





  • Software Construction 2020 Spring
  • Lab-2 Abstract Data Type (ADT) and Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • CSDN博客

1 实验目标概述

  • 本次实验训练抽象数据类型(ADT)的设计、规约、测试,并使用面向对象编程(OOP)技术实现ADT。具体来说:
  • 针对给定的应用问题,从问题描述中识别所需的ADT;
  • 设计ADT规约(pre-condition、post-condition)并评估规约的质量;
  • 根据ADT的规约设计测试用例;
  • ADT的泛型化;
  • 根据规约设计ADT的多种不同的实现;针对每种实现,设计其表示(representation)、表示不变性(rep invariant)、抽象过程(abstraction function)
  • 使用OOP实现ADT,并判定表示不变性是否违反、各实现是否存在表示泄露(rep exposure);
  • 测试ADT的实现并评估测试的覆盖度;
  • 使用ADT及其实现,为应用问题开发程序;
  • 在测试代码中,能够写出testing strategy并据此设计测试用例。

2 实验环境配置

2.1 安装EclEmma


  • 从Eclipse菜单中选择帮助 → 安装新软件;
  • 在“安装”对话框中,在“ 工作日期”字段中输入http://update.eclemma.org/;
  • 检查最新的EclEmma版本,然后按“下一步”;
  • 重启eclipse,即可在java的透视图工具栏中找到coverage启动器,表示安装成功。
  • 使用效果

2.2 GitHub Lab2仓库的URL地址

3 实验过程

3.1 Poetic Walks


  • 完善Graph接口类,并运用泛型的思想,将String拓展为泛型L类;
  • 实现Graph类的方法:add、set、remove、vertices、sources、targets;
  • 利用实现的Graph类,应用图的思想,实现GraphPoet类,如果输入的文本的两个单词之间存在桥接词,则插入该桥接词;若存在多个单一桥接词,则选取边权重较大者。

3.1.1 Get the code and prepare Git repository

git clone https://github.com/rainywang/Spring2020_HITCS_SC_Lab2.git

3.1.2 Problem 1: Test Graph < String >


3.1.3 Problem 2: Implement Graph


节选部分较难实现的方法代码 Implement ConcreteEdgesGraph


  • Edge的功能主要为存储边的3个信息。此外,为了Graph实现方便,增加了判断两条边是否相等的方法。

  • 该类以Edge为基础重写Graph,用集合来存储点和边(Edge),每有Edge的增加就会影响到集合的更改,而点的删除也需要在集合中查询匹配。

  • set()
    public int set(L source, L target, int weight) {
        if (weight < 0)
            throw new RuntimeException("Negative weight");
        if (!vertices.contains(source) || !vertices.contains(target)) {
            if (!vertices.contains(source))
            if (!vertices.contains(target))
        if (source.equals(target)) // source is the same with target, REFUSE to set the Edge.
            return 0;
        // Find the same edge
        Iterator<Edge<L>> it = edges.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Edge<L> edge = it.next();
            if (edge.sameEdge(source, target)) {
                int lastEdgeWeight = edge.weight();
                if (weight > 0) {
                    Edge<L> newEdge = new Edge<L>(source, target, weight);
                return lastEdgeWeight;
        // weight=0 means delete an edge, so it can't be before FINDING
        if (weight == 0)
            return 0;
        // new positive edge
        Edge<L> newEdge = new Edge<L>(source, target, weight);
        return 0;
  • remove()
    public boolean remove(L vertex) {
        if (!vertices.contains(vertex))
            return false;
        edges.removeIf(edge -> edge.source().equals(vertex) || edge.target().equals(vertex));
        return true;
  • JUnit测试 Implement ConcreteVerticesGraph


  • Vertex是点的抽象类,包含3个信息:点的标识、指向该点的边、由该点引出的边。Vertex需要能访问这3个信息,以及增加/删除进边/出边。
  • setInEdges()
	public int setInEdge(L source, int weight) {
		if (weight <= 0)
			return 0;
		Iterator<L> it =inEdges.keySet().iterator();
		while (it.hasNext()) {
		    	L key = it.next();
			if (key.equals(source)) {
				int lastEdgeWeight = inEdges.get(key);
				inEdges.put(source, weight);
				return lastEdgeWeight;
		inEdges.put(source, weight);
		return 0;


  • ConcreteVerticesGraph是以点为基础的图,每个点通过唯一的标识进行区分,set和remove都依赖与Vertex类中的添加和删除操作,sources和targets也调用了Vertex类的方法。

  • set()
	public int set(L source, L target, int weight) {
		if (weight < 0)
			throw new RuntimeException("Negative weight");
		if (source.equals(target))
			return 0;
		Vertex<L> from = null, to = null;
		for (Vertex<L> vertex : vertices) {
			if (vertex.ThisVertex().equals(source))
				from = vertex;
			if (vertex.ThisVertex().equals(target))
				to = vertex;
		if (from == null || to == null)
			throw new NullPointerException("Inexistent vertex");
		int lastEdgeWeight;
		if (weight > 0) {
			lastEdgeWeight = from.setOutEdge(target, weight);
			lastEdgeWeight = to.setInEdge(source, weight);
		} else {
			lastEdgeWeight = from.removeOutEdge(target);
			lastEdgeWeight = to.removeInEdge(source);
		return lastEdgeWeight;
  • remove()
	public boolean remove(L vertex) {
		for (Vertex<L> THIS : vertices) {
			if (THIS.ThisVertex().equals(vertex)) {
				for (Vertex<L> v : vertices) {
					if (THIS.sources().containsKey(v)) {
						// THIS.removeInEdge(v);
					if (THIS.targets().containsKey(v)) {
						// THIS.removeOutEdge(v);
				return true;
		return false;
  • JUnit测试

