

On April 13 this month, the operations circle got breaking news.


Of course it's the 9th Global OPS (GOPS) Summit held at Sentosa Hotel! 


As the first conference in the operations industry, this summit is organized jointly by GreatOPS and OOPSA. In the summit, Internet and traditional industry insiders as well as technicians from the operations field disseminate advanced technical concepts and thoughts and share best practices in the industry.


So far the GOPS summit has been held for 8 times, with more than 20,000 participants. The summit in different cities is always the largest high-level operations event in the region and more than 95% of the participants are satisfied with and willing to recommend the event. 

今年深圳站侧重方向是 AIOps、运维自动化和 DevOps。

This year, the GOPS summit in Shenzhen focused on AIOps, automated operations and DevOps. 


Also there were some featured sessions in the summit, including the Tencent Operation System (all-day) session, gold partners session, big data session, and sessions for financial case, infrastructure, operation management, docker and micro-service.  


More than 1000 guests showed up in the two days. Many gathered at our booth, enthusiastically inquired about our service and discussed on related technology. We had such a happy time that we even forgot about the tiredness. We also prepared some gifts: after scanning the QR code on a visitor's name badge,we gave away an elaborately designed pen. 

感谢大家的热情咨询!希望您喜欢来自郡星科技的小礼品THANKS FOR INQUIRY! HOPE YOU LIKE THE GIFT.    


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