarrow \bm\mu_w =\mathbf B^{-1} \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf t =(\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}+\sigma^2\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1})^{-1} \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf t \\ -\frac{d^2Q_w}{d\mathbf{w}^2}&= \mathbf \Sigma_w^{-1} = \frac{1}{\sigma^2}\mathbf B = \frac{1}{\sigma^2} (\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}+\sigma^2\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1}) = \frac{1}{\sigma^2}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}+\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1} \end{aligned}
p ( w ^ σ 2 , α , t ) = ( 2 π ) M 2 Σ w 1 / 2 exp { 1 2 ( w μ w ) T Σ w 1 ( w μ w ) } \boxed{ p( \hat{\mathbf w} \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha,\mathbf t) = (2\pi)^{-\frac{M}{2}} \Big\vert \mathbf \Sigma_w \Big\vert^{-1/2} \exp\left\{ -\frac{1}{2} (\mathbf w- \bm{\mu}_w)^{\rm T} \mathbf \Sigma_w^{-1}(\mathbf w- \bm{\mu}_w) \right\} }

Σ w 1 = 1 σ 2 Φ T Φ + Λ α 1 μ w = σ 2 Σ w Φ T t \boxed{ \begin{aligned} \mathbf \Sigma_w^{-1} &= \frac{1}{\sigma^2}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}+\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1} \\ \bm\mu_w &= \sigma^{-2} \mathbf \Sigma_w \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf t \end{aligned} }



p ( w ^ , σ 2 , α t ) = p ( w ^ σ 2 , α , t ) p ( σ 2 , α t ) \boxed{ \textcolor{blue}{ p( \hat{\mathbf w}, \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha\vert \mathbf t) = p( \hat{\mathbf w} \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha,\mathbf t) p( \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha \vert \mathbf t) } }
p ( t t ) = [ p ( t w , σ 2 , α ) p ( w ^ , σ 2 , α t ) ] d w d α d σ 2 = [ p ( t w , σ 2 , α ) p ( w ^ σ 2 , α , t ) p ( σ 2 , α t ) ] d w d α d σ 2 \begin{aligned} p(t^{*} \vert \mathbf t) &=\int \bigg[p(t^* \vert \mathbf w, \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha) p( \hat{\mathbf w}, \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha\vert \mathbf t) \bigg] \text{d}\mathbf w \text{d}\boldsymbol \alpha \text{d}\sigma^2 \\ &=\int \bigg[p(t^* \vert \mathbf w, \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha) p( \hat{\mathbf w} \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha,\mathbf t) p( \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha \vert \mathbf t) \bigg] \text{d}\mathbf w \text{d}\boldsymbol \alpha \text{d}\sigma^2 \end{aligned}
前面也提到过,如果直接使用 Maximum Likelihood 的方法解 w \mathbf w σ 2 \sigma^2 ,通常会使 w \mathbf w 中的元素大部分都不是 0 (over fitting)。因此引入了 α \bm \alpha

接下来开始分析第二项 p ( σ 2 , α t ) p( \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha \vert \mathbf t) ,由前面的概率依赖关系,以及贝叶斯定理,首先有
p ( σ 2 , α t ) p ( t α , σ 2 ) p ( α , σ 2 ) p ( t α , σ 2 ) p ( α ) p ( σ 2 ) \begin{aligned} p( \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha \vert \mathbf t) &\propto p(\mathbf t \vert \bm \alpha, \sigma^2)p(\bm \alpha, \sigma^2) \\ &\propto p(\mathbf t \vert \bm \alpha, \sigma^2) p(\bm \alpha) p(\sigma^2) \end{aligned}
注意先验 p ( α ) p(\bm \alpha) p ( σ 2 ) p(\sigma^2) 都是常数,假设近似解 α ^ \hat{\bm \alpha} σ ^ 2 \hat{\sigma}^2