3.1.4 Problem 3: Implement generic Graph < L > Make the implementations generic

  • 在程序中选择“重构”或选择“String”并选择更改所有匹配项(要注意toString),即可实现泛化类型。 Implement Graph.empty()

  • 使Graph.empty()能返回一个新的空实例。代码如下:
public static Graph<String> empty() {
    return new ConcreteEdgesGraph();

3.1.5 Problem 4: Poetic walks



  • 给定一个语料库corpus,根据corpus中的文本生成一个单词图,然后给定一条语句输入,在图中搜索词之间的关系,自动补全语句中可能可以完善的部分。
  • 图的构建规则是,在corpus中,对每一个不一样的单词看作一个顶点,相邻的单词之间,建立一条有向边,相邻单词对出现的次数,作为这条有向边的权值。在输入信息补全时,对相邻单词A和B做检查,如果存在一个单词C,在图中可以由前一个单词A通过这个单词C到达单词B,那么就在A和B之间补全C,补全的优先级按照权值越大者优先。 Test GraphPoet

  • 在基于预设的测试用例基础上,增加等价类划分的多种情况。
  • 等价类划分:两个单词之间不存在连接词,两个单词之间只有一个连接词,两个单词之间有多个连接词。
  • 此外还要注意句末的句号,测试当一个句子最后一个词是“桥”的一端。 Implement GraphPoet

1. 表示不变量和检查不变量

  • 该应用中的不变量是所有的点都不为空。

2. 构造函数

  • 用文件输入单词,String.split()分割为数组,通过String.toLowerCase()小写化。
int lastEdgeWeight = graph.set(words[i - 1].toLowerCase(), words[i].toLowerCase(), 1);
if (lastEdgeWeight != 0) graph.set(words[i - 1].toLowerCase(), words[i].toLowerCase(), lastEdgeWeight + 1);

3. Poem(String input)

  • 当相邻两个单词任意一个不在之前创建的图里,则将后者单词加入即可(再加个空格)当存在时,由于Bridge长度只能为2,所以:分别求两个单词的sources和targets,将该Map转换为Set求交集;若交集为空,则无桥,若交集不空,则在交集中找最短的桥(可以在Map的value中查询weight)。

  • 求交集

			targets = graph.targets(words[i - 1].toLowerCase());
			sources = graph.sources(words[i].toLowerCase());
			intersection = sources.keySet();
  • 求最大值
			int maxBridge = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
			String bridge = "";
			for (String key : intersection) {
				if (sources.get(key) + targets.get(key) > maxBridge) {
					maxBridge = sources.get(key) + targets.get(key);
					bridge = key;
			} Graph poetry slam

  • 样例“This is a test of the Mugar Omni Theater sound system.”进行测试,测试成功。

  • 修改样例为“This is a the Mugar system Omni Theater sound system test of the.”,测试成功。该样例用于测试极端情况。

  • Junit测试

3.1.6 Before you’re done

请按照 http://web.mit.edu/6.031/www/sp17/psets/ps2/#before_youre_done 的说明,检查你的程序。


3.2 Re-implement the Social Network in Lab1

  • 这部分任务就是用我们在3.1中写的ADT,把第一次实验中的FriendshipGraph重新实现一遍,图中的节点仍然是Person类型,所以泛型L一律为Person. 而对于已经写好的FriendshipGraph中的方法,要用3.1中的Graph ADT中的方法来实现它们。

3.2.1 FriendshipGraph类

  • Graph < Person > graph:
    • 直接调用Graph的静态方法.empty()生成一个空的图。
  • boolean addVertex():
    • 直接调用graph.add()添加点。
  • int addEdge():
    • 调用graph.set()两次,添加双向边,默认权值为1,并记录可能存在的旧边的权值。
  • int getDistance():
    • 首先判断起止点是否相等。再新建Map<Person, Integer> dis表示从起始点开始到该Person的距离,以及Map<Person, Boolean> vis表示该Person是否访问过。将两个Map初始化后,把起点标记为已经访问(所有涉及这两个Map的操作均需要remove后再put,后文不再阐述)。然后开始BFS搜索,找到终点为止。

	 * get Distance of two of them
	 * @param sta path starting person
	 * @param end path ending person
	 * @return distance between 2 persons or -1 when unlinked

	public int getDistance(Person sta, Person end) {
		if (sta.equals(end))
			return 0;
		Map<Person, Integer> dis = new HashMap<>();
		Map<Person, Boolean> vis = new HashMap<>();
		Queue<Person> qu = new LinkedList<Person>();
		Set<Person> persons = graph.vertices();
		for (Person person : persons) {
			dis.put(person, 0);
			vis.put(person, false);
		vis.put(sta, true);
		for (qu.offer(sta); !qu.isEmpty();) {
			Person person = qu.poll();
			for (Map.Entry<Person, Integer> edge : graph.targets(person).entrySet()) {
				Person target = edge.getKey();
				if (!vis.get(target)) {
					vis.put(target, true);
					dis.put(target, dis.get(person) + 1);
					if (target.equals(end))
						return dis.get(target);
		return -1;

