Vim 指令的总结


w next word
W next white space delimited word
b previous word
B previous space delimited word
e end of word
E end of white space delimited word
0 or ^ to the physical beginning of the line
$ to the physical end of the line (ie. the newline char)
g0 to the begining of the virtual screen line
gm to the middle of virtual screen line
g$ to the end of the virtual screen line
gk up screen line
gj down screen line
fchar till the next occurrence of character ‘char’ (inclusive)
Fchar till the previous occurrence of character ‘char’ (inclusive)
lchar till the previous occurrence of character ‘char’ (exclusive)
Tchar till the previous occurrence of character ‘char’ (exclusive)
G end of file
gg start of file
gd go to the definition (first occurrence of the word under cursor)
{} begging/end of paragraph
() begging/end of sentence
[{]} beginning/end of a code block
[[ ]] beginning/end of a method
[* ]* beginning/end of a comment block
% find next open block char ({[ and jump to it’s matching close char
'. go to the line with the latest change
* search to the next occurrence of the word under cursor
# search to previous occurrence of the word under cursor
/pattern search to next occurrence of ‘pattern’
?/pattern search to previous occurrence of ‘pattern’
n repeat last search (*,#,/,?) forward
N repeat last search (*,#,/,?) backward

Entering Insertion Mode

i insert at the cursor
I Insert at the beginning of the line
g1 insert in column 1 of the line
a append after the cursor
A append at the end of the line
o open a blank line below cursor
O open a blank line above cursor
r replace character under cursor and exit insert mode
R insert at the cursor in overstrike mode
cmov delete (change) movement and enter insert mode
cc replace entire line
C delete (change) line and enter insert mode
s delete character under cursor and enter insert mode
S delete line under cursor and enter insert mode


x delete char under cursor
X delete char before cursor
dmov delete range of movement m
dd delete current line (text moves up)
D delete to the end of line
J join the line below to the current
gJ append the line below to the end of current line

Block Modifiers
When dealing with blocks of text delimited by parentheses (), brackets [], braces {} or <> you can apply the command to either the contents of the block or the whole thing by following it with:

iblk inner block (everything inside braces, parenthesis etc…)
ablk all (whole parenthesized block)

Where ‘blk’ is ), } or >

Copy / Paste

yy copy current line
ymov copy movement m
p paste after cursor
P paste before cursor
vipy visual interior paragraph yank - copy the current paragraph

Visual Mode

v enter visual mode highlighting 1 char at a time
V enter visual mode highlighting 1 line at a time
Ctrl+V enter visual block mode
aw highlight word
as highlight sentence
ap highlight paragraph
ab highlight a parenthesized block
aB highlight a {} blocks
ib highlight contents of a parenthesized block
iB highlight contents of a {} block


< > indent left / right
. repeat last command
u undo last command
U undo all changes on the current line
Ctrl+R redo last undo
Ctrl+O jump outwards (up-back) to the previous cursor position
Ctrl+l jump inwards (down-forward) to the previous cursor position


Ctrl+X enter completion mode
Ctrl+N auto complete word in insert and completion mode
Ctrl+P auto complete word in insert and completion mode
Ctrl+L auto complete whole line in completion mode
Ctrl+K dictionary completion completion mode
Ctrl+F filename completion in completion mode

Useful Tricks

g-mov toggle uppercase/lowercase on the range of ‘mov’
gumov lowercase the range of ‘mov’
guu lowercase the current line
gUmov uppercase the range of ‘mov’
gUU upercase the whole line
g?mov rot13 on the range of ‘mov’

Regexp Replace
:range/foo/bar/arg - replace foo with bar in ‘range’ with

Values of ‘range’:

% whole file
number that particular line
none apply to current line only

Values of ‘arg’:

none apply to first occurrence
g global (all occurrences)
i ignore case
I don’t ignore case
c confirm each substitution
p print the last line containing substitution
e ignore errors


qchar start recording macro storing it in register ‘char’
q end recording
@char replay the macro stored in ‘char’
:1,10 norm! @char run the macro stored in ‘char’ over the 1-10 line range