( α ^ , σ ^ 2 ) = arg max α , σ 2 p ( α , σ 2 t ) (\hat{\bm \alpha}, \hat{\sigma}^2) = \underset{\bm \alpha, \sigma^2}{\arg\max}\quad p( \boldsymbol \alpha, \sigma^2 \vert \mathbf t)

p ( t t ) = [ p ( t w , σ 2 , α ) p ( w σ 2 , α , t ) δ ( α α ^ ) δ ( σ 2 σ ^ 2 ) ] d w d α d σ 2 = [ p ( t w , σ ^ 2 , α ^ ) p ( w σ ^ 2 , α ^ , t ) ] d w \begin{aligned} p(t^* \vert \mathbf t) &=\int \bigg[p(t^* \vert \mathbf w, \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha) p( {\mathbf w} \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha,\mathbf t) \textcolor{blue}{ \delta(\bm \alpha -\hat{\bm \alpha}) \delta(\sigma^2- \hat{\sigma}^2) } \bigg] \text{d}\mathbf w \text{d}\boldsymbol \alpha \text{d}\sigma^2 \\ &=\int \bigg[p(t^* \vert \mathbf w, \hat{\sigma}^2, \hat{\bm \alpha}) p( {\mathbf w} \vert \hat{\sigma}^2, \hat{\bm \alpha}, \mathbf t) \bigg] \text{d}\mathbf w \end{aligned}

p ( t w , σ ^ 2 , α ^ ) = p ( t w , σ ^ 2 ) = N ( t y , σ ^ 2 ) p(t^* \vert \mathbf w, \hat{\sigma}^2, \hat{\bm \alpha})=p(t^* \vert \mathbf w, \hat{\sigma}^2)=\mathcal N(t^* \vert y^*, \hat{\sigma}^2)

所以,上面条件概率积分式中的函数是两个 Gaussian function 的乘积。和前文中的卷积一致,根据高斯函数性质知,两个高斯函数卷积的结果仍为高斯函数。所以只需要求得卷积后的高斯函数的均值和期望,就相当于求出上式的积分了。
p ( t t ) = N ( t y p , σ p 2 ) \begin{aligned} p(t^* \vert \mathbf t) =\mathcal N(t^* \vert y_p, \sigma_p^2) \end{aligned}
那么 y p , σ p 2 y_p, \sigma_p^2 怎么求呢,这类需要引入一个推导参考。

通过参考《Bishop, C., 2006. Pattern recognition and machine learning. springer, New York.》下面的高斯变量的贝叶斯定理公式:
推导也可以参见链接 http://pelhans.com/2018/10/15/prml_note2/#233-高斯变量的贝叶斯定理。所以有以下结果:
p ( w σ ^ 2 , α ^ , t ) = N ( w μ ^ , Σ ^ ) Σ ^ = ( σ ^ 2 Φ T Φ + Λ α 1 ) 1 μ ^ = σ ^ 2 Σ ^ Φ T t p ( t w , σ ^ 2 ) = N ( t y , σ ^ 2 ) y = ϕ T ( x ) w \begin{aligned} p( {\mathbf w} \vert \hat{\sigma}^2, \hat{\bm \alpha}, \mathbf t) &= \mathcal N(\mathbf w \vert \hat{\bm \mu}, \hat{\mathbf \Sigma} ) \\ \hat{\mathbf \Sigma}&= ( \hat{\sigma}^{-2}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}+\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1} )^{-1}\\ \hat{\bm \mu}&= \hat{\sigma}^{-2} \hat{\mathbf \Sigma} \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf t\\ p(t^* \vert \mathbf w, \hat{\sigma}^2)&=\mathcal N(t^* \vert y^*, \hat{\sigma}^2) \\ y^*&= \bm \phi^{\rm T}(\mathbf x^*) \mathbf w \end{aligned}

我们可以则可以推出均值 y p y_p 和方差 σ p 2 \sigma_p^2
y p = ϕ T ( x ) μ ^ = μ ^ T ϕ ( x ) σ p 2 = σ ^ 2 + ϕ T ( x ) Σ ^ ϕ ( x ) \boxed{ \begin{aligned} y_p &=\bm \phi^{\rm T}(\mathbf x^*) \hat{\bm \mu}= \hat{\bm \mu}^{\rm T} \bm \phi(\mathbf x^*)\\ \sigma_p^2&=\hat{\sigma}^2+\bm\phi^{\rm T}(\mathbf x^*) \hat{\mathbf \Sigma} \bm\phi(\mathbf x^*) \end{aligned} }