3.2.2 Person类

  • 该类的目标是将每一个人对应到一个Person对象,并存储名字的信息。为了防止泄露,我将String Name设置为私有且不可变的。在构造函数中将Name初始化。

3.2.3 客户端main()

public class FriendshipGraphTest {

     * Basic Network Test
    public void Test1() {
        final FriendshipGraph graph = new FriendshipGraph();

        final Person rachel = new Person("Rachel");
        final Person ross = new Person("Ross");
        final Person ben = new Person("Ben");
        final Person kramer = new Person("Kramer");

        assertEquals(true, graph.addVertex(rachel));
        assertEquals(true, graph.addVertex(ross));
        assertEquals(true, graph.addVertex(ben));
        assertEquals(true, graph.addVertex(kramer));

        assertEquals(0, graph.addEdge(rachel, ross));
        assertEquals(1, graph.addEdge(ross, rachel));
        assertEquals(0, graph.addEdge(ross, ben));
        assertEquals(1, graph.addEdge(ben, ross));

        assertEquals(1, graph.getDistance(rachel, ross));
        assertEquals(2, graph.getDistance(rachel, ben));
        assertEquals(0, graph.getDistance(rachel, rachel));
        assertEquals(-1, graph.getDistance(rachel, kramer));

     * Further Test
    public void Test2() {
        final FriendshipGraph graph = new FriendshipGraph();

        final Person a = new Person("A");
        final Person b = new Person("B");
        final Person c = new Person("C");
        final Person d = new Person("D");
        final Person e = new Person("E");
        final Person f = new Person("F");
        final Person g = new Person("G");
        final Person h = new Person("H");
        final Person i = new Person("I");
        final Person j = new Person("J");

        assertEquals(true, graph.addVertex(a));
        assertEquals(true, graph.addVertex(b));
        assertEquals(true, graph.addVertex(c));
        assertEquals(true, graph.addVertex(d));
        assertEquals(true, graph.addVertex(e));
        assertEquals(true, graph.addVertex(f));
        assertEquals(true, graph.addVertex(g));
        assertEquals(true, graph.addVertex(h));
        assertEquals(true, graph.addVertex(i));
        assertEquals(true, graph.addVertex(j));

        assertEquals(0, graph.addEdge(a, b));
        assertEquals(0, graph.addEdge(a, d));
        assertEquals(0, graph.addEdge(b, d));
        assertEquals(0, graph.addEdge(c, d));
        assertEquals(0, graph.addEdge(d, e));
        assertEquals(0, graph.addEdge(c, f));
        assertEquals(0, graph.addEdge(e, g));
        assertEquals(0, graph.addEdge(f, g));
        assertEquals(0, graph.addEdge(h, i));
        assertEquals(0, graph.addEdge(i, j));

        assertEquals(2, graph.getDistance(a, e));
        assertEquals(1, graph.getDistance(a, d));
        assertEquals(3, graph.getDistance(a, g));
        assertEquals(3, graph.getDistance(b, f));
        assertEquals(2, graph.getDistance(d, f));
        assertEquals(2, graph.getDistance(h, j));
        assertEquals(0, graph.getDistance(i, i));
        assertEquals(-1, graph.getDistance(d, j));
        assertEquals(-1, graph.getDistance(c, i));
        assertEquals(-1, graph.getDistance(f, h));


3.2.4 测试用例 简单图测试

  • 根据题目中的社交网络图:

  1. Rachel和Ross距离是1,Rachel和Ben距离是2
  2. Rachel和Rachel距离是0
  3. Rachel和Kramer距离是-1 复杂图测试

  • 设计10个点、10条边的社交网络图:

  1. AE距离2,AD距离1,AG距离3,BF距离3,DF距离2,HJ距离2
  2. II距离0
  3. DJ距离-1,CI距离-1,FH距离-1 Junit测试结果

  • 全部正确。

3.2.5 提交至Git仓库

  • 如何通过Git提交当前版本到GitHub上你的Lab2仓库。
  • 在这里给出你的项目的目录结构树状示意图。

3.3 Playing Chess

思路 / 简化版实现方案

3.3 Playing Chess


  1. 选择游戏类型:创建Game、Board
  2. 输入玩家名字:创建Player、Piece,其中Piece属于Player
  3. 开始游戏,轮流选择功能
  4. 放棋:给定player、piece、x、y
  5. 移动棋(chess):给定player、piece、x1、y1、x2、y2
  6. 提子(go):给定player、x、y
  7. 吃子(chess):给定player、x1、y1、x2、y2
  8. 查询某个位置占用情况:给定x、y
  9. 计算两个玩家分别的棋子总数
  10. 跳过
  11. 结束:输入“end”


3.3.1 ADT设计/实现方案 interface Game



public boolean capture(Player player, Position... positions) {
    if (player == null)
        return false;
    return player.doAction("capture", null, positions) != null;



