sublime 离线安装vue-syntax-highliget


Unable to download Vue Syntax Highlight. Please view the console for more details.
ignored packages updated to: [“Vintage”]
reloading /C/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings
reloading settings Packages/User/Package Control.sublime-settings
reloading settings Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings
Unable to open /C/Users/Administrator/AppData/Roaming/Sublime Text 3/Packages/Package Control/Package Control.sublime-settings
generating syntax summary
reloading settings Packages/vue-syntax-highlight-master/vue.sublime-settings
generating syntax summary
Error loading scope:source.stylus: Unable to find syntax file for scope source.stylus in Packages/Vue/vue.tmLanguage
Error loading scope:source.sass: Unable to find syntax file for scope source.sass in Packages/Vue/vue.tmLanguage
Error loading scope:text.slm: Unable to find syntax file for scope text.slm in Packages/Vue/vue.tmLanguage
Error loading scope:source.postcss: Unable to find syntax file for scope source.postcss in Packages/Vue/vue.tmLanguage
Error loading scope:source.livescript: Unable to find syntax file for scope source.livescript in Packages/Vue/vue.tmLanguage
Error loading scope:source.css.less: Unable to find syntax file for scope source.css.less in Packages/Vue/vue.tmLanguage
Error loading scope:source.css.scss: Unable to find syntax file for scope source.css.scss in Packages/Vue/vue.tmLanguage
Error loading scope:source.ts: Unable to find syntax file for scope source.ts in Packages/Vue/vue.tmLanguage
Error loading scope:text.jade: Unable to find syntax file for scope text.jade in Packages/Vue/vue.tmLanguage
Error loading Unable to find syntax file for scope in Packages/Vue/vue.tmLanguage
Error loading scope:text.pug: Unable to find syntax file for scope text.pug in Packages/Vue/vue.tmLanguage


(1)去 下载插件的压缩包,解压。
(2)左上角Preferences->Browse Packages,打开文件目录
(4)载入插件,command+shift+p,输入Vue,选第一个Set Syntax:Vue Component。