前面提到假设的近似解 α ^ \hat{\bm \alpha} σ ^ 2 \hat{\sigma}^2

( α ^ , σ ^ 2 ) = arg max α , σ 2 p ( α , σ 2 t ) (\hat{\bm \alpha}, \hat{\sigma}^2) = \underset{\bm \alpha, \sigma^2}{\arg\max}\quad p( \boldsymbol \alpha, \sigma^2 \vert \mathbf t)

p ( σ 2 , α t ) p ( t α , σ 2 ) p ( α , σ 2 ) p ( t α , σ 2 ) p ( α ) p ( σ 2 ) \begin{aligned} p( \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha \vert \mathbf t) &\propto p(\mathbf t \vert \bm \alpha, \sigma^2)p(\bm \alpha, \sigma^2) \\ &\propto p(\mathbf t \vert \bm \alpha, \sigma^2) p(\bm \alpha) p(\sigma^2) \end{aligned}
( α ^ , σ ^ 2 ) = arg max α , σ 2 p ( t α , σ 2 ) (\hat{\bm \alpha}, \hat{\sigma}^2) = \underset{\bm \alpha, \sigma^2}{\arg\max}\quad p(\mathbf t \vert \bm \alpha, \sigma^2)
p ( t σ 2 , α ) = ( 2 π ) N 2 Σ t 1 2 exp ( 1 2 [ t T ( Σ t ) 1 t ] ) = N ( t 0 , σ 2 I + Φ Λ α Φ T ) \begin{aligned} \textcolor{blue}{ p( \mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha) } & =(2\pi)^{-\frac{N}{2}} \Big\vert \mathbf{\Sigma}_t \Big\vert^{-\frac{1}{2}} \exp\left( -\frac{1}{2} \left[ \mathbf{t}^{\rm T} \left( \mathbf{\Sigma}_t \right)^{-1} \mathbf{t} \right] \right) \\ &= \mathcal N \left(\mathbf t \Big\vert\bm 0, \sigma^2 \mathbf{I}+\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \right) \end{aligned}
L ( t σ 2 , α ) = N 2 log ( 2 π ) 1 2 log Σ t 1 2 t T Σ t 1 t \begin{aligned} \mathcal L( \mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha) = {-\frac{N}{2}} \log (2\pi)-\frac{1}{2} \log\Big\vert \mathbf{\Sigma}_t \Big\vert -\frac{1}{2} \mathbf{t}^{\rm T} \mathbf{\Sigma}^{-1}_t \mathbf{t} \end{aligned}
忽略掉与 α ^ \hat{\bm \alpha} σ ^ 2 \hat{\sigma}^2 无关的项,重新整理得到
L ( t σ 2 , α ) = 1 2 log σ 2 I + Φ Λ α Φ T 1 2 t T ( σ 2 I + Φ Λ α Φ T ) 1 t \boxed{ \begin{aligned} \mathcal L( \mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha) = -\frac{1}{2} \log\Big\vert \sigma^2 \mathbf{I}+\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \Big\vert -\frac{1}{2} \mathbf{t}^{\rm T} \Big( \sigma^2 \mathbf{I}+\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \Big)^{-1} \mathbf{t} \end{aligned} }
其中第一项(注意里面的符号不是绝对值而是矩阵行列式的 det \det ),利用 The Matrix Determinant Lemma (MDL)
A + B C = A I + A 1 B C = A I + C A 1 B \boxed{ \textcolor{purple}{ \Big\vert \mathbf A+\mathbf{BC} \Big\vert= \Big\vert \mathbf A \Big\vert \cdot \Big\vert \mathbf I +\mathbf{A}^{-1}\mathbf{BC} \Big\vert = \Big\vert \mathbf A \Big\vert \cdot \Big\vert \mathbf I + \mathbf{C A}^{-1}\mathbf B \Big\vert }}
Λ α 1 + σ 2 Φ T Φ = σ 2 I ( σ 2 Λ α 1 + Φ T Φ ) = σ 2 I σ 2 Λ α 1 + Φ T Φ σ 2 I Λ α 1 + σ 2 Φ T Φ = σ 2 Λ α 1 + Φ T Φ = σ 2 Λ α 1 I + σ 2 Φ Λ α Φ T = Λ α 1 σ 2 I + Φ Λ α Φ T \begin{aligned} \Big\vert \mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1}_{\alpha} + \sigma^{-2}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi} \Big\vert &= \Big\vert \sigma^{-2}\mathbf I (\sigma^{2}\mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1}_{\alpha} + \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi} ) \Big\vert \\ &= \Big\vert \sigma^{-2}\mathbf I\Big\vert \cdot \Big\vert \sigma^{2}\mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1}_{\alpha} + \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi} \Big\vert \\ \Big\vert \sigma^{2}\mathbf I\Big\vert \Big\vert \mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1}_{\alpha} + \sigma^{-2}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi} \Big\vert &= \Big\vert \sigma^{2}\mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1}_{\alpha} + \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi} \Big\vert \\ &= \Big\vert \sigma^{2}\mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1}_{\alpha} \Big\vert \cdot \Big\vert \mathbf{I}+ \sigma^{-2} \mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \Big\vert \\ &= \Big\vert \mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1}_{\alpha} \Big\vert \Big\vert \sigma^2 \mathbf{I}+\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \Big\vert \end{aligned}

