
IIT CS 480 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

github: https://github.com/IIT-MAI-2020Fall

We will learn about several search algorithms, one of which is the A* algorithm. The A* algorithm and its variants are still used in several real-world applications, including route planning and more. A* search was first invented in 1960s for the first general-purpose AI robot in the world: SHAKEY!

Please watch the following YouTube videos:

  1. Shakey the Robot: The First Robot to Embody Artificial Intelligence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bsEN8mwUB8

  2. The Impact of SHAKEY the Robot on the Mars Rovers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FavhRFoEYuQ

Unfortunately, our discussion is not going to be about Shakey in particular but about robots in general. Please answer the following questions:

  1. Why do you think many people think of robots when they hear the term AI?

  2. Discuss an artificially intelligent robot from a movie or a science fiction novel. What are its defining characteristics?

  3. Why do you think the AI robots are often created/visualized in the shape of a human or sometimes an animal?

  1. Why do you think many people think of robots when they hear the term AI?

From the perspective of the words.
The word “artificial” means “made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, especially as a copy of something natural.” (from Oxford Dictionary).
The word “intelligent” is used to describe people.“A person or being with the ability to acquire and apply knowledge.”(from Oxford Dictionary)
So artificial intelligence is literally an humanoid device made by human beings.

From the perspective of industrial chain, the basic layer of AI includes chip, data service, data platform and framework; the technical layer includes computer vision, NLP, motion control, path planning, etc; the application layer includes smart driving, smart healthcare, smart finance, smart home, new retail, personalized recommendation, and robotics.
The application layer is closer to the life of consumers, and people’s perception of the application layer will be more sensitive.

From the perspective of venture capital, robots are suitable for hype, because almost all netizens have an understanding of the definition of robot in their minds.There is no extra cost to cultivate their knowledge of a high-tech thing.

From the perspective of technical performance, robot is indeed a comprehensive application of AI technology visualization, covering motion control, path planning, computer vision, natural language processing and other technologies.

  1. Discuss an artificially intelligent robot from a movie or a science fiction novel. What are its defining characteristics?

In terms of appearance, robots in science fiction are often humanoid or alien.

In terms of conduct, we can look to Isaac Asimov, the father of science fiction.He defined the three laws of robotics in his novel


First Law:A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
Second Law:A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
Third Law:A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

Later science fiction about robots basically follows three laws.

  1. Why do you think the AI robots are often created/visualized in the shape of a human or sometimes an animal?

In my opinion, this is due to the limitations of the human imagination.
Because in the process of understanding the unknown, humans often use the method “analogy”.
“Anthropomorphism” is the most common form of human imagination. It contributes to the spread of scientific knowledge, literary works or ideas.


