关于betradar 数据解析 xml-statistics.pdf

3.2 Appendix 2: Cup tree XML parsing examples


Brief Explanation


We have the following definitions in the cup tree roster:


CupRound: E.g. 1/8 final, Quarter finals, Semi final etc. In 1/8 final there are 16 teams (8 matches),

quarter final 8 teams (4 matches) etc.

 杯赛轮次: 例如:1/8决赛,1/4决赛,半决赛等  在1/8决赛中有16只球队(8场比赛),4分之1决赛有8只球队 (4场比赛)等 

CupBlock: Basically the "graphical" representation of one or more matches between 2 teams. There

may be more than one match between teams in a round, but the physical representation of the match

in the cup tree is always one element, called a block.

杯赛块:从表面上展示出来的意思是2个队之前有1场或多场比赛。也可能是在1轮当中的球队存在多于一场比赛,但实际上在cup tree 当中都是以一个元素展示,被称做块.

BlockParticipant: One of the teams in a CupBlock. Represents "static" information about the team,

and also e.g. if it is the winning team of a cupblock, and goes through to next round.

 块的参与者: 在CupBlock中的一个球队,代表着球队“固定位置”的信息,例如:如果在cupblock中胜利的球队,并且通过了下

CupRound order="n": The CupRound order attribute; from 1 !n (where n is the number of currently

visible rounds in the cup tree), indicates the order of the rounds. The first visible round in the cup roster

is order 1, and the last (final) is order n.

CupRound order="轮次序号": cupround 顺序属性; 从1 到 n (n是cup tree中的轮次),表示在所有轮次当中的顺序. 最先一轮顺序为 1 并且最后一轮为n.

CupBlock order="m": The CupBlock order attribute, from 1 !m, where m is the number of blocks

(teams / 2) in a given cup round. The order is from top to bottom.

CupBlock order="球队顺序":CupBlock 属性 ,从 1到 m ,m代表cup round 中球队在blocks中的顺序,(从以往数据看 1 为主队 2为客队,中例场队外),顺序从上到下。

CupBlock blockId="x": The blockId ranges from 1 !n in each round. This is just a unique identification of a block within a given round and cannot be directly used for visual representation.

CupBlock blockId="块的编号": 在第一个轮中 块的编号从  1到n,这仅仅是唯一的一个块标识在当前轮次中,不能直接用于展示

BlockParticipant sourceBlockId="y": The sourceBlockId for a BlockParticipant refers to from where

the BlockParticipant came from in the previous round (from which Block it belonged to). In a CupBlock,

each BlockParticipant came from different blocks in the previous CupRound. This can be used for

connecting blocks between rounds together, but cannot be directly used for visual representation. It can

be used as a fallback to where to place a cup block if e.g. the order information is missing.

BlockParticipant sourceBlockId="y":sourceBlockId是表示BlockParticipant 引用来自之前轮次(属与那一个块),在CupBlock中 每一个BlockParticipant 都是来自之前cupRound的不同的块. 这个可以被用来关联之前轮次之间的块,但是这个不能直接用于可视化的展示。这也可以被用于回查之前所在的cup block ,假如order 信息丢失