第一项结合 Σ w 1 = 1 σ 2 Φ T Φ + Λ α 1 \mathbf \Sigma_w^{-1} = \frac{1}{\sigma^2}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}+\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1} 可表示为
1 2 log σ 2 I + Φ Λ α Φ T = 1 2 log { σ 2 I Λ α 1 + σ 2 Φ T Φ Λ α 1 } = 1 2 { log Λ α 1 log σ 2 I log Λ α 1 + σ 2 Φ T Φ } = 1 2 ( i = 1 M log α i N log σ 2 + log Σ w ) \begin{aligned} -\frac{1}{2} \log\Big\vert \sigma^2 \mathbf{I}+\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \Big\vert &=-\frac{1}{2} \log \bigg\{ \frac{\Big\vert \sigma^{2}\mathbf I\Big\vert \cdot \Big\vert \mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1}_{\alpha} + \sigma^{-2}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi} \Big\vert }{\Big\vert \mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1}_{\alpha} \Big\vert } \bigg\} \\ &= \frac{1}{2} \bigg\{\log \Big\vert \mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1}_{\alpha} \Big\vert- \log \Big\vert \sigma^{2}\mathbf I \Big\vert -\log \Big\vert \mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1}_{\alpha} + \sigma^{-2}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi} \Big\vert \bigg\}\\ &= \frac{1}{2}\bigg( \sum_{i=1}^{M} \log \alpha_i -N\log \sigma^2 + \log \Big\vert \mathbf\Sigma_w \Big\vert \bigg) \end{aligned}