     * the Map whose keys are the name of pieces, values are the numbers they are on board totally
    private static final Map<String, Integer> piecesSumMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>() {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
            put("P", 8);
            put("R", 2);
            put("N", 2);
            put("B", 2);
            put("Q", 1);
            put("K", 1);
     * the Map whose keys are the name of pieces, values are the coordinates of them
    private static final Map<String, int[][]> piecesPosMap = new HashMap<String, int[][]>() {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
            put("P", new int[][] { { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }, { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 } });
            put("R", new int[][] { { 0, 7 }, { 0, 0 } });
            put("N", new int[][] { { 1, 6 }, { 0, 0 } });
            put("B", new int[][] { { 2, 5 }, { 0, 0 } });
            put("Q", new int[][] { { 3 }, { 0 } });
            put("K", new int[][] { { 4 }, { 0 } });
    public Set<Piece> pieces(boolean firstFlag) {
        Set<Piece> pieces = new HashSet<Piece>();
        for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : piecesSumMap.entrySet()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < entry.getValue(); i++) {
                String pieceName = (firstFlag ? "W" : "B") + entry.getKey() + i; // eg. WB1 BR2 WP3
                Piece piece = new Piece(pieceName, firstFlag, (firstFlag ? player1 : player2));
                // get the coordinate of a specific piece
                int[] X = piecesPosMap.get(entry.getKey())[0];
                int[] Y = piecesPosMap.get(entry.getKey())[1];
                int x = X[i], y = (firstFlag ? Y[i] : CHESS_BOARD_SIDE - Y[i] - 1);
                // put the piece on the position
                piece.modifyPositionAs(board.positionXY(x, y));
                board.positionXY(x, y).modifyPieceAs(piece);
                // add the piece into the piece set of the player
        return pieces;


上图上方三个分别是Game和Game的实现类chessGame和goGame,Board和Game隶属于Game,在不同情况下调用两种实现类,且这两者无法联系,保护了对象的私有数据。 class chessGame

实现chess在Game中的功能。 class goGame

实现go在Game中的功能。 class Board




 * ask object of the position 
 * @param x the x of the asking position
 * @param y the y of the asking position
 * @return object of Position of the (x, y)
public Position positionXY(int x, int y) {
    if (x < 0 || x >= this.N || y < 0 || y >= this.N)
        return null;
    return board[x][y];

 * ask the piece on (x, y) if there isn't null
 * @param x the x of the asking position
 * @param y the y of the asking position
 * @return object of Piece of the (x, y)
public Piece pieceXY(int x, int y) {
    if (positionXY(x, y) == null)
        return null;
    return positionXY(x, y).piece();

 * ask the player who owns the piece of (x, y) or null if not
 * @param x the x of the asking position
 * @param y the y of the asking position
 * @return Player if (x, y) is occupied, null if it's free
public Player XYisFree(int x, int y) {
    if (pieceXY(x, y) == null)
        return null;
    return pieceXY(x, y).player();
  • 此外,棋盘还具备打印功能。以下是实现方案和效果图。
 * print the Board
 * '.' if one position has no piece
 * or the piece' name if not
public void printBoard() {
    for (int i = 0; i < this.N; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < this.N; j++) {
            if (this.pieceXY(i, j) != null) {
                if (game.gameType().equals("chess")) {
                     * the capital letter represents the white piece
                     * the little letter represents the black piece
                    System.out.print((this.pieceXY(i, j).isFirst() ? this.pieceXY(i, j).name().charAt(1)
                            : this.pieceXY(i, j).name().toLowerCase().charAt(1)) + " ");
                } else if (game.gameType().equals("go")) {
                     * the 'B' represents the black pieces
                     * the 'W' represents the white pieces
                    System.out.print(this.pieceXY(i, j).name().charAt(0) + " ");
            } else {
                // if there is no piece
                System.out.print(". ");



棋盘能够管理棋格/点,而根据要求棋盘是不能管理棋子的。因此Board是Game的子类,也是Position的父类。 class Player



寻找棋子时:当以棋子名字查询时,只需在成员变量Set pieces中遍历,判断棋子的名字是否相等即可;而当查询任意一个空闲棋子时,则需判断其position是否为空。此外,Player还能计算本方棋盘上棋子总数。

 * ask the number of pieces
 * @return the number of pieces
public int sumPiece() {
    int sum = 0;
    for (Piece piece : pieces) {
        // calculate the non-null piece
        if (piece.position() != null) {
    return sum;

 * ask any of the free pieces
 * @return a free piece belonging to the player
public Piece freePiece() {
    for (Piece piece : this.pieces) {
        // find a random free piece
        if (piece.position() == null)
            return piece;
    return null;

 * find a piece which owns the same name
 * @param pieceName String of the name of the piece
 * @return piece object of the piece name
public Piece findPieceByName(String pieceName) {
    for (Piece piece : this.pieces) {
        // find the piece whose name is matched with the giving
        if (piece.name().equals(pieceName))
            return piece;
    return null;


 * generate a new action and init the action type
 * @param actionType String of the type of the action
 * @param piece the putting piece when the actionType is "put", null if not
 * @param positions the positions related to the action
 * @return the object of the action created
public Action doAction(String actionType, Piece piece, Position... positions) {
    if (!actionTypes.contains(actionType))
        return null;
    Action action = Action.newAction(this.game.gameType(), this, actionType, piece, positions);
    if (action.askSuccess())
        action = null;
    return action;
} class Position



