Zip文件格式解析 6.3.3版本


文件:APPNOTE.TXT - .ZIP文件格式规范
版权所有(c)1989-2012 PKWARE Inc.,保留所有权利。

 Version       Change Description                        Date
   -------       ------------------                       ----------
   ...           ...									  ...

   6.3.1         -Corrected standard hash values for      04/11/2007

   6.3.2         -Added compression method 97             09/28/2007

                 -Documented InfoZIP "Extra Field"
                  values for UTF-8 file name and
                  file comment storage

   6.3.3         -Formatting changes to support           09/01/2012
                  easier referencing of this APPNOTE
                  from other documents and standards     
   				  //翻译:为了支持其他文件和标准更容易引用而 ·更改格式·

Zip文件格式解析 6.3.3版本


      [local file header 1]
      [encryption header 1]
      [file data 1]
      [data descriptor 1]
      [local file header n]
      [encryption header n]
      [file data n]
      [data descriptor n]
      [archive decryption header] 
      [archive extra data record] 
      [central directory header 1]
      [central directory header n]
      [zip64 end of central directory record]
      [zip64 end of central directory locator] 
      [end of central directory record]

解析中用了central directory header,故只参考了这部分的格式,如上图中第三、四行,原文

4.3.12  Central directory structure:

      [central directory header 1]
      [central directory header n]
      [digital signature] 

      File header:

        central file header signature   4 bytes  (0x02014b50)
        version made by                 2 bytes
        version needed to extract       2 bytes
        general purpose bit flag        2 bytes
        compression method              2 bytes
        last mod file time              2 bytes
        last mod file date              2 bytes
        crc-32                          4 bytes
        compressed size                 4 bytes
        uncompressed size               4 bytes
        file name length                2 bytes
        extra field length              2 bytes
        file comment length             2 bytes
        disk number start               2 bytes
        internal file attributes        2 bytes
        external file attributes        4 bytes
        relative offset of local header 4 bytes

        file name (variable size)
        extra field (variable size)
        file comment (variable size)

6.3.3版原文:Zip 6.3.3 官方说明文档
附录6.2.0版:Zip 6.2.0 官方说明文档(可以对照着看)

查看其他标准信息:ISO/IEC 21320-1 Information technology – Document Container File