下面分析第二项,利用矩阵求逆引理(也称作 Woodbury matrix identity,also known as the binomial inverse theorem)以及 μ w = σ 2 Σ w Φ T t \bm\mu_w = \sigma^{-2} \mathbf \Sigma_w \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf t ,可得
1 2 t T ( σ 2 I + Φ Λ α Φ T ) 1 t = 1 2 t T ( σ 2 I σ 2 Φ [ Λ α 1 + σ 2 Φ T Φ ] 1 Φ T σ 2 ) t = σ 2 2 t T ( I Φ Σ w Φ T σ 2 ) t = σ 2 2 ( t T t σ 2 t T Φ Σ w Φ T t ) = 1 2 σ 2 ( t T t t T Φ μ w ) = 1 2 σ 2 ( t Φ μ w 2 + μ w T Φ T t μ w T Φ T Φ μ w ) = 1 2 ( σ 2 t Φ μ w 2 + σ 2 μ w T Φ T t σ 2 μ w T Φ T Φ μ w ) = 1 2 ( σ 2 t Φ μ w 2 + μ w T Σ w 1 μ w σ 2 μ w T Φ T Φ μ w ) = 1 2 ( σ 2 t Φ μ w 2 + μ w T ( Σ w 1 σ 2 Φ T Φ ) μ w ) = 1 2 ( σ 2 t Φ μ w 2 + μ w T Λ α 1 μ w ) \begin{aligned} &-\frac{1}{2} \mathbf{t}^{\rm T} \Big( \sigma^2 \mathbf{I}+\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \Big)^{-1} \mathbf{t} \\ =& -\frac{1}{2} \mathbf{t}^{\rm T} \Big( \sigma^{-2} \mathbf{I} -\sigma^{-2} \mathbf{\Phi}\left[ \mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1}_{\alpha}+\sigma^{-2}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi} \right]^{-1} \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \sigma^{-2} \Big) \mathbf{t} \\ =& -\frac{\sigma^{-2}}{2} \mathbf{t}^{\rm T} \Big( \mathbf{I} - \mathbf{\Phi} \mathbf\Sigma_w \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \sigma^{-2} \Big) \mathbf{t} = -\frac{\sigma^{-2}}{2} \Big( \mathbf{t}^{\rm T}\mathbf{t} - \sigma^{-2} \mathbf{t}^{\rm T} \mathbf{\Phi} \mathbf\Sigma_w \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \mathbf{t} \Big) \\ =& -\frac{1}{2} \sigma^{-2} \Big( \mathbf{t}^{\rm T}\mathbf{t} - \mathbf{t}^{\rm T} \mathbf{\Phi}\bm \mu_w\Big) \\ =& -\frac{1}{2} \sigma^{-2} \Big( \Vert \mathbf t- \mathbf{\Phi}\bm\mu_w\Vert^2 + \bm \mu_w^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \mathbf{t} -\bm\mu_w^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}\bm\mu_w \Big) \\ =& -\frac{1}{2} \Big( \sigma^{-2}\Vert \mathbf t- \mathbf{\Phi}\bm\mu_w\Vert^2 + \sigma^{-2}\bm \mu_w^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \mathbf{t} - \sigma^{-2}\bm\mu_w^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}\bm\mu_w \Big) \\ =& -\frac{1}{2} \Big( \sigma^{-2}\Vert \mathbf t- \mathbf{\Phi}\bm\mu_w\Vert^2 + \bm \mu_w^{\rm T}\mathbf\Sigma^{-1}_w \bm \mu_w - \sigma^{-2}\bm\mu_w^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}\bm\mu_w \Big) \\ =& -\frac{1}{2} \Big( \sigma^{-2}\Vert \mathbf t- \mathbf{\Phi}\bm\mu_w\Vert^2 + \bm \mu_w^{\rm T} (\mathbf\Sigma^{-1}_w - \sigma^{-2} \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi} )\bm \mu_w \Big) \\ =& -\frac{1}{2} \Big( \sigma^{-2}\Vert \mathbf t- \mathbf{\Phi}\bm\mu_w\Vert^2 + \bm \mu_w^{\rm T} \mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1} \bm \mu_w \Big) \\ \end{aligned}