 * to update the Piece of the Position
 * @param newPiece the new piece that is to modify it as
 * @return true if the Piece updated successfully, false if the new Piece is null
public boolean modifyPieceAs(Piece newPiece) {
    this.piece = newPiece;
    return true;
} class Piece



 * to update the position of the piece
 * @param newPosition the new position that is to modify it as
 * @return true if the position updated successfully, false if the newPosition is null
public boolean modifyPositionAs(Position newPosition) {
    this.position = newPosition;
    return true;
} interface Action



 * generate a new Action of one piece
 * do the action
 * @param gameType String of the type of the game
 * @param player the acting player
 * @param actionType String of the type of the action
 * @param piece the operating piece
 * @param positions the positions related to the action
 * @return an object of a type of Action(chessAction or goAction)
public static Action newAction(String gameType, Player player, String actionType, Piece piece,
        Position... positions) {
    return gameType.equals("chess") ? (new chessAction(player, actionType, piece, positions))
            : (new goAction(player, actionType, piece, positions));

创建新的对象后,依据String actionType执行操作:

 * create and finish the action
 * @param player the operating player
 * @param actionType String of the type of the action
 * @param piece the operating piece
 * @param positions the position related to the action
chessAction(Player player, String actionType, Piece piece, Position... positions) {
    this.player = player;
    this.positions = positions;
    this.piece = piece;
    this.actionType = actionType;
    switch (actionType) {
        case "put":
            this.actionSuccess = (piece != null) && put();
        case "move":
            this.actionSuccess = move();
        case "capture":
            this.actionSuccess = capture();
        case "AskIsFree":
            this.actionSuccess = true;
        case "SumPiece":
            this.actionSuccess = true;
        case "skip":
            this.actionSuccess = true;
            this.actionSuccess = false;

chessAction和goAction分别重写Action中的操作,主要是put()、move()、capture()三个方法。最后通过方法的返回值将结果记录在actionSuccess。 class chessAction



public boolean capture() {
    Position source = this.positions[0], target = this.positions[1];
    // capture requirement: 1. the target can't be null  2. the source can't be null
    // 3. the target must belong to the OPPOSITE  4. the source must belong to this player
    if (target.piece() != null && source.piece() != null && (!target.piece().player().equals(player))
            && source.piece().player().equals(player)) {
        target.piece().modifyPositionAs(null); // the piece capturing removed
        source.piece().modifyPositionAs(target); // captured piece move to the target
        target.modifyPieceAs(source.piece());// move the piece, this must be done before source's piece be null
        source.modifyPieceAs(null);// set the source null
        return true;
    return false;
} class goAction


put()操作在国际象棋和围棋中类似:客户端输入棋的名字(类型即可、无编号),然后game寻找该棋子后输入action对象;board将(x, y)转换为Position对象后输入action对象;最后执行:(以goAction为例)

public boolean put() {
    Position target = this.positions[0];
    // put requirement:
    // 1. the piece of the target can't be null
    // 2. the putting piece can't be null
    // 3. the piece must belong to the player
    if (this.piece.position() == null && target.piece() == null && player.pieces().contains(piece)) {
        return true;
    return false;

3.3.2 主程序MyChessAndGoGame设计/实现方案


  1. 新建游戏和玩家
  2. 选择游戏功能并执行
  3. 打印游戏记录 游戏流程图 程序演示

  • 初始化:
    • 给出提示语,输入游戏类型、玩家双方名字。若创建成功则显示“Game Start”。
  • 游戏功能执行:
    • 请用户选择玩家(输入名字),给出功能菜单,在用户选择后要求用户输入参数,执行功能,返回结果(true/false),打印当前棋盘。

  • 输出记录: 功能实现

  • 初始化:
 * provide 2 choices on screen for users to choose chess or go.
 * generate new Game; 
 * generate new Board;
 * get 2 players' names printed on the screen.
 * generate 2 new Player;
 * generate new Piece belonged to Player;
 * @param args FORMAT
public static void main(String[] args) {
    // scan : 3 String
    System.out.println("Please choose a type of game (chess/go):");
    String gameType = input.nextLine();
    System.out.println("Please write the player1's name (First):");
    String playerName1 = input.nextLine();
    System.out.println("Please write the player2's name (Later):");
    String playerName2 = input.nextLine();
    // new objects
    final Game game = Game.newGame(gameType);
    final Player player1 = new Player(game, playerName1, true);
    final Player player2 = new Player(game, playerName2, false);
    game.setPlayers(player1, player2);
    player1.pieces = game.pieces(true);
    player2.pieces = game.pieces(false);
    // gaming
    // actions
    printRecord(game, player1, player2);
    System.out.println("That's All! See You Next Time!");
  • 功能执行:
 * provide 7 choices including; 
 * 1. to put a piece : put(); 
 * 2. to move a piece : move(); 
 * 3. to capture particular piece(s) : capture(); 
 * 4. ask whether a position is free or not : isFree(); 
 * 5. calculate the sum of the pieces on the
 * board : sumPiece(); 
 * 6. skip : skip() 
 * 7. print "end" : end()
 * @param game the object of the game
private static void GAME(Game game) {
    boolean endFlag = false;
    System.out.println("Game Start!");
    while (!endFlag) {
        System.out.println("Please choose a player:");
        String playerName = input.next();
        endFlag = playerActing(game, game.choosePlayerByName(playerName));

