Python学习笔录(六)--- 输入和输出

Input and Output

  1. How do you convert values to strings? Luckily, Python has ways to convert any value to a string: pass it to the repr() and str() functions. The str() function is meant to return representations of values which are fairly human-readable, which repr() is meant to generate representations which can be read by the interpreter.

    >>> s = 'Hello world'
    >>> str(s)
    'Hello world'
    >>> repr(s)
    "'Hello world'"
    >>> # The repr() of a string adds string quotes and backslashes.
    >>> s2 = 'Hello\n'
    >>> str(s2)
    >>> repr(s2)
  2. The method str.rjust() of string objects, which right-justifies a string in a field of a given width by padding it with spaces on the left. There are similar methods str.ljust() and

    >>> for x in range(1, 6):
    ...     print(repr(x).rjust(2), repr(x * x).rjust(3), repr(x * x * x).rjust(4))
     1   1    1
     2   4    8
     3   9   27
     4  16   64
     5  25  125
  3. There is another method, str.zfill(), which pads a numeric string on the left with zero. It understoods about plus and minus signs.

    >>> '12'.zfill(5)
    >>> '-3.14'.zfill(7)
  4. The backets and characters with them (called format field) are replaced with the objects passed into the str.format() method. A number in the brackets can be used to refer to the position of the object passed into the str.format() method. if keyword arguments are used in the str.format() method, their values are refer to by using the name of the argument. Position and keyword argument can be arbitrarily combined.

    >>> print('{1} and {0}'.format('spam', 'eggs'))
    eggs and spam
    >>> print('This {food} is {adjective}.'.format(food='spam', adjective='absolutely horrible.'))
    This spam is absolutely horrible.
    >>> print('The story of {0}, {1} and {other}.'.format('Bill', 'Manfred', other='Georg'))
    The story of Bill, Manfred and Georg.
  5. !a’ (apply ascii()), ‘!s’ (apply str()) and ‘!r’ (apply repr()) can be used to convert the value before it is formatted.

    >>> content = 'elle'
    >>> print('My hovercraft is full of {}.'.format(content))
    My hovercraft is full of elle.
    >>> print('My hovercraft is full of {!r}.'.format(content))
    My hovercraft is full of 'elle'.
  6. An optional ‘:’ and format specifier can follow the field name. This allows greater controll over how the value is formatted. Passing an integer after the ‘:’ will cause that field to be a minimum number of characters wide.

    >>> table = {'Sjoerd': 4127, 'Jack': 4098}
    >>> for name, phone in table.items():
    ...     print('{0:10} ==> {1:10d}'.format(name, phone))
    Jack       ==>       4098
    Sjoerd     ==>       4127
  7. It would be nice if you could reference the variables to be formatted by name instead of by position. This can be done by simply passing the dict and using square brackets ‘[]’ to access the keys. This could also be done by passing the table as keyword arguments with the ‘**’ notation. This is particularly useful in combination withe the built-in function vars(), which returns a dictionary containing all local variables.

    >>> table = {'Sjoerd': 4127, 'Jack': 4098}
    >>> print('Jack: {0[Jack]:d}; Sjoerd: {0[Sjoerd]:d}'.format(table))
    Jack: 4098; Sjoerd: 4127
    >>> a, b = 123, 456
    >>> print('a: {a}; b: {b}'.format(**vars()))
    a: 123; b: 456
  8. In text mode, the default when reading is to convert platform-specific line endings (\n on Unix, \r\n on Windows) to just \n. When writing in text mode, the default is to convert occurrences of \n back to platform-specific line endings.

  9. It is good practice to use the with keyword when dealing with file objects. The advantage is that the file is properly closed after its suite finishes, even if an exception is raised at some point. Using with is also much shorter than writing equivalent try-finally blocks.

    >>> with open('workfile') as f:
    ...     read_data =
    >>> f.closed
  10. After a file object is closed, either by a with statement or by calling f.close(), attempt to use the file object will automatic fail.

    >>> f.close()
    Traceback ...
    ValueError: I/O operation on closed file.
  11. In the end of the file has been reached, will return an empty string (”). If f.readline() returns an empty string, the end of the file has been reached. while a blank line is represented by ‘\n‘, a string containing only a single newline.

    'This is the entire file.\n'
    >>> f.readline()
    'This is the first line of the file.\n'
    >>> f.readline()
    'Second line of the file.'
    >>> f.readline()
  12. f.write(string) writes the content of string to the file, returning the number of characters written. Other types of objects need to be converted - either to a string (in text mode) or bytes object (in binary mode) - before writing them.
    函数f.write(string)将一个字符串的内容写入文件,返回被写入的字符数量。其他类型的对象在被写入前需要转换为 - 无论转为一个字符串(文本模式)或转为字节对象(字节模式)。

    >>> f.write('This is a test.\n')
    >>> value = ('the answer', 42)
    >>> s = str(value)     # convert the tuple to string
    >>> f.write(s)     # write '("the answer", 42)'
  13. f.tell() returns an integer giving the file object’s current position in the file represented as number of bytes from the beginning of the file when in binary mode and an opaque number when in text mode.

  14. To change the file object’s position, use, from_what). The position is computed from adding offset to a reference point; the reference point is selected by the from_what argument. A from_whatvalue of 0 measures from the beginning of the file, 1 uses the current file position, and 2 uses the end of the file as the reference point. from_what can be omitted and defaults to 0.
    为了改变文件对象的位置,使用, from_what)。位置的计算方法是从参考点加上偏差;参考点是由from_what参数来选择。from_what的值为0,从文件开始处测量,使用1代表当前文件位置,使用2代表以文件结束处为参考点。缺省from_what的默认值为0。

    >>> f = open('workfile', 'rb+')
    >>> f.write(b'0123456789abcdef')
    >>>     # Go to the 6th byte in the file
    >>>, 2)     # Go to the 3rd byte before the end