不行了,要推导吐了。允许我加个表情 ???。


L ( t σ 2 , α ) = 1 2 log σ 2 I + Φ Λ α Φ T 1 2 t T ( σ 2 I + Φ Λ α Φ T ) 1 t = 1 2 ( i = 1 M log α i N log σ 2 + log Σ w ) 1 2 ( σ 2 t Φ μ w 2 + μ w T Λ α 1 μ w ) \begin{aligned} \mathcal L( \mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha) &= -\frac{1}{2} \log\Big\vert \sigma^2 \mathbf{I}+\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \Big\vert -\frac{1}{2} \mathbf{t}^{\rm T} \Big( \sigma^2 \mathbf{I}+\mathbf{\Phi}\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T} \Big)^{-1} \mathbf{t} \\ &= \frac{1}{2}\bigg( \sum_{i=1}^{M} \log \alpha_i -N\log \sigma^2 + \log \Big\vert \mathbf\Sigma_w \Big\vert \bigg) -\frac{1}{2} \Big( \sigma^{-2}\Vert \mathbf t- \mathbf{\Phi}\bm\mu_w\Vert^2 + \bm \mu_w^{\rm T} \mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1} \bm \mu_w \Big) \end{aligned}
下面进入不断更新求导的过程。首先针对 α \bm \alpha 考虑,令 log α i = p i \log \alpha_i =p_i ,则有 e p i = α i e^{p_i}=\alpha_i 以及 α i p i = e p i = α i \frac{\partial \alpha_i}{\partial p_i}=e^{p_i}=\alpha_i
L ( t σ 2 , α ) p i = 0 \begin{aligned} \frac{\partial \mathcal L( \mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha) }{\partial p_i} &= 0 \end{aligned}
L ( t σ 2 , α ) = 1 2 ( i = 1 M log α i N log σ 2 + log Σ w σ 2 t Φ μ w 2 μ w T Λ α 1 μ w ) log Σ w p i = log Σ w 1 p i \begin{aligned} \mathcal L( \mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha) &= \frac{1}{2}\bigg( \sum_{i=1}^{M} \log \alpha_i -N\log \sigma^2 + \log \Big\vert \mathbf\Sigma_w \Big\vert - \sigma^{-2}\Vert \mathbf t- \mathbf{\Phi}\bm\mu_w\Vert^2 - \bm \mu_w^{\rm T} \mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1} \bm \mu_w \bigg) \\ \frac{\partial \log \Big\vert \mathbf\Sigma_w \Big\vert}{\partial p_i} &= -\frac{\partial \log \Big\vert \mathbf\Sigma^{-1}_w \Big\vert}{\partial p_i} \end{aligned}
当矩阵 A ( t ) \mathbf{A}(t) 可逆时,有
d d t log det A = tr ( A 1 d A d t ) \frac{\text d }{\text d t}\log \det \mathbf{A} = \text{tr} \left( \mathbf{A}^{-1} \frac{\text d \mathbf{A}}{\text d t} \right)
这是一个特别有用的公式,在很多数学分支中都会用到。该定理可以在 PRML 书中的附录找到。
因为 Λ α = diag ( [ α 1 1 ,   , α M 1 ] ) \mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}=\text{diag}([\alpha_1^{-1},\cdots,\alpha_M^{-1}]) ,则 Λ α 1 = diag ( [ α 1 ,   , α M ] ) \mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1}_{\alpha}=\text{diag}([\alpha_1,\cdots,\alpha_M])
log Σ w p i = log Σ w 1 p i = tr ( Σ w Σ w 1 p i ) = tr ( Σ w Λ α 1 p i ) = [ Σ w ] i , i α i p i = [ Σ w ] i , i α i \begin{aligned} \frac{\partial \log \Big\vert \mathbf\Sigma_w \Big\vert}{\partial p_i} &= -\frac{\partial \log \Big\vert \mathbf\Sigma^{-1}_w \Big\vert}{\partial p_i} \\ &=- \text{tr} \left( \mathbf\Sigma_w \frac{\partial \mathbf\Sigma^{-1}_w}{\partial p_i} \right) \\ &=- \text{tr} \left( \mathbf\Sigma_w \frac{\partial \mathbf{\Lambda}^{-1}_{\alpha}}{\partial p_i} \right) \\ &=- [\mathbf\Sigma_w]_{i,i} \frac{\partial {\alpha}_i}{\partial p_i} =- [\mathbf\Sigma_w]_{i,i} \cdot \alpha_i \end{aligned}

写到这里,我不得不吐槽一句,RVM/SBL 涉及的数学还真特么的多,多到不忍直视 ?。

μ w T Λ α 1 μ w p i = μ i 2 α i \begin{aligned} \frac{\partial \bm \mu_w^{\rm T} \mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1} \bm \mu_w}{\partial p_i} &=\mu_i^2\alpha_i \end{aligned}
L ( t σ 2 , α ) p i = 1 [ Σ w ] i , i α i μ i 2 α i = 0 \begin{aligned} \frac{\partial \mathcal L( \mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha) }{\partial p_i} &= 1- [\mathbf\Sigma_w]_{i,i} \cdot \alpha_i - \mu_i^2\alpha_i =0 \end{aligned}
ps:在这里不知道你有没有疑问,明明 μ \bm \mu Σ \mathbf \Sigma 的函数,为什么在这里将 μ \bm \mu 视作与 α i \alpha_i 无关的变量呢?这个问题待定吧。同时在这个假设基础上,我们令
1 [ Σ w ] i , i α i = γ i [ Σ w ] i , i = 1 γ i α i 1 [ Σ w ] i , i α i μ i 2 α i = 0 γ i = μ i 2 α i \begin{aligned} 1- [\mathbf\Sigma_w]_{i,i} \cdot \alpha_i =\gamma_i \rightarrow [\mathbf\Sigma_w]_{i,i} = \frac{1-\gamma_i}{\alpha_i} \\ \\ 1- [\mathbf\Sigma_w]_{i,i} \cdot \alpha_i - \mu_i^2\alpha_i =0 \rightarrow \gamma_i = \mu_i^2\alpha_i \end{aligned}

