[机器学习导论] 绪论


  1. Character/Digit Recognition
  2. Speech
  3. Chess
  4. Auto Driving
  5. Spam Checking
  6. Recommendation
  7. Face recognition
  8. Find Music


  • 人工智能 (科学, 技术)
    • 研究使计算机来模拟人的某些思维过程和智能行为, 主要包括计算机实现智能的原理, 制造类似于人脑智能的计算机, 是计算机能实现更高层次的应用
  • 机器学习
    • 成为解决经验型问题的一种方法, 新的编程范式
    • Definition: A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.
    • machine learning addresses the question of how to build computer programs that improve their performance at some task through experience.
    • 让计算机程序发现数据中的规律, 并根据规律给出预测的一种智能技术



  • 把事物按标准分成一些类别 (离散)
  • 例子
    • 垃圾邮件诊断
    • 疾病分析
    • 是否发放信用卡
    • 是否录用


  • 由过去, 现在的数据计算出未来的状态 (连续)
  • 例子
    • 预测身高
    • 预测年龄
    • 预测方向盘的旋转角度

聚类(clustering unsupervised learning)

  • 没有类别的标准, 按事物间的相似性划分成一些类别


  • Linear Regression
    • LR with One Variable
    • LR with Multiple Variable
    • Linear Discriminative Analysis
  • Logistic Regression and Regularization
  • Neural Networks
    • Representation
    • Learning
    • Introduction to Deep Learning
  • Support Vector Machine
  • Learning from Network : PageRank and Graph Ranking
  • Dimensionality Reduction & Concept Learning
    • PCA (Principle Component Analysis)
    • NMF (Non-Negative Matrix Factorization)
  • Clustering (Unsupervised Learning)
  • Bayes Classification
  • Ensemble Learning: Boosting, Bagging and EM
  • Evaluation of Machine Learning
  • Theory of Statistical Learning


  • 根据遇到的问题, 去学习相关知识点
  • 用机器学习的思路去学(优化)

