

update tms_order too set too.DELIVERY_TYPE = 'CITY' WHERE too.id IN(
	select  o.id from tms_order o
	LEFT JOIN tms_translocation tt on tt.id = o.TO_LOCATION_ID
	LEFT JOIN tms_city tc on tc.id = tt.city_id
	LEFT JOIN tms_translocation ft on ft.id = o.FROM_LOCATOIN_ID
	LEFT JOIN tms_city fc on fc.id = ft.city_id
	where o.CONSIGNER_ID <> 8
	and  tc.id = fc.ID
	and tc.id is not NULL
	and o.TO_LOCATION_ID is not NULL


create table tmp as 
select o.id as o_id from tms_order o
LEFT JOIN tms_translocation tt on tt.id = o.TO_LOCATION_ID
LEFT JOIN tms_city tc on tc.id = tt.city_id
LEFT JOIN tms_translocation ft on ft.id = o.FROM_LOCATOIN_ID
LEFT JOIN tms_city fc on fc.id = ft.city_id
where o.CONSIGNER_ID <> 8
and  tc.id <> fc.ID
and tc.id is not NULL
and o.TO_LOCATION_ID is not NULL;
UPDATE tms_order  set DELIVERY_TYPE = 'NYMPHUOUTSIDE' WHERE id IN (select o_id from tmp); 
drop table tmp;