α i new = γ i μ i 2 \boxed{ \begin{aligned} \alpha_i^{\text{new}} = \frac{\gamma_i}{\mu_i^2} \end{aligned} }

再针对 σ 2 \sigma^2 求导,令 log σ 2 = q \log \sigma^{-2}= q ,则 σ 2 q = σ 2 \frac{\partial \sigma^{-2}}{\partial q}=\sigma^{-2} 。注意 Σ w 1 = σ 2 Φ T Φ + Λ α 1 \mathbf \Sigma_w^{-1} = {\sigma^{-2}}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}+\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1} ,可以得到
L ( t σ 2 , α ) q = N log Σ w 1 q σ 2 t Φ μ w 2 = N tr ( σ 2 Σ w Φ T Φ ) σ 2 t Φ μ w 2 = N σ 2 t Φ μ w 2 tr ( Σ w ( Σ w 1 Λ α 1 ) ) = N σ 2 t Φ μ w 2 i γ i = 0 \begin{aligned} \frac{\mathcal L( \mathbf t \vert \sigma^2, \boldsymbol \alpha) }{\partial q} &= N-\frac{\partial \log \Big\vert \mathbf\Sigma^{-1}_w \Big\vert}{\partial q}- \sigma^{-2}\Vert \mathbf t - \mathbf{\Phi}\bm\mu_w\Vert^2 \\ &=N-\text{tr} \left(\sigma^{-2} \mathbf\Sigma_w \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi} \right)- \sigma^{-2}\Vert \mathbf t - \mathbf{\Phi}\bm\mu_w\Vert^2 \\ &=N- \sigma^{-2}\Vert \mathbf t - \mathbf{\Phi}\bm\mu_w\Vert^2 -\text{tr} \bigg( \mathbf\Sigma_w (\mathbf\Sigma_w^{-1}-\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1}) \bigg) \\ &=N- \sigma^{-2}\Vert \mathbf t - \mathbf{\Phi}\bm\mu_w\Vert^2 - \sum_i \gamma_i =0 \end{aligned}

( σ 2 ) new = t Φ μ w 2 N i γ i \boxed{ \begin{aligned} (\sigma^2)^{\text{new}} = \frac{\Vert \mathbf t - \mathbf{\Phi}\bm\mu_w\Vert^2}{N-\sum_i \gamma_i} \end{aligned} }

首先随机初始化两个待估参数 α , σ 2 \alpha, \sigma^2 ,随即得到
Σ w 1 = 1 σ 2 Φ T Φ + Λ α 1 μ w = σ 2 Σ w Φ T t \begin{aligned} \mathbf \Sigma_w^{-1} &= \frac{1}{\sigma^2}\mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf{\Phi}+\mathbf{\Lambda}_{\alpha}^{-1} \\ \bm\mu_w &= \sigma^{-2} \mathbf \Sigma_w \mathbf{\Phi}^{\rm T}\mathbf t \end{aligned}
α i new = γ i μ i 2 ( σ 2 ) new = t Φ μ w 2 N i γ i γ i = 1 [ Σ w ] i , i α i \begin{aligned} \alpha_i^{\text{new}} &= \frac{\gamma_i}{\mu_i^2} \\ (\sigma^2)^{\text{new}} &= \frac{\Vert \mathbf t - \mathbf{\Phi}\bm\mu_w\Vert^2}{N-\sum_i \gamma_i} \\ \gamma_i &= 1- [\mathbf\Sigma_w]_{i,i} \cdot \alpha_i \end{aligned}

这意味着我们可以通过学习算法获得超参数 α , σ 2 \alpha, \sigma^2 ,而不需要通过交叉验证来确定。在足够多的更新后,大部分的 α i \alpha_i \rightarrow \infty ,即对应的 w i 0 w_i \rightarrow 0 。其余的 α i \alpha_i 会稳定趋近有限值,与之对应的样本 x i \mathbf x_i 就被称为 relevance vector。


