


  1. connect the dots looking forward
  2. karma
  3. follow your heart
  4. It leads you off the well-worn path.


  1. 把生活的点滴和未来联系起来
  2. 业力(因果报应)
  3. 忠于自我
  4. 它会让你的选择与众不同(领出常规路线)


  1. manned space program
  2. Human Factors Engineering
  3. manned


  1. 载人航空工程
  2. 人因工程
  3. adj. 有人驾驶的


  1. fundamental departure from earlier practices
  2. the realm of
  3. fundamental


  1. 与旧日模式的根本脱离
  2. 范围
  3. adj. 基本的; 重要的 n. 基本原则



  1. 提前退休
  2. 加速老年人认知能力衰退
  3. 领取退休金
  4. 相比于仍在工作的人
  5. 最显著的特征
  6. 痴呆症的准确预测指标
  7. 更严重的智力衰退


  1. retire ahead a schedule / retire earlier

  2. accelarate the rate of recognition decline among the elderly

  3. receive pension benefit

  4. their counterparts still at work

  5. the prominent indicator

  6. an accurate predictor of dementia

  7. hardier mental decline

  8. pention 退休金

  9. prominent adj. 突起的,显著的,杰出的

  10. dementia n. 痴呆


  1. 最关键的三个需求
  2. 性别平等
  3. 带来创新的解决方案
  4. 决策制定、规划和提倡
  5. 实现可持续发展


  1. the top three needs

  2. gender equality

  3. bring creativity into solutions

  4. policymaking, programming and advocacy progress

  5. achieve the sustainable developing goal

  6. advocacy n. 拥护,主张


  1. 推广和优惠卷
  2. 竞争加剧
  3. 直播
  4. 重要角色
  5. 相比前一年增长
  6. 实体产品


  1. promotions and coupons
  2. competition ???
  3. live streamer
  4. increase over last year
  5. phisical products


  1. 最迟、最晚
  2. 磨制石器
  3. 秦汉之后
  4. 逐渐褪去神圣光晕
  5. 精美的文字书法和铸造技艺的独特艺术性


  1. at least

  2. make polished stone tools

  3. Following the Qing and Han Dynasties,

  4. become less sacred

  5. excellent calligraphy and casting skills

  6. sacred 神圣的,宗教的