 * The chosen player is operating one choice
 * @param game the object of the game
 * @param player the object of the operating player
 * @return true if the player choose ending the game, false if not
private static boolean playerActing(Game game, Player player) {
    // menu
    System.out.println("Please choose an action type:");
    System.out.println("1. put");
    System.out.println(game.gameType().equals("chess") ? "2. move" : "");
    System.out.println("3. capture");
    System.out.println("4. ask: (x, y) is free?");
    System.out.println("5. ask: sum of both players' pieces");
    System.out.println("6. skip the choose");
    System.out.println("7. end the game");
    // input information
    String pieceName = "";
    int x1, y1; // source
    int x2, y2; // target
    // catch choice
    System.out.print("Your Choice is:");
    int choice = input.nextInt();
    while (choice > 0 && choice <= 7) { // prepare the probable wrong choice
        switch (choice) {
            case 1: // put
                if (game.gameType().equals("chess")) {
                    pieceName = input.next("Piece Name (eg. WQ0 BP2): ");
                System.out.print("The (x, y) of the target: ");
                x1 = input.nextInt();
                y1 = input.nextInt();
                // choose a piece freely if go
                // get the particular piece if chess
                Piece puttingPiece = game.gameType().equals("chess") ? player.findPieceByName(pieceName)
                        : player.freePiece();
                // print result
                System.out.println(game.put(player, puttingPiece, game.board().positionXY(x1, y1)));
                return false;
            case 2: // move
                System.out.print("The (x, y) of both source and target: ");
                x1 = input.nextInt();
                y1 = input.nextInt();
                x2 = input.nextInt();
                y2 = input.nextInt();
                        game.move(player, game.board().positionXY(x1, y1), game.board().positionXY(x2, y2)));
                return false;
            case 3: // capture
                if (game.gameType().equals("chess")) {
                    System.out.print("The (x, y) of both source and target: ");
                    x1 = input.nextInt();
                    y1 = input.nextInt();
                    x2 = input.nextInt();
                    y2 = input.nextInt();
                            game.capture(player, game.board().positionXY(x1, y1), game.board().positionXY(x2, y2)));
                } else if (game.gameType().equals("go")) {
                    System.out.print("The (x, y) of the target: ");
                    x1 = input.nextInt();
                    y1 = input.nextInt();
                    System.out.println(game.capture(player, game.board().positionXY(x1, y1)));
                return false;
            case 4: // is free?
                System.out.print("The (x, y) of the questioning grid: ");
                x1 = input.nextInt();
                y1 = input.nextInt();
                Player here = game.isFree(player, x1, y1);
                System.out.println(here == null ? "Free" : here.name());
                return false;
            case 5: // sum of pieces
                Map<Player, Integer> sumPiece = game.sumPiece(player); // two players' sum of pieces
                System.out.println(game.player1().name() + ":" + sumPiece.get(game.player1()) + " pieces");
                System.out.println(game.player2().name() + ":" + sumPiece.get(game.player2()) + " pieces");
                return false;
            case 6: // skip
                return false;
            case 7: // end
                System.out.println("The Game is ended.");
                return true;
        System.out.println("Input WRONG, Please choose again:");
    return false;
  • 打印记录:
 * after the game is ended, to print both players' records of the game.
 * @param game the object of the game
 * @param player1 the object of the first hand player
 * @param player2 the object of the later hand player
private static void printRecord(Game game, Player player1, Player player2) {
    System.out.println("\nAll of the Actions Record are followed.");
    // get the record of the actions
    List<Action> actions1 = player1.actions();
    List<Action> actions2 = player2.actions();
    System.out.println("\n" + player1.name() + "'s Actions:");
    // print their action types
    for (int i = 0; i < actions1.size(); i++) {
        if (actions1.get(i) != null)
            System.out.println(i + ": " + actions1.get(i).actionType());
    System.out.println("\n" + player2.name() + "'s Actions:");
    for (int i = 0; i < actions2.size(); i++) {
        if (actions2.get(i) != null)
            System.out.println(i + ": " + actions2.get(i).actionType());

3.3.3 ADT和主程序的测试方案

分别测试国际象棋和围棋,测试类分别为ChessTest和GoTest。由于国际象棋的测试比围棋困难,约束也比围棋多,因此设计ChessTest后进行一定更改就可以测试围棋。以下以chess为例,设计ADT测试方案。 testInit()


public void testInit() {
    final Game game = Game.newGame("chess");
    assertNotEquals(null, game);
    final Player player1 = new Player(game, "p1", true);
    assertNotEquals(null, player1);
    final Player player2 = new Player(game, "p2", false);
    assertNotEquals(null, player2);
    assertEquals(true, game.setPlayers(player1, player2));
    player1.pieces = game.pieces(true);
    assertNotEquals(Collections.EMPTY_SET, player1.pieces());
    player2.pieces = game.pieces(false);
    assertNotEquals(Collections.EMPTY_SET, player2.pieces());
} testPiece()


public void testPiece() {
    // init
    final Game game = Game.newGame("chess");
    final Player player1 = new Player(game, "p1", true);
    final Player player2 = new Player(game, "p2", false);
    game.setPlayers(player1, player2);
    player1.pieces = game.pieces(true);
    player2.pieces = game.pieces(false);

    // Piece.modifyAsPosition
    for (Piece piece : player1.pieces()) {
        assertSame(piece, piece.position().piece());
} testBoard


  1. printBoard()打印出棋盘;
  2. positionXY()返回的Position对象不为空,并且当位置有棋子是判断棋子的名字是否和期望一样;
  3. pieceXY()返回的棋名字一样;
  4. XYisFree()分别测试有棋子和没棋子的情况
public void testBoard() {
    // init
    final Game game = Game.newGame("chess");
    final Player player1 = new Player(game, "p1", true);
    final Player player2 = new Player(game, "p2", false);
    game.setPlayers(player1, player2);
    player1.pieces = game.pieces(true);
    player2.pieces = game.pieces(false);

    // Board.printBoard()
    assertTrue(game.move(player1, game.board().positionXY(0, 1), game.board().positionXY(0, 3)));
    assertTrue(game.capture(player2, game.board().positionXY(0, 6), game.board().positionXY(0, 3)));

    // Board.PositionXY(x, y)
    assertNotNull(game.board().positionXY(0, 1));
    assertNotNull(game.board().positionXY(4, 6));
    assertEquals("BP4", game.board().positionXY(4, 6).piece().name());
    assertNull(game.board().positionXY(3, 3).piece());

    // Board.pieceXY(x, y)
    assertEquals("WR0", game.board().pieceXY(0, 0).name());
    assertEquals("BP5", game.board().pieceXY(5, 6).name());

    // Board.XYisFree(x, y)
    assertEquals(null, game.board().XYisFree(4, 5));
    assertEquals(player1, game.board().XYisFree(1, 1));
    assertEquals(player2, game.board().XYisFree(7, 6));

} testPosition()


  1. 测试位置的棋子的名字;
  2. 测试查看横纵坐标、所属玩家(当无棋子时,可能为空);
  3. 测试更改position的piece
public void testPosition() {
    // init
    final Game game = Game.newGame("chess");
    final Player player1 = new Player(game, "p1", true);
    final Player player2 = new Player(game, "p2", false);
    game.setPlayers(player1, player2);
    player1.pieces = game.pieces(true);
    player2.pieces = game.pieces(false);

    // Position.piece()
    assertEquals("BQ0", game.board().positionXY(3, 7).piece().name());
    assertEquals("WK0", game.board().positionXY(4, 0).piece().name());

    // Position.x()
    assertEquals(4, game.board().positionXY(4, 0).x());

    // Position.y()
    assertEquals(5, game.board().positionXY(2, 5).y());

    // Position.player()
    assertEquals(player2, game.board().positionXY(6, 6).player());

    // Position.modify
    assertEquals(player1, game.board().XYisFree(1, 1));
    assertEquals(true, game.board().positionXY(1, 1).modifyPieceAs(null));
    assertNull(game.board().XYisFree(1, 1));
} testPlayer()


  1. 测试双方先后手的标签;
  2. 测试player所属游戏;
  3. 测试player拥有的所有pieces,是否在对应坐标的棋盘位置上存在;
    public void testPlayer() {
        // init
        final Game game = Game.newGame("chess");
        final Player player1 = new Player(game, "p1", true);
        final Player player2 = new Player(game, "p2", false);
        game.setPlayers(player1, player2);
        player1.pieces = game.pieces(true);
        player2.pieces = game.pieces(false);

        // Player.isFirst()
        assertEquals(true, player1.isFirst());
        assertEquals(false, player2.isFirst());

        // Player.game()
        assertEquals(game, player2.game());

        // Player.pieces()
        for (int i = 0; i < game.board().boardLength(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < game.board().boardLength(); j++) {
                if (game.board().pieceXY(i, j) != null)
                    assertEquals(true, player1.pieces().contains(game.board().pieceXY(i, j))
                            || player2.pieces().contains(game.board().pieceXY(i, j)));
} testPut()


  1. 当选定棋子在棋盘上/不在棋盘上时;
  2. 当棋子放的位置有/无棋子;
public void testPut() {
    // init
    final Game game = Game.newGame("chess");
    final Player player1 = new Player(game, "p1", true);
    final Player player2 = new Player(game, "p2", false);
    game.setPlayers(player1, player2);
    player1.pieces = game.pieces(true);
    player2.pieces = game.pieces(false);
    // put
    assertEquals(false, game.put(player1, player1.findPieceByName("WP0"), game.board().positionXY(0, 1)));
    assertEquals(false, game.put(player2, player2.findPieceByName("BN1"), game.board().positionXY(5, 4)));
    // After capture
    assertTrue(game.capture(player2, game.board().positionXY(0, 6), game.board().positionXY(0, 1)));
    assertTrue(game.put(player1, player1.findPieceByName("WP0"), game.board().positionXY(0, 6)));
} testMove()


  1. 选定格的棋子是否为本方;
  2. 选定格的棋子是否存在
  3. 目标格的棋子是否为空;
  4. 移动之后选定格格子是否为空,而目标格是否不空且为之前选定格的棋子;
public void testMove() {
    // init
    final Game game = Game.newGame("chess");
    final Player player1 = new Player(game, "p1", true);
    final Player player2 = new Player(game, "p2", false);
    game.setPlayers(player1, player2);
    player1.pieces = game.pieces(true);
    player2.pieces = game.pieces(false);

    // move
    assertEquals(true, game.move(player1, game.board().positionXY(0, 1), game.board().positionXY(0, 3)));
    assertNull(game.board().positionXY(0, 1).piece());
    assertNotNull(game.board().positionXY(0, 3).piece());
    assertEquals(false, game.move(player1, game.board().positionXY(0, 1), game.board().positionXY(0, 4)));
    assertEquals(false, game.move(player2, game.board().positionXY(6, 0), game.board().positionXY(5, 2)));
    assertEquals(true, game.move(player1, game.board().positionXY(1, 0), game.board().positionXY(2, 2)));
    assertEquals(false, game.move(player1, game.board().positionXY(1, 0), game.board().positionXY(0, 2)));
    assertNull(game.board().positionXY(0, 2).piece());
    assertNull(game.board().positionXY(1, 0).piece());
    assertEquals(false, game.move(player2, game.board().positionXY(3, 7), game.board().positionXY(4, 7)));
    assertEquals(false, game.move(player1, game.board().positionXY(2, 2), game.board().positionXY(4, 1)));
    assertNotNull(game.board().positionXY(4, 1).piece());
    assertNotNull(game.board().positionXY(2, 2).piece());
    assertEquals(true, game.move(player2, game.board().positionXY(0, 6), game.board().positionXY(0, 1)));
    assertEquals(player2, game.board().positionXY(0, 1).piece().player());
    assertEquals("BP0", game.board().positionXY(0, 1).piece().name());
    assertEquals(player1, game.board().positionXY(0, 3).piece().player());

    // sumPiece
    assertEquals(16, player2.sumPiece());
} testCaptureAndPut()


  1. 吃子的起始格是否为本方;
  2. 吃子的起始格是否为空;
  3. 吃子的目标格是否为对方;
  4. 吃子的目标格是否为空;
  5. 查看吃子之后两个格子的棋子名字是否为期望;
    public void testCaptureAndPut() {
        // init
        final Game game = Game.newGame("chess");
        final Player player1 = new Player(game, "p1", true);
        final Player player2 = new Player(game, "p2", false);
        game.setPlayers(player1, player2);
        player1.pieces = game.pieces(true);
        player2.pieces = game.pieces(false);
        // capture
        assertEquals(true, game.capture(player1, game.board().positionXY(0, 1), game.board().positionXY(0, 6)));
        assertEquals(false, game.capture(player1, game.board().positionXY(1, 1), game.board().positionXY(2, 1)));
        assertEquals(false, game.capture(player1, game.board().positionXY(1, 1), game.board().positionXY(1, 3)));
        assertEquals(true, game.capture(player1, game.board().positionXY(0, 6), game.board().positionXY(1, 6)));
        assertEquals(false, game.capture(player1, game.board().positionXY(1, 1), game.board().positionXY(1, 6)));
        assertEquals("WP0", game.board().pieceXY(1, 6).name());
        assertSame(player1.findPieceByName("WP0"), game.board().pieceXY(1, 6));
        assertEquals(true, game.capture(player1, game.board().positionXY(2, 1), game.board().positionXY(2, 6)));
        assertEquals(13, player2.sumPiece());
        // put
        assertEquals("BP1", player2.findPieceByName("BP1").name());
        assertNull(game.board().positionXY(0, 4).piece());
        assertTrue(game.put(player2, player2.findPieceByName("BP0"), game.board().positionXY(0, 4)));
        assertFalse(game.put(player2, player2.findPieceByName("BP1"), game.board().positionXY(0, 4)));
        assertFalse(game.put(player1, player2.findPieceByName("BP1"), game.board().positionXY(0, 4)));
        assertFalse(game.put(player2, player2.findPieceByName("BP0"), game.board().positionXY(0, 4)));
        assertFalse(game.put(player2, player1.findPieceByName("BP1"), game.board().positionXY(1, 4)));
        assertNull(game.board().positionXY(8, -1));
        assertFalse(game.put(player2, player2.findPieceByName("BP2"), game.board().positionXY(8, -1)));
} ChessTest测试结果 GoTest测试结果

4 实验进度记录

日期 时间段 计划任务 实际完成情况
2020-03-09 晚上 初始化项目 完成
2020-03-10 中午 Problem1 3.1.1-3.1.2 完成
2020-03-10 晚上 Problem1 Edge Graph 完成
2020-03-11 晚上 Problem1 Vertex Graph 完成
2020-03-12 下午 通过Graph Instance Test 完成
2020-03-12 晚上 Problem1 3.1.5 Graph Poet 完成
2020-03-13 上午 Problem1 3.1.5 Test 完成
2020-03-13 上午 Problem2 3.2整体完成 完成
2020-03-13 晚上 Problem3 设计框架 写AF&RI 完成
2020-03-14 上午 Problem3 完成框架 完成
2020-03-14 下午 实现Action接口、Player、Board、Position、Piece具体功能 完成
2020-03-14 晚上 完善上述功能,修改bug 完成
2020-03-15 上午 实现Game接口、chessAction、goAction功能 完成
2020-03-15 晚上 实现chessGame、goGame功能,调试测试用例 完成
2020-03-16 晚上 通过chessGame测试 完成
2020-03-17 下午 通过goGame测试 完成
2020-03-17 晚上 验收完成 完成




